
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

GH Recap December 29th 2017

Good Morning guys and Happy New year , here is our recap for December 29th 2017, I'm sorry it is a wee bit delayed but the holiday's are a busy time and well things do get put aside , but  you know with a fresh brain everything comes together better than originally planned.

Anna was on the phone with either Robert , Jordan or was it Frisco who the hell knows ?

The topic on hand was about  how Valentin had gotten in contact with her and Finn and said that Cassandra was going to see him at Wyndemere.

OOOh the suspense is killing me lol what the hell is going to go down and who the hell is going to disappear?

Finn is being his usual charming self lol , he is telling Anna that getting involved with this drama has done him no favours lol.

Oh lord this did make me laugh these two are so into each other its ridiculous reminds me of two bickering kids lol.

All kidding aside they were worried about Cassandra and what her next move might be.

Nina is checking her phone poor lass hasn't heard from her beloved Valentin, whose disappeared and not shown up for the  New Years party.

Oh dear I hate it when our girls are on tender hooks and not knowing what's going on with their men.

I really love Miss Nina she's a force to be reckoned with , she's tough but fair , she's a bit of a hard headed bitch but when she loves someone and genuinely cares about them she gives them her all and her heart fully completely.

Two things are going to happen either  Nina is going to flip her lid on Valentin unknowingly bitching at him for something that was beyond his control ... 

Or she's going to beat the shit out of Cassandra for messing with her hubby. I vote for the beat down of Cassandra myself.

Dante is all loved up with  Lulu, but he's told her that she needs to stay the hell away from  Faison.  That she's going to be playing a dangerous game with a dangerous man.

Ummm hello earth to Dante this is your wife you're talking to these Spencer's especially the Spencer women do not take kindly to being told what to do lol.

I guess you didn't read the prenuptial agreement though shall not  try and control thy wife cause it might cause her to act out and behave like a banshee.

I learned a long time ago lol there's no stopping  hurricane Carly , and there's no away Tsunami Lulu is going to let her husband tell her what to do lol.

Drew showed up at  the hospital looking for Monica Kim said she'd not seem her and they talk about Oscar a bit awe this was nice I love their chemistry.

Drew tells  Kim he and Sam have plans to go to the Haunted Star for their own personal  and private party . LOL but his car has stopped working.

Me thinks Carly had her hands in this lol

 Nina calls Valentin when he doesn't answer her texts , she wants to know if there is a valid reason he's not there yet uh oh  she's getting mighty anxious about it too.

After she gets off the phone she tells Lulu that she's worried about Valentin  and Lulu wonders too what the hell is going on. 

 Carly and Sonny what more can I say about them other than Sonny lol knows Carly is up to something and he told her what ever she's got planned will back fire on her.

Again I have to say it lol,  hello Sonny have you totally forgotten who you're talking to lol, of course not you know your wife like the back of your hand.
He tells her that Jason and Sam don't need to be pushed together, that they can make up their own minds as far as what they want to do goes.

I understand Carly's desire to see her two best friends back together, but has she forgotten about Drew and how her sticking her nose in will affect all of them?

Jason arrives at the haunted Star looking for Sonny lol, and Sam thought he was Drew lol.

Yep they know Carly set them up lol, I would say it was awkward but  I loved every minute of it.

LOL Sam was just as annoyed about the whole thing as Jason.

Can't say I blame them  , Carly's heart was in the right place but she really needs to mind her own bloody business, who am I kidding this is Carly I'm talking about lol.

They discover the boat is on autopilot and they've gone adrift lol cause the boat starts to move.

Finn and Anna discuss the  whole Cassandra situation , its sure is messy , and he wanted to leave the house lol.

Yea things are not looking good for him now that  Cassandra is about to discover that he and Anna were up to tricks .

Lulu is annoyed that  Dante keeps wanting to protect her LOL,  She tells him I'll stay away from Faison if you do.

Dante is exasperated with her he's a cop and its his job to go after dangerous people.

Yeah Note to Dante that  logical stance  isn't impressing the little woman dude shush thy stupid mouth. Before she shuts it for you .

See that stunned face lol, that's Sonny lost for words when it comes to Carly's explanation of her reasoning behind helping Jason and Sam see sense.

He totally gets it why she's doing it , but he doesn't agree with her methods. I think she paid the bartender to mess with the boat and Drew's car. LOL

Drew is being driven to the Haunted Star by Kim he tells her that he listened to the cd that he made for Kim back in the day.

Kim says maybe it will help him remember things eventually these two are getting along so well I love it.

Sam starts having a melt down over the boat going adrift and how is Drew supposed to meet her if its not back on the docks lol.

I love these two but Sam is acting like an over excited squirrel whose lost her way lol.

Or maybe the white Rabbit " I'm late, I'm late for a very important date "

Carly tries to avoid the topic of Jasam by distracting Sonny with some champagne lol.

No honey it ain't going to work stop trying to  do things to stop him from giving you shit lol.

Anna is worried about everything is going on and she and Finn had agreed to go on a proper date

Love it!

Jason understands why Sam is upset and does his level best to calm her down, even telling her that someone will come find them.

And things will be sorted out lol

She's still freaking out and he obviously even though he is pissed at Carly appreciates her efforts even if he's not verbalizing it lol

 Then we cut to where ever the hell Casandra has tied up Valentine at.

She's had her henchman beat him up and treat him like trash .

That's no way to treat a  Cassadine prince you scumbag bitch honestly this bitch needs to die.

Valentine tells her he has no idea what the hell she's talking about, he had nothing to do with whatever scheme she had getting stopped.

 She warns him that he better co-operate with her and that he's to go after Sonny Corinthos and kill him on her orders.

Or something horrible will happen to his precious daughter and Nina .

Okay bitch you better be prepared lol for the fall out of this.

Cassandra finds out that her lab over seas has been taken over by a police presence lol.

Oh shit now she knows that Anna has put a stop to it and that Finn was involved I do not like this one freaking bit.

Anna and Finn toast the new year , he acts all cagey and says he wants them to have a fresh start and says he has to go do something lol.

He's so sweet love this guy.

Carson and Lante bring in the new year together, all loved up these four.

Carly and Lulu are the best cousin team on this show and well Sonny and Dante they would make a great team if lol Dante would just embrace his dad's line of work.

He doesn't have to like it , but it could be used to his advantage some how.

Jason finds some dominoes and says you wanna play a game or two lol.

Dominoes and tequila classic Jasam I love these two.

Anna is at home minding her own business and on the phone and we hear the  door bell ring.

Sonny and Lante are talking about Faison , he tells them he doesn't know anymore than they do about it.

He thinks they should stay clear of him period.

Sonny talks to  Carly's barman who tells him that if Mrs Corinthos wants him to do anymore side jobs for her he's willing to do it lol.

Now Sonny really knows his wife is sup to something lol.

LOL Lord have Mercy I love my Carly she makes me laugh so damn much.
Oh my god this does not feel right the next thing we know Finn arrives home .For our Beautiful Anna and finds Cassandra instead oh lord love a duck I hate this bitch with a burning of a thousand suns.

Finn turns to see  Cassandra holding one of the white roses he got for Anna , but where the hell is Anna?

Jasam are clearly having fun with the dominoes and the tequila game lol. Yea and Sam tells Jason he's already had two shots lol.

And she's only had one lol Oh lord here we go playful little missy I love you.

Sonny tells Carly he knows she got her barman to extra work. She smiles and says whatever she's got scheming is going to work.

Sonny eyes her and says that she needs to let people sort out their own love lives.


Lulu still won't give up the ghost with chasing Faison lol. Yea I told you guys that would happen.

Dante keeps telling her off but typically Lulu she keeps pushing the envelope.

They should just work together and get this thing over with. 

Lets see some action.

Kim and Drew are talking about making it to go see Sam.

She wishes him and Sam a happy new year love it.

He says thanks and then he  takes off to go see Sam, what will his reaction be that the boat has gone astray in the water lol.

He'll blame Jason lol I know he will.

The show ends with my favourite couples celebrating the new year glasses in hand , Lulu checking her cell phone for messages.

LOL wait a minute you thoughtless twit put that thing away and  be loved up with your hubby.

Finally Lulu came back to earth and put the damn phone down and she rang in the New Year with her beloved husband.

Carson sporting  New Years hats I love them to bits but the hats kinda make them look like over sized leprauchan's lol. Aye gotta find me treasure me beauties lol.

Lord have mercy I thought it was funny.

And the piece de resistance Jason and Sam on the  haunted star ringing in the new year. 

They watched the fireworks and they were gorgeous and Jason says yes they are beautiful as he looked lovingly at his wife.

They danced like the old days and we fans got to see some flashbacks of Jasam back in the day oh me oh my .

I kept screaming at the TV kiss her for fuck sake will you lol

And then it happened my little Jasam heart was beating fast and I had tears in my eyes.

Happy New year me lovelies can't wait to see what's going to happen next since there was no previews for today show lol.

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