
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 8 January 2018

GH Recap January 5th 2018

Good Morning me lovelies , well what can I say about the episode from January 5th 2018 without using a lot of profanity lol.

First off we opened with Carly lol who by the way is like a lion after its prey , I love her but sometimes the effing bitch needs a big ole bitch slap for interfering in other people’s lives.

Carly looks like she's on a mission here and she says she wants to talk to Sam lol.

Oh snap I was going oh damn I can't wait to hear what Sam says lol.

Judging from Sam's face she doesn't look too happy lol.

 I mean would you be if someone messed around in your business. I know I wouldn't be.

Butt out isn't in Carly's vocabulary I'm afraid lol.

She just can't help herself and you can understand why Sam is annoyed with her.

Carly tries her level best to talk to Sam about Jason and Sam tells her that she has to stop forcing Jason on her.

LMAO Good God Almighty woman if she doesn't want him lol there's a line up of women in Port Charles never mind the fan groups who think Jason is awesome.

Sam says " You're my friend Carly but you need to respect my decision and my choices" Sam you know she's never gonna listen to a single word you say.

Have you just joined the party girl? This is Carly all over.

At the Jerome gallery Nelle is taking notes of what jobs Ava wants her to do, this feels like a bit of keep your friends close and your enemies closer to me. Ava knows Nelle is the one person who is a witness to her swapping  Morgan's pills for Placebo's.

Ava would never give someone a job out of the goodness of her heart. Women like Ava always have an agenda , like Faith Roscoe too and Helena Cassadine all deliciously evil women just an fyi to all you newbies it is what it is and that's all there is to it. Nelle was on the verge of quitting she doesn't think this job is for her lol

But in typical Ava fashion she makes it all about her and what she wants. Never mind that Nelle is qualified to be a teacher not someone's assitant in an art Gallery. Or anywhere else for that matter.

Ava uses the pity me card by telling her all about her experiences with her insecurities .

Yes we get it Queen Ava it's all about you , and what you want, and you continue the whole confidence talk to the point where I wanted to slap Nelle for listening to you in the first damn place. And where the hell do you get off making comments about Carly and Nina? 

Didn't you mess with her son's meds and sleep with Nina's ex husband about a billion years ago and you still won't take responsiblity or apologize to any one for their actions and their reactions towards you. Ugh the flaming  cheek of this bitch.

 I'm sorry Maura I love you but Ava needs to die like yesterday.

And Nelle like the idiot she is falls for it Ava doesn't miss a trick does she, but Nelle sure does lol , when will this stupid bitch learn you play with the big girls you get well and truly played and burned . You'll and have a target on your back because of your own stupidity and likely wind up dead like someone else did 4 years ago for going up against this woman who is as dangerous as hell and not stupid .

Oh dear damsel in distress in the house Kiki drops the patients files , 

And she manages to swear as she does it lol I mean we all would when we do stupid things like this clumsy and feel like an idiot in the process, but we all know she's under stress so we need to give her some lee way and not criticize her.

This past holiday really sucked for her , first  Dillon couldn't make it home to see her, then there was the drama still going on with her mother Ava  and now she's upset and can't concentrate.She couldn't manage to catch a flight to meet Dillon halfway for new years I think the poor girl needs a hot doctor to help her take her mind off things lol. Yep that's what she needs.

 And then  Griff rides in for the rescue lol , Lord have mercy my friends , I love Griff, some of us would rather see him with Kiki than Ava. He would be so good for her.

Kiki tells Griff its her fault that she dropped them lol. And she says she feels so stupid she tells him about the flight being cancelled and you can clearly see how upset Miss Kiki is.

The fabulous trio that are Sonny, Jason and Spinelli are piecing together things that pertain to Faison They clue into the fact that Faison has a son. Whoa Nelly slow down boys it makes me think your heads are going to explode lol

Its a bit like watching  a hamster on the hamster wheel lol. They keep going and going and they don't get anywhere really  do they?

See Sonny's face he looks like he's either listening to intently to Jason and Spin working things out or  he's totally confused by the whole thing.

Or it could be he's piecing things together in his own head and he's wishing the other two would shut the hell up so he can think peacefully.


Jason talks about the burnt manuscript and P K Sinclair. They wonder if someone was going to publish Faison's book without his permission and its pissed Faison off. This same person betrayed Faison too and now Faison is on the run again and pissed off.

Sonny starts to piece it all together about how the son is the key to all of this it seems and they need to find him.

Maxie tells  Liesel that she understands where she's coming from, but that  Nathan deserves to know who his father is.

Liesel seems to disagree with her on this uh oh.

After getting a text from Amy about the DNA test results being in he wants to speak to his mother about it right away.

This all must be confusing for the poor guy I mean seriously who would not want to know who their father is for their babies health sake and their own.

Nathan asks his mother for the truth , that's all he wants to know and still she won't tell him anything.

Sometimes parents just need to be honest with their kids, so that they don't go and do a dna test to find out the truth that they should have learned

ages ago.

Spinelli is telling Jason what he thinks about the whole Faison thing and they come to the conclusion that they definitely need to talk to Liesel Obrecht.

Spinelli and Jason look like two guys squaring off for a fight but in reality they are still piecing together the information they already know. And trying to come up with plausible reasoning about who PK Sinclair is , where he is and how they can find him and smoke  Faison out of hiding.

Sonny suggests they get  Obrecht over to their place for a chat and some espresso, and maybe this time she'll be forthcoming with information.

Hold up Sonny do you think you can sweet talk Frau Doctor to tell you want you want to know .

She won't whistle like a canary unless she's under pressure you know that right?

 Poor Kiki is not having a good day , she's lucky that Griff is there to listen to her talking about  Dillon and her mother .

He's a good sounding board for her really isn't he guys?

People seem to think because one family member is going through a crisis of conscious, faith or having medical issues, that they are the only ones that are suffering.

They strike out at those they love and Kiki got the brunt of her mother's jealousy and insecurities when she misinterpreted what was going on with her and Griff.

 She tells him what happened with Morgan and how much it hurt her.

Oh dear  colour me shocked Nelle does not look like a happy camper here. In fact she looks mighty uncomfortable to be around Ava at all.

Of course Ava waxes on and on about her own problems she doesn't see that Nelle is upset.

Yep typical Ava its all about me , me me

Nelle continues to do the work for  Ava but it seems that Ava is so oblivious to what's really going on she doesn't care how  Nelle is feeling or thinking.

Really Ava you bang on and on about yourself and you still don't see this poor girl is struggling with things you thoughtless bitch.

LOL Carly says that Sam shouldn't do this to Drew that she knows what its like to love two men , but you wind up hurting one of them in the process like she did with Jax and its not fair on anyone.

Sam doesn't look like she's enjoying this converstation, I was actually wishing Kemo would have dove over the desk and they got into a full scale cat fight at this point.

Sam is not a happy bunny whatsoever listening to Carly yap on and on about its not fair on Drew.

Drew has overheard the conversation well only the tail end of what's not fair on Drew. And he asks Carly " What's not fair to me?"

Carly tells him that its not fair to him what Sam's doing with him and Jason. Uh Oh , I'm sorry guys but some how I have the feeling something bad is going to happen with Drew and Sam.

The DreAM fans are entitled to feel what they want, but this  Jasam fan can't  get behind them whatsoever and its not because he's not  Jason or  SB.

 Its because there's something not right about Drew I've said it from the moment he found out he wasn't Jason and started acting like a spoiled child who might lose his favourite toy. To him I think Sam is a possession rather than his wife and that is more of a Faison thing than an Quartermaine trait.

Ava convinces Nelle not to quit working for her, she's a relentless , all about herself woman isn't she guys.

She doesn't see that this poor girl is having second thoughts and she just keeps droning on and on Nelle feels horrible about it.

Meanwhile back at the hospital  Griff gives Kiki some good advice about her mom and I hope it works.

Its time for healing, and forgiveness , you can't change the past but you can sure as hell make the future better can't you?

Sometimes it takes one person to give you sage advice and I honestly think Griff is that person to be honest with you he's shaping up to be a great character and that's down to the way Matt Cohen plays him.

The three wise men are still piecing things together and they are making yours truly laugh 

Sonny listens as Jaspin piece things together for him and they decide the only way they are going to get the answers is talk to Obrecht.

Maxie tells Liesel that Nathan has the right to know who his father is and that she understands where she's coming from she gets it but she needs to just tell Nathan the truth.

Nathan tells his mother that  she needs to tell they what they want to know because its important.

Carly comes across Nelle at Ava's art gallery and she wonders why the hell she's there lol.

Umm Carly , its called work, shouldn't you be doing that instead of going around town sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong. LOL.

Ha if she didn't she' wouldn't be Carly I know that for a fact lol.

Griff and Kiki continue to talk about her mother and how they need to sort things out.

Yes that would be ideal if Ava would stop being the way she is , making assumptions about stuff she shouldn't and generally pissing off her kid at every interval.

 Drew asks Sam is Carly is right lol , of course she is Sam's just in denial you bone head and as a matter of fact so are you.

You took what you wanted your brothers wife and his kids and you still won't back the hell off now that he's back.

Sam needs to have reality slap her in the face.

LOL Nathan tells his mother he knows she's a difficult woman , and he knows she loves him but she needs to start telling them the truth about who his daddy is.

 I'm team Nathan on this one , but from the following recap pic you know that Liesel is becoming distressed and upset over being questioned.

You can't really blame her she's only trying to protect her son after all.

And can you blame her really. This whole situation is intense and I was hoping no one would interrupt them ugh .....

And to make matters worse lol  Spinelli, Sonny and Jason arrive like the rebels , hedging into battle.

Not stopping to once consider that they are interrupting a family meeting, which doesn't frigging include them.

Don't get me wrong I love them all but they sure have lousy timing it couldn't be any worse could it guys?

Ava shows up at the hospital for her appointment and she doesn't look happy because yet again she sees Kiki with  Griff.

Why do these people never learn walking in on half a conversation and people talking intently doesn't mean they're going behind your back and doing something you will want to kill them for later.

Poor Kiki wants to make things up with her mom, but Ava makes things so difficult for her and everything winds up being one big drama after another.

Nelle tells Carly that she has to work to support her baby and that she's doing the best she can to do so. She tells Carly that unlike her she knows who the father of her child is lol, and that she didn't do what Carly did and sleep with her step father , and AJ and get pregnant .

Seriously who is Sam trying to convince she loves Drew, herself, him or the legions of GH fans that can see through the bs.

We know where he heart lies and that she's just settling for the safest bet. LOL

Kiki and Ava talk about her appointment to see the doctor and that she'll come and see her after the appointment is over.

Finally we have progress.

LOL Maxie is incredibly rude when Sason and Spin show up . She says they just interrupted a private family moment.

Spinelli says " Did you?"  and before he finished his sentence she says " Tell the God father of Port Charles he needs to leave , yes I did , so do you and so does Jason"

She then tells Jason " Hi its nice to see you , I'm glad your alive ,but they all need to leave they're in the middle of a family crisis.

Sonny looks at Maxie and says " Does this have anything to do with  Faison's son?"

 To which Liesel replies " My god how did you know?

Sason and Spixie were left dumbfounded by Liesel's outburtst of the truth lol.

Maxie's wtf face kills me every single time lol.

I love Kirsten Storms she makes me giggle, but on Friday's show she actually made me go " Yep I know the feeling girl"

Its one of those moments when you want to tell someone to " Shut uuuuup"

Judging from this picture Nathan is starting to get a little pissed off at his mother. He wants to know the truth , but now everyone else wants to know about it too.

Fucking hell can things get any worse I mean honestly.

 OMG if looks could kill they'd all be dead.Lord have Mercy poor Nathan.

And then you see the look of thunder on  Liesel's face lol.

Oh dear oh dear Kiki looks a bit upset with her mother.  Its hard when you don't want to hear what the other person has to say when they say it.

Sometimes I'm sorry's don't mean anything when the other person keeps screwing up and pissing you off.

Ava apologizes to Kiki for the most recent mistakes she's made and upsetting her daughter.

But that she's trying to be positive and she loves her very much.

Kiki seems to understand what her mom is saying and Ava says she's hopeful that the appointment goes well.

Kiki says she is too

Liesel is very upset and it appears angry that the past has come back to slap her in the face, courtesy of her son, her daughter in law and their friends who all want to know the truth.

Nathan asks her why she's so frightened for the truth to come out Liesel just blurts it out that she had  Faison's son. 

I nominate Kathleen Gati,  Ryan Paevy and Kirsten Storms for an emmy here guys omg they all did fabulous with this storyline all the twists and turns are keeping me watching.

Nathan tells Maxie that he's Faison's son.

Oh snap here we go everything is going crazy.

LOL I love Liesel I honestly do she called Sonny , Jason and Spinelli miscreants for even diving into her past and about who Nathan's father is.

Nathan grabs Maxie's hand helps her over to a chair when she looks upset, always the gallant one aren't you Nathan dear. Love this guy. Impeccable manners and so doting on his little wife.

Liesel is clearly upset by the whole situation but at last the truth is coming out and she's scared that Faison will find out.

She tells him that she did the best she could to do what was best for him having her sister raise him to keep him safe.

He now knows Britt is his full sister and she should be made aware of everything.

He doesn't get why he had to be given away and she wasn't.

Nathan sits down to talk to the two women in his life and he's genuinely trying to make sense of it all. 

He knows he's upset but he's worried about how its affecting them as well.

Liesel broke my heart when she cried and told Nathan when your anger subsides I hope you can forgive me and let me be apart of my grandchild's life.

Man I was crying along with Kathleen Gati who knocked it out of the ball park with these scenes

As she left I thought how distressing it must be for any mother to have to face up to this situation and feel so much regret and pain. Its not just hard on the kids in this situations, mom's have their reasons for doing things and its not for her kids to judge them .

They just need to shut up and listen and take into consideration that its not just about them that their mother is hurting just as much and think about what it took to hold all the guilt , the fear and the pain inside your own heart,

After his mother left Maxie and Nathan held hands you could tell both of them were reeling from what they were told by Liesel.

Nathan tells Maxie he hopes that this doesn't change things between them that he's Faison's son, she says no because she wouldn't change his beautiful eyes or his generous heart awe I love these two to bits.

And she shows him just how much she loves him and supports him by giving him the biggest hug ever.

Gosh darn it I was filling up with tears here.

Back at Sonny and Jason's office Spinelli is in shock that little Georgie will have a half sibling that is related to Faison.

Jason says its an innocent baby and that everyone will love him or her despite who their grandfather is.

LOL Oh brother I can't wait to find out what Felicia and Mac have to say about this one.

Griff and Kiki are working and talking about whether the news for Ava will be good or not  and they hope it is.

Ava comes back from her appointment lol and she's excited and happy she tells Kiki that the doctor says that he can fix her face.

Yay Ava will be back to her old self in no time being an annoying bitch lol.

Carly gives Nelle some info on an artist whose painting was donated in Morgan's name and that's when she brings up Ava and what she did to Morgan and to Connie Falconari.

Carly tells Nelle  all about what Ava did to Connie Falconari , that she shot her and left her to bleed out and die on the floor. That she switched Morgan's med's and you know this cause you saw her do it.

She'll get rid of you  , once you've served her purpose she knows you're a witness.

I don't care about you , but if you're carrying my grandchild I care about that child.

Sam keeps trying to convince Drew she loves him lol.

And tells him that  she wants to get married today.

Oh lord what happens if he's an evil bastard or Faison's kid or something and this twin thing was all ruse to get at Jason.

Oh lord here we go  Sam being endearing and sweet, and she has no idea this troll is a control freak and an idiot.

I'm sorry but I just don't trust him guys. not one damn bit. 

Honestly guys GH sure rid bring the drama on Friday after all Cliff hanger Friday's are known to kick us in the ass, leave us in shock and make us wonder sometimes why we watch this crazy show.

 Some would say its like a train wreck, you are shocked when it happens, but you can't walk away from it cause you keep coming back to see what's going to happen next.

I love my GH , with all the craziness that ensues, no matter what the writers come up with I will remain a loyal fan forever.

I sure as hell can't wait to see what's going to happen on the episode for January 8th 2018.


  1. I love how your brutally honest to a fault. You see all the characters flaws and bullshit.

    1. Thanks Anna wouldn't it be nice if all of the fans did that instead of having too many fan base wars, I call the characters out on their bs. LOL
