Good morning me lovelies and welcome to my GH Review of the All About Ava Episode which aired January 17th 2018.
First and foremost I have to give major props to the cast and crew for the way they presented this episode which was all about you guessed it Ava Jerome ,who is played by the freaking amazingly talented Maura West.
I know a few people were confused by the whole thing, and some people didn't particularly like it as it centred around a character they despise, but for me I loved the whole concept of it.
Ava was due for surgery on her face and she had a conversation with Julian, and then she had run ins with the people who she pissed off or hurt in the past.
Sonny and Carly were harsh with her , and you can't blame them one bit , but we know this was all apart of Ava's dream while she was under the knife getting her surgery done.
In this dream a dark haired girl with dark eyes was texting her and following her around and it was freaking her out.
Her subconscious perhaps was telling her she was nasty and evil to The Corinthos family and this was pay back for all that she did to them and their family. She after all was responsible for switching Morgan's meds which lead him to spiral out of control which lead to the explosion that killed him.
She had visits from both Morgan Corinthos and Connie Falconari who have been gone for quite some time now.
Morgan upon his visit with her telling her about what happened to him in the explosion, and he was telling her pretty much the same thing that Jason had told people that someone was after him.
Perhaps in her dream like state she was confusing things , that's my take on it anyways.
We saw Ava with Franco who had done a portrait of her and it was later unveiled of Ava with her scar on her face.
We also had a front row seat with her having a run in with a girl who was nameless for half the episode, Ava was chasing her trying to get her to talk to her.
Laura was down right nasty to her in the dream and Nina well pretty much the same thing.
Kiki and Griff in her dream were pretty much the same except for when Connie Falconari who Ava shot and killed back in August 2014 made her feelings known to Ava.
Connie knew things about Ava that no one else knew , and her ghost taunted Ava in the dream calling her out for the shit she did to her and to other people as well.
Then the piece de resistance was the reveal that the girl that was texting her , taunting her, stalking her was none other than a grown up Avery who called her mother out on her bull shit.
And then it happened Kiki and Griff turned their backs on her in this dream, in the back of her mind I believe Ava felt that eventually they too would have ill will towards her.
Watch the clip below to see the All about Ava episode
GH All about Ava 01-17-18
In my own opinion this was the best episode that GH has done in a long time, perhaps with this dream Ava had she'll begin to realize that she is responsible for her own actions, that blaming Connie and the Corinthos family and even Nina was not exactly the best thing to do.
People do make mistakes , they do things and say things they later regret, some things they can't take back or make better because they switched someone's meds and made them spiral out of control, or they kill an innocent person out of anger because that person could expose them for the snake that they actually are.
This wasn't a redemption episode of any kind, this wasn't supposed to make us feel sorry for Ava, but this dream she had was any eye opener to her.
To make her realize that the people she hurt aren't going to forgive and forget easily, that in affect she brought all of this on herself for being the way she is. No amount of I'm sorry's is going to bring back the people's whose lives she stole.
The fast pace of the scenes drew me in from the get go and I have to say again massive Kudos GH this was superior work.
Maura deserves a best actress award based on this epiode alone .
I can't wait for the next GH , superior writing team, Amazing actors , makes this fan come back every day begging for more.
You can't knock perfection, and that's why this fan has been a fan for 38 years.
Until next time guys have a great day and Happy GH watching.
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