
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Saturday, 2 December 2017

GH recap November 30th 2017

Good Morning me lovelies  lots of exciting things happened on the episode of November 30th 2017.

I have to tell you I love it when my boys  Jason and Sonny are doing scenes together ,  have I mentioned how much I adore  Steve Burton and Maurice Benard , any time they are in scenes together a smile comes on my face.

Sonny was on the phone with Puerto Rico and he tells Jason he needs him to go down there to sort things out for him.

Excuse me for being logical here folks , but they've not yet established who is who and what's what yet.

Jason doesn't have his passport so how the hell is he going to manage to get into the country without it.

Its called continuity guys , you have to you logic and not jump the gun without someone having proper identification at least.

Sonny tells him that in the mean time they got someone they need to speak to that will have the answers Jason needs concerning Faison.

Yea umm if you're talking about  Obrecht she ain't gonna tell you shit fellas I know this for a

And she arrives right on time too lol with her snotty manner along with her. LOL

This is why I love Lisel she's straight to the freaking point.She knows Sonny will not stand for nonsense or lies lol.

Jordan tells  Andre if he ever loved her like he said he did then he needs to come clean and help prove who is the real Jason Morgan.

This guy is so evasive and stupid he irritates the bloody hell out of me.

He needs to do the decent thing and do what everyone asks him to.

He tells Jordan that he's not going back to the states that the people who hired him will find him and cause trouble for him if he goes back. 

Andre sure has a death wish, if he doesn't go back with Jordan Sonny will send his men to hunt him down like a dog and I'm not kidding.

Over at the penthouse Sam arrives home and they discuss Aurora and the whole other Jason situation. You know as much as I love  Kelly Monaco and Billy Miller , they do a great job as Jason 2 and  Sam.

There's been a lot of fan base wars over whose the better Jason and this has got to stop, I mean the guy is just doing his job and Steve is just doing his, so why don't we all enjoy the show instead of bickering eh.

Sorry I got side tracked for  a minute that's all I wanted to say.

Jason 2 and Sam discuss  Joss and Oscar and what they were up to. Sam seems to think that Jason  knew Kim some how and he denies all knowledge.

Over at GH Elizabeth meet's Oscars mother and she tells her that she will like GH more than she did at Mercy.

I bet she will, I am half expecting them to get into a scrap like the old days, but then I remembered Tamara isn't playing Carly lol.

Lisel makes herself comfortable in Sonny's office with him giving her a coffee to drink,  I thought it was a might bit amusing that they showed him playing host to this woman who everyone can't stand but I sure as hell love her.

True to form , and not letting  Sonny or Jason make demands or let them frighten her, she tells them that  her son Nathan is a police detective, he knows where she is and informs them if she meets an unfortunate end  Nathan will know who to blame and arrest.

LOL , she then tells them that she only knows that Jason would be an invaluable asset of some sort and then she said , and if that's all you wanted to know I'll be leaving now.

She promptly left like a bat out of hell , I guess even as scary and evil as she is she knows these two by their reputations. Not the type of guys you want to piss off .

Jason leaves the office and sees Spinelli, gosh darn it my little heart was fluttering with happiness.

I love  Spinelli and Jason and their brotherly friendship. You can't fault them for it, and even off screen these two are just as magical.

Making us fans laugh with their  goofiness.

The next two scenes are what every teenager dreads. You know what I'm talking about guys when you're mother decides its time for you to get a telling off.

Its like a prisoner going off to the stocks, or getting ready for their heads to be lobbed off.

The moment you're mother demands to know what the hell you're playing at sneaking out late at night without permission.

Oscar tells Kim he knows that she had a bad reaction to seeing Jason Morgan and that this Drew guy meant something to her.

He tells her he has a right to know who his dad is and  I can't say I blame him.

Andre still refuses to tell Jordan anything and Curtis can't believe she's being that soft with him.

Telling him that he needs to do the decent thing.

Slap the freaking cuffs on the bloody bastard and have done with it. Who cares about the Cuban jurisdiction laws.

Yes I know I'm a tough nut and I frankly don't care he was working for someone who messed with both men's lives and I'm not okay with it.

Spinelli tells Jason he's glad he's back , but then proceeds to tell him that  he married his brother and Sam when he thought he was him.

Spin feels horrible for making a huge faux pas

Jason tells him not to worry about it. its fine.

But good ole spin is relieved to hear that Jason is not angry with him.

Oh dar or dear what do we have here Josslyn being read the riot attack by mommy lol, I can't say I blame Carly one bit this kid shouldn't be sneaking out of the house late at night its not safe for young people or anyone these days. 

And for Josslyn its especially not safe since her stepdad is a mob boss it doesn't bode well for anyone.

Oscar is understandingly pissed at his mother for not being forthcoming with the truth. She tells him that she doesn't want to get fired on her first day on the job so they'll talk about this when she gets home.

Yep its grounding time guys these kids are way to cocky taking chances and thinking they won't get told off by their mothers lol its a fools game.

Franco is shown rambling at the DA about Jason and how he attacked him. Franco doesn't think he had a good reason to.

LOL I don't care what anyone says  Franco cracks me up, may not be the sanest of people but you can't deny he's been good for Elizabeth and the kids

Elizabeth arrives and she asks the DA if she can have a word with Franco alone. 

He obliges and leaves the room.

She tells Franco to drop the charges as Jason has been through enough already and doesn't need this doing to him.

Franco tells her " But he attacked me in front of witnesses" She says " I know, but if this man is Jason he's lost 5 years of his life and we need to be understanding"

Carly goes to the penthouse to see  Jason 2 and she talks about Jason and him and what he must be going through.

The visit started okay until she says something in support of the real Jason. I still think I don't trust him cause he hates the real Jason way too much.

Diane walks in to see Sason and she tells them and Spinelli whose there that  its time for the arraignment , but that she wants to find a way to get him out of this.

Lord have Mercy if  Diane can do it no one else can.

 Jason 2 acts like a spoiled brat who throws his toys out of his pram for the hell of it.

If he doesn't get his way he acts like a jerk and a hurtful one at that.

He tells Carly to go to hell, Oh geez such a nice guy NOT. The real Jason would never tell Miss Carly to go to hell EVER.

Diane and the DA have a tete a tete about the whole Franco Jason mess,  will Franco do the decent thing or won't he

LOL this one just kills me lol Jason with his arms folded talking about Franco and about the charges against him. Jason is told not to  make any death threats in the police station by Diane which made perfect scene to me but Jason doesn't care much for rules and never has, except his own set of rules.

Franco walks out of the interrogation room and comes face to face with Jason.

He tells him that he was medically incapable of stopping himself from doing what he did to people because he had a tumor.

He also tells Jason that he on the other hand  had full control of what he does and yet he's the bad guy. LOL Boom there he said it.

I love Jason but he so needed to be told this .

Carly and Jason and Sam arrive to find out what the hell is going on.

They've all been asked to be there 

Jason 2 is still copping an attitude and in my opinion it needs to be adjusted immediately.

Perhaps a beat down would suffice.

In the meantime Obrecht is shown on the phone with Faison and she tells him that  people are starting to ask questions about what happened with Jason Morgan.

He's in hiding somewhere, she tells him they're looking for you.

LOL Oscar and Josslyn talk about how there has to be a way to find out if Drew is his father or not.

Josslyn says she knows what they need to do.......

And pulls out a glass she stole from the Morgan residents. LOL Yep you are you're mothers daughter.

I love You Josslyn John Jacks lol

Elizabeth tells Franco one day she hopes that they'll see him for the good man he actually is.

Don't count on it princess lol, they're not a very forgiving lot.

So don't count your chickens before they hatch.

You know that saying about the condemned man walking lol well that would be Andre lol and Sonny made me laugh when he said " Look who it is the man with all the answers"

But the question on everyone's lips is will he actually be forthcoming with the truth or will be be evasive to the point where people want to kick his head in.

God only knows but Andre knows he's in deep shit.

Until next time guys , have a wonderful day , will Andre tell the truth, will we actually find out where Faison knows.

Will Josslyn sent the glass in for a dna test 

God only knows but we will have to find out on the next gh.

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