Good Morning me lovelies well what can I say , yesterday's show to be perfectly blunt was an absolute snooze fest.
Don't get me wrong I love all the players involved , but its the usual lull after the excitement has happened.

Elizabeth thought it was a good thing he got it back.
I dunno about any of you but I certainly wouldn't want something back that reminded me of a past I would rather want to forget.

Yes I love Genie Francis as Laura always have always will. I love her outfit too.
Awe the newly weds all loved up and sunning themselves. Kevin and she are so good for each other, he brings a sense of normality into her life and she does the same thing for him too.
Molly and TJ met up with Alexis and Curtis to discuss bringing a law suit against their landlord who keeps cutting off the electricity to save money.
Umm seriously these kids shouldn't have to deal with this BS.

Michael and Ned met with a potential business partner who wants to get rid of the Charles Street community and build a music theatre and have the ELQ name on it.
Michael makes it perfectly clear that he's not sure about any of this and he cares more about the people.

LOL I love Olivia she makes me laugh at the best of times. She tells Julian that he got what he wanted spent time with Leo at Christmas etc.
But what made me laugh out loud was when he keeps calling Ned Ted and he keeps being rude and disrespectful about him.
It kinda reminds me of when Sonny used to call Jax Candy boy. I didn't like it when Sonny did it and I sure as hell don't like Julian doing it either.
After the guy leaves Michael and Ned get into a heated argument which leads to Ned wanting to quit.
This guy acts like a spoiled child who throws his toys out of the pram and he does my god damn head in.
I love Ned but even I think he's a moron at times.

Anna stands vigil at Finn's bed side stroking his hair and extremely worried about him and you can't really blame her.
I feel for her I really do she's really fallen for him hasn't she?

He asks for Curtis help but he tells him that if he does it he has to be doing it legally LOL
He says to Alexis that he will make sure it meets your approval councilor lol.
Julian asks Alexis if there is anything he can do after he hears about what is going on with Molly and TJ.
Some how I don't think Molly or TJ want the interference from her ex mob boss step dad or her Uncle Sonny to step in and take care of this situation. At a time like this things need to be done the legal way lol.
Kevin gives Laura some cock and bull story behind a piece of pottery he found, saying that he stole it at first lol, and that its ancient lol.
Laura flips the damn thing over and it says it was made in Taiwan who the hell is he trying to kid.
Nice try Kevin lol
Franco gets a visit from Kiki who tells him she won't be seeing Dillon for Christmas that her flight was cancelled and that she has presents for him and his family.
Awe it was really sweet the poor lass was visibly upset and she felt lost and alone and Franco was not in the right frame of mind to be her sounding board, it must be hard when you feel no one cares about you poor girl.
She gives Franco the presents and tells him that he should hold onto the family he has with Elizabeth cause they love him.
She does have a point I love her for this.
Back at the hospital Finn tells Anna he thinks he killed Cassandra Uh Oh. LOL
Anna is not shocked over this revalation

Anna thinks perhaps Cassandra's henchmen came and got her cause there is no way she could have walked off on her own lol.

Anna is questioned by Jordan whose extremely annoyed with her friend for doing things without consulting her as far as her investigation of Cassandra goes.
I tend to agree with Jordan on this Anna should have told her about what was going on.
Its insane how some people just do stuff without asking others for help, or they just don't care what affect it could have on their jobs.
Elizabeth gives Anna some kind words about Finn and saying he'll pull through this etc.
Anna really does care for him and Elizabeth can see she's worried.
Elizabeth says she knows Finn and he's gonna fight this like he did before and what happened wasn't his fault.

Gosh so sweet.
And there it is his lucky rabbits foot which he found tucked up in a drawer now if he carries it around with him it might bring him luck.
Or help him remember things
Franco is confused he said " If you were my best friend then why did I try to kill you"
Yes Franco we'd like to know this too there's something not right with this whole story , lets hash it out guys don't keep us in suspense.
What's going to happen on the next GH is anyone's guess but I am sure glad I'm along for the crazy ride into Port Charles for the next installment of our daily dose of our favourite Port Charles residents.
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