Good Afternoon me lovelies and welcome to another edition of GHC's daily recaps , Yesterday's show for January 16th 2018 was full of drama lol.
Sometimes I watch this show and shake my head don't get me wrong I love it but I can't stand it when things just go from bad to worse and the characters can't handle certain situations without having a nuclear melt down over something they shouldn't be worried about in the first place lol. Carly just needs to take a deep breath and pray that she doesn't cock this one up.
But this is GH so we have to expect it don't we guys?
What with Carly freaking out and having the " Sex talk with Josslyn it also was going on with Oscar too . I felt sorry for the mom's Carly and Kim having to even deal with this at all.
These scenes cracked me the hell up
The kids should have told their mom's straight off what the truth was and then we wouldn't have all the drama that ended up ensuing lol. But that's Carly in a nutshell isn't it lol. She just assumes things she shouldn't and then has open mouth insert foot syndrome lol . I love her for it though she wouldn't be Carly if she wasn't doing that.
But it wasn't just Carly who was having problems with their kids , Elizabeth had no freaking idea that Jake had gone to see Drew at Aurora. Jake asked his Drew to come to his father son day at school. Drew tried to speak to Jake without upsetting him about his dad and immediately contacted Elizabeth to help him with the situation.
When Elizabeth arrived at Drew's office she and Drew talked to him about Jason because he expressed that he wasn't wanting to be forced into being around his real dad .
Its sad really that the poor kid has to deal with this shit at all.
But I'm glad that Drew and Elizabeth told him he needs to give Jason a chance because he's been through what Jake has because of Helena, that's right guys everyone needs a chance to prove themselves and get used to their surroundings again and I'm glad Jake listened to them.
Oh and lets not forget Nelle and Michael got the DNA test results turns out he's a daddy after all.
As much as I hate Nelle at this point in time I think we can afford to give her the benefit of the doubt and believe that she is on the up and up. Ava did her no favors by sticking her nose in and bad mouthing the Corinthos family at all. I think its disgusting that she would even give her advice.
I loved Nelle telling the baby that he or she shouldn't listen to Ava lol and that they will be a family with Michael. I love the fact Nelle is listening to Carly for once and seeing Ava for the conniving bitch she is. I love the fact that Joss and Oscar also are telling their mom's about the bullying going on and how they are sticking up for their friend it shows they have good hearts these kids.
Michael called Jason and asked him to meet up with him after he was reading the correspondence with PK Sinclair. Its really becoming crazy with this storyline but I welcome all of it .
Michael is at Kelly's all nervous and stuff , he tells Jason he doesn't know how he's going to handle being a dad. Jason tells him that he can do it and don't even worry about Nelle. He tells him about how he felt being his dad for that short time , and how he taught him so much about being a dad.
Its scenes like this that make me love the sweet natured guy Jason really is , most people see stone cold Jason Morgan the Mob Enforcer. I see Jason Morgan, father, uncle , Son, husband, dad and best friend.
The person everyone goes to for advice, who makes people smile, feel better and tells them to count to 10 when they are getting way too angry about things that are going on . He just is the kindest man and I love the fact that Michael feels so comfortable talking to his dad about the whole Nelle situation,
Oscar tells his mom that he was boxing with his dad lol, Kim was pissed off and marched her ass over to Drew's office Weand made a nuisance of herself god she annoys the piss out of me she needs to shut the fuck up seriously. Its best to hear all the facts before you open up your mouth.
We also got to see Ava and Kiki and Griff talking about her up coming surgery. She's nervous about it but she's prepared to become normal again as normal as she can be.
People can bitch and moan about Ava and what a bitch and how evil she is but when you pull away the layers she's actually a self conscious woman who has her own fears .
Elizabeth and Jake went to Kelly's for a snack and while they were talking , the sweetest scene happened , we saw Jason looking through the window at Jake and Jake waved at him and smiled.
Sason and are setting up a meeting with him. Oh goodness gracious I can't wait to see what's going to happen next.The hunt is on for Faison , lets get this party started guys.
Until next time have a great day and happy GH watching.
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