Good Morning me lovelies , I'm so excited and I just can't hide it lol, yes we have sightings of two of my favourite characters who are recurring on GH Spinelli and Liesel Obrecht.
Yeah, yeah spare me the whole Spinelli is annoying and Obrecht is a nasty bitch spiel , save it for someone who actually agrees with you.
I'm a Spin from way back and as for Liesel I've been a fan of that character since 2013 and damn proud of it. With all the drama that ensued with their arrival Bradford Anderson and Kathleen Gati did not disappoint.
Sonny and Jason were shown talking about Faison and about locating the deplorable creep, Yes I know guys some of you have called him that and even worse names as you can imagine lol. And I tend to agree with you.
But as luck would have it their prayers or detective prayer rather have been answered when we saw a flash of our favourite assassin of cyber space arrived to lend his expertise.
Yes hell yes I know the back of the head from anywhere lol.
Its none other than ..... you guessed it ......
Damian Spinelli , the self proclaimed assassin of cyber space himself.
Gosh I missed him so much I'm glad he's back

Ladies , a lesson in sucking up to your husband in 3- 2-1 yea bringing doughnuts to your husband whose a cop is stereotyping .
Seriously she couldn't have brought him a breakfast sandwich instead.
LOL I spy with my little eye Obrecht looking out of a door and she's all excited and wide eyed.
LOL yep I wonder what she's doing at Julian's pub.
She's cracks me up.
She is seriously annoyed that Maxie, Lulu and Felicia are late for the planning of Maxie's baby shower.
I kinda see where she's coming from lol about people being on time it does kinda annoy the shit out of me too , but Nina pointed out that it is the day after New Years and most people are still nursing a hang over lol.

You know as much of a hard ass Liesel is she just proved that she is unconventional at best when she wanted Maxie's full approval for the planning of the baby shower.
Which shows she has the utmost respect for her daughter in law. Go on , Go On , Go On try and deny it lol.
I know this for a fact.

Liesel is left fuming inside when Nina sticks her effing foot in her mouth
She told Liesel if she put as much effort into the baby shower as she did lying about Nathan's past the baby shower will be a success.
Nina you just pissed off the wrong woman and I will gladly help her bury the body.
Maxie and Nathan are at the hospital awaiting the DNA results. He tells her he appreciates the effort she's gone through for this but he's thinking about his mother's feelings about this too.
You gotta respect a guy who makes it clear he doesn't want his mother to be angry and upset because they decided to pry into info that he should have had anyways.
They came across Amy who was there for her shift and she gave theme a gorgeous smile and said " Hi guys"
She has no clue that Nathan knows about her involvement with the DNA test lol.
Dante asks her what she's up to and if the Donut is a bribe for information. LOL
Ha Ha Busted , Lulu says no that she just wanted to visit her husband.
Umm Lulu sweetie could you be anymore transparent seriously?
LOL Jordan comes in with Valentin and asks Lulu if she has to take away her press pass into the PCPD LOL.
Lulu says she's just there to see Dante, and then says she wants to know why Valentin is there and if it will help her with her custody fight lol. Classy Lulu really Classy. NOT Carly would be so proud of her little mini me.
And if you think Jordan believes that I have a bridge I want to see you too.
Anna visits Finn in the hospital and tells him how worried she was about him and also about what he remembers about what happened with Cassandra.
Finn looks mighty confused about the whole situation, his brain is so fogged from the drugs that he's trying to piece everything together, but he tells Anna that he was worried about her and was hoping that Cassandra hadn't done anything to her.
He says the last thing he remembers was coming in to the house, and she wasn't there but Cassandra was and she tried to get him to work for her.

Of course Princess dumb ass is getting all cocky as if she's some bullet proof hero who is going to save the day some how.
People life Faison would eat you for breakfast never mind chew you up and spit you out.
Yea umm no sweetie I don't think so and neither does anyone else.
They have to question Valenti who looks mighty pissed off that he's even been dragged into the pcpd for something he didn't do lol.
He was a victim not a perpetrator darling get it straight.
Dante kisses Lulu who then leaves to go get Maxie and go to the get together to plan Maxie's baby shower.

You know as much as I love Nina she's totally wrong to be even discussing this matter with Liesel, And when the hell is this dimwit gonna stop calling him Jay and stop referring to herself as his sister. It already came out that she's not actually his sister but his cousin. I'm tired of her acting as if she's so self important in his life.

He has a mother a sister who love him like she does and she treats them with a total lack of disrespect
Liesel is justified in telling her that she did what she had to do to protect her son and that she loves him.

God how I laughed at her trying to play innocent lol.

He tells her she's not in trouble and he thanks her for the help

Meanwhile back at the pcpd Valentin is being questioned about what happened with Cassandra and what part he played in the whole mess.
Valentin tells them that he worked with Cassandra some years ago, and that she was trying to use him again to do her bidding.
He tells them that she had him beaten up and threatened the lives of both Nina and Charlotte.
He tells them that Anna and Finn were apart of it as well. That Anna had them both working along side her to get at Cassandra.

He says that Cassandra had drugged him but he had summoned all his strength up and he lunged at her with the needle
He says that he thinks he killed her , but Anna says no you didn't, she's lying in the ICU Unconscious.
Love this they are so amazing together, its clear they have fallen for each other big time.

LOL he tells then that someone had asked for the book to be republished under Faison's pseudo name and that its about to be released again.
Oh boy , Oh boy this shit is about to get really real.
Spin begins reading the details and he keeps droning on and on Jason gets impatient lol and says get on with it Spinelli.
LOL good golly the three musketeers are back full throttle lord I love these guys.
Felicia arrives for the baby shower planning.
:Liesel is all smiles about the whole thing and she is as excited as Felicia isl
Nina on the other hand probably wishes she were back in bed nursing her hang over lol.
Maxie says " No" LOL
They look like deer caught in the headlights omg I couldn't stop laughing as to what's to come next.
Maxie wishes her mother a happy new year Felicia hugs her and says to both her and Lulu " Run for your lives"
LOL great comedic moment I love Kristina Wagner always have always will the chick is funny as hell with the way she delivers her lines.
And Obrecht looks hon and has no idea what Felicia has said to Maxie.
Lulu managed to piss off Nina lol in one fell swoop, its early in the am according to Nina and they've not even had breakfast yet and Lulu's already started in on her about Valentin.
LOL Yes Nina you tell her cause the cub reporter in an ambulance chaser and she wants the scoop on everything.
UGH you know I love Lulu guys but even I have my moments where I want the slap the living shit out of her first she goes on about Valentin being at the police station to Dante and now she goes after Nina shut this bitch down Faison I'm begging you.

Classic moment for me has to be when Valentin asks Dante if he should even be in there questioning him since they are in the midst of a custody suit against each other.
Dante says no , but he has a job to do and he has to do it, all he wants to know is exactly what happened with Cassandra and what exactly what the hell went down.
The trio that are Sason and Spin start connecting the dots. The last sighting of Faison was September 28th 2017 the day before Jason broke out of the clinic in Russia.
OMG what are they going to stumble across these gorgeous, smart men lol.
Lulu talks to Felicia about tracking down Faison and getting his side of the story are you freaking kidding me , after what he did to Robin, Lucky and Jason this bitch is acting like none of that matters and just because you're a Spencer baby girl doesn't mean you're going to get away with this shit.

Yea we know what that means folks Anna may want to kill her.
We then see Cassandra in ICU looking worse for wear, well wouldn't you be if someone overdosed your evil ass for trying to do the same thing to them.
LOL I would fight to the death to stop this bitch in her tracks even if it meant killing her.
Amy comes in to see Finn and tells him how worried everyone has been about him.
She also tells him that he knows from experience what its like from before and that she hoped he gets better.
She even tells him that Anna seems to really care about him awe.
Anna goes in to see Cassandra and she is very angry at what she did to Finn
At one point she tried to even turn off her machine but she thought better of it and called the WSB instead.
I am so glad she didn't go through with it.
Lulu tells Liesel that she is lucky to have such a great guy as a son as Nathan is.
That she should be very proud of him , Uh Oh I dunno where this is leading but I don't like it.
Lulu starts talking to Liesel about having her track down Faison.
Bloody hell girl are you effing stupid , if anyone know how dangerous Faison is Liesel sure as hell does.
Lisel seems more than pissed that this little girl has the balls to even ask for her help.
Okay this needs to stop like now!!!!!! Lulu will wind up dead and her kids motherless because of her stupidity.
Our wonderful trio starts really hashing out the information piecing everything together.
God I am loving this
But it seems to me that Sonny and Jason are less than amused with the information they are being told.
Either that or they are listening and letting all this crap sink in.
Felicia says she'll help her with the investigation, but does she know what she's getting herself in for?
Felicia also tells her she would find answers on Spoon Island as Faison practically ripped it out from under Ned.
Lulu as cocky as hell says " Listen I'm a Spencer, I'll be careful, I'll listen to what he has to say and then I'll have him arrested" LOL
Oh lord have mercy child you are not Carly or your father please stop thinking your a crime fighting super hero.
Valentin comes out of the interrogation room and tells Nina its nothing to worry about its just routine questions.
Yep cause the truth is the truth they just want to know what exactly went down that night.
Meanwhile Nina shows up at the pcpd talking to Nathan about his mother and about finding out who his father is.
You know what guys too many people are getting involved in this whole Faison mess.
It will end up in tears and someone will wind up getting hurt.
Nathan tells Nina about what happened at Crichton Clark and Nina says that his mother is a known liar, manipulator.

She confronts Maxie about it , and says what is Nathan worried about , Maxie tells her he just wants conformation is all.
Liesel is going to wind up having to protect Nathan and Maxie and that child all because of their desire to find out who his dad is.

Valentin goes to see Cassandra in ICU
He wants to see for himself what happened to Cassandra.
But when he walks in he discovers that Cassandra is no longer there.
That she's been moved to a WSB facility and she's not likely to come out of the coma.
Ah big sigh of relief for him lol , but for how long?
Anna goes to see Finn and she tells him what she almost did to Cassandra.

Finn is shocked to hear that the bitch isn't dead.
But what happens if she does die will he be charged with murder I hope not.

Oh crap oh shit , whole situation is about to blow up even more omg.
I can't wait for today's show guys
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