A Mother's love is patient and kind , but what happens when you're berated and told off for becoming too soft lol, well you do what Britt does when mama Liesel gets on her case roll your eyes and hope she didn't see you do it.

Liesel's steely response is to call her daughter impertinent and rude LOL , but deep down we know she's damn proud of her daughter for sticking up for herself when she talks back to mutter. LOL NOT
Cast your minds back to March 2013 when Britt got told off for not having the gumption to mother little Emma.
Britt pointed out " Maybe if my mother had a shred of mother instinct I would have learned how to be the same way!"
For that Britt got a slap in the face lol watch the clip below to see what I'm referring to.
A well deserved slap for disrespecting your mother my dear , yeah you could have put it in alot nicer term you little witch lol
Ha just joking Britt does have a point , but I even wouldn't speak to my own mother like that I'd get more than a slap , I'd get the evil eye and the cold shoulder for my trouble.

Liesel had a front row seat for her gorgeous son jumping in for her rescue when Victor Cassadine dared to threaten his momma.
She was afraid Victor might harm him but like the hero he is Nathan can handle his own shit he's more like his mother than she cares to admit

Liesel's icy persona may frighten away some people lol, but we all know once she sets her eyes on her kids and Franco Baldwin her heart melts and she becomes an endearing sweet mother figure.

Yes there are times where she gets hacked off with them she's grabbed Franco by the ear for disrespecting her and not doing what she wants lol.
But she does love him to bits as she does all of her kids.
As a fan of Obrecht , yes you may think omg are you nuts , I have to say Nathan out of both of her kids is the one she regrets not watching grow up and call him her son.
When she found out she wads going to be a grandmother she was over the moon and told Nathan that she hopes he has a son cause she missed out on his earlier years and she wanted to make up for that.

Look at the look on her face does that look like the face of a happy woman I think not!
Awe yes you see guys she is a sweet woman once she's allowed to show it I love her to bits and if anyone dares try and change my mind well good luck in changing it for me.
Britt has been at the centre of two major drama's in 2013 it was revealed that Britt had stolen Lulu Falconari's embryo and gave birth to Lulu and Dante's son.
She only got caught because Elizabeth Webber became aware that Ben and Dante not only had the same allergies , but they had the same DNA as well and that Lulu was his mother not Britt.
Britt was petrified that Liz would out her and she did during Britt and Nikolas' engagement party.
It all blew up in her face and Liesel was morified that she even got caught taking the baby and she shot Elizabeth in her own home.
She also helped Spencer fake his own kidnapping which led to everyone who knows and loves Spencer angry with her and she had an even bigger target on her back.
When Britt returned in December 2017 she made the choice to come back to Port Charles and turn herself in for helping Spencer fake his own kidnapping
All Liesel wants is for her kids is to love her and respect her, but there are times that she doesn't seem to grasp that her way or the highway doesn't exactly pan out with their plans either.

As dysfunctional as they can be , you gotta admit they do bring on some awesome drama.
United they stand Divided they fall and they love each other first and foremost after all
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