Goodness gracious me , me lovelies , the episode for January 2nd 2018 kicked off with a great big bang and I'm not talking about the fireworks that Jasam were looking at lol.

Jason and Sam talked about the getting the boat sorted out and Jason said fix the engine lol she says you aren't experienced enough.
Umm seriously this is the dude who fixes his own motorcycle I'm sure he could have figured it out some how.
And then Drew had to spoil things by showing up lol.
I'm sorry guys but I can't stomach any more of his whinging and everything the way he talks to and treats Jason its like he's dirt under his shoe and I for one don't like it.

LOL Yep he was speaking about Carly who else would be an interfering bitch lol.
Here's a tip Miss Carly , I love you my girl but shut your damn mouth and listen to what your man has to say for once in your god damn life.
Do you not realize what kind of damage you could cause Jason and Drew and their family relationship.
Sonny and I are in agreement you have to let Sam and Jason decide what goes on in their own lives.
Stop sticking your oar in for once in your life lol
She hasn't learned yet in all her 40+ years that people don't like other people sticking their noses in where they're not wanted or needed lol.
Anna and Valentine are tied up together at the location lol.
The thug is a total ahole I don't like this guy god forgive me guys but some people have no manners and need a beat down.
I was hoping that Anna would frigging get free and beat his ass.
Cassandra is acting like a complete and utter whackjob. Yes I know that's harsh but given the information I have lol , although I'm not about to give away a thing until the recap pics appear, lets just say I was hoping I'd be singing ding dong the bitch is dead.
Anna and Valentin argued like an old married couple about whether she had a bracelet with a sharp edge or something to get free.
LOL as usual our girl manages to say yea I do.
The World Security Bureau should be scared having these two pair up its like watching that old show Moonlighting where the two pi's just wouldn't stop arguing lol.

Meanwhile Cassandra was being even more nasty than before threatening Finn and Anna's lives even went as far as getting him to fess up that Anna has a daughter and grandchildren uh oh this whacko better not hurt my Robin.
Carly and Sonny wind up seeing Michael at the party and they are obviously happy to see their boy.
He's there to talk about the Nelle situation, and he says that they have to deal with things the proper way.
Michael has really grown up to be an amazing young man I know I said it in the last recap but he's turned out better than anyone else expected.
Good Lord even Tracey said a while back that he was a good guy , smart etc and Jason had done well to teach him how to treat people with the respect they deserve.
Sam told Drew that she loves him and only him what does this arrogant twat do he says maybe I should just step aside and let you be with Jason ugh what a defeatest attitude.
Ava arrived at the hospital to see Griff and saw him in an intense conversation with Kiki.
And as per freaking usual she gets the wrong impression of the situation lol.
I do have to say these two are adorable lol but Ava wants his mitts off her kid. LOL yea umm bitch you should have shown the same courteousy when you were screwing Morgan behind her back.
Loved Kiki putting mama Ava in her place. This stupid cow really observes the wrong things , takes things the wrong way and winds up having her oldest daughter completely and utterly disgusted with her.
For shame Ava show some class will you ugh I hate her sometimes and I was just starting to like her.
Kiki let her mother have it lol I was cheering the little lass on and why because Kiki is an amazing girl and her mother is a hateful bitch.

Oh lord back to the nut job dejour she clearly has some issues jealous of Anna and behaves like a spoiled brat who doesn't like other women as competition.
I wanted to reach through the tv and beat her senseless.

Of course she won't she's a certifiable nut job who wants only what she wants and doesn't care who gets hurt along the way I hate her so much right now she needs to die.

Nina asks Carson if they've seen Valentin and if they do could they tell him that she's looking for them.
Carson said they will love these two lol.
Kiki runs into Nina who asks her if there have been any accident victims that have come in to the hospital. She's worried about Valentin.
Kiki tells Nina that she will check for her , but there are a lot of people that come in like that this time of year.

He says " I was in the Navy and we're on a boat I think I can handle fixing it"
LOL I loved him telling her this.
Griff and Ava are all loved up lol , awe he really showed her what its like for someone to genuinely care for you without any drama.
Ava tells a sleeping Griff that she hopes when her face is restored he'll grow to love the real her.
Awe so sweet poor lass is really in love with this dude.
Anna and Valentin manage to get themselves loose and she tells him go get your wife and daughter .
Yep I love these actions scenes and everything that comes with it.
Unfortunately for Anna she's about to come home and find things are not exactly fine.
Kiki is on the phone with Dillon and she talks to him about meeting half way and being together.
I really miss their chemistry Hayley and Robert Palmer to me were the cutest onscreen couple GH needs to see sense and bring him back.
Nina finally claps eyes on her hubby who apologizes for being delayed,
That there was some business he had to take care of.
She says she's glad he's okay and that he's there now.
See I told you guys something was about to frigging kick off big style.
Cassandra tells Finn she has an opiate and plans to drug him with it and make him have an overdose.

She truly has earned the title wicked witch of the damn west or is it east.
They need to either drop a house on this bitch or throw some water on her so we can see her melt into oblivion.
Imagine this being the image you see when you're vision is getting blurry this bitch prattling on like the wicked witch of the west gloating about how he's a drug addict and a chemist and it won't be long before he's overdosed.
I honestly don't understand how anyone can get sick pleasure out of hurting anyone. This woman would truly get the nod of approval from Helena and Faison,

LOL I had to laugh when Finn summoned up some balls and lunged at the bitch lol and I can't wait for Anna to find out what's been going on at her place this should be good.

Anna arrives home and finds Cassandra passed out with a syringe stuck in her.
She calls for Finn and finds him all drugged up.
He's all doped up and she's worried I so can't wait to see today's show.
Is Cassandra dead and if so good I'm glad and I can gleefully sing " Ding Dong the witch is dead"
And that's it for yesterday's until tomorrow folks have a great day.
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