Good Morning Me lovelies and welcome to another edition of General Hospital Canada's Recaps.
Well its clear that certain situations are getting stickier as the storylines progress lol.
I remain an objective observer, that wise ole Owl that sees things from a perspective that other people may think its way to OTT for their liking, I respect their points of views , and I hope all of you pay me the same courtesy.
The episode for the 8th of January 2018 began with Dante and Jordan talking about Cassandra , and Finn and what exactly happened that faithful day that he got drugged with the opiate.
They discuss Cassandra and her being drugged and comatose. Insert rolling eyes here , I am so tired of hearing about Cassandra.
Jordan wants to question Finn and Anna about it since they had a ring side seat for it all.
If it were me I'd just let poor Finn recover fully and be at home and convalesce before he gets harassed with a bunch of questions that can wait until he feels 100 % better
As for Cassandra , she is disgusting piece of trash who has no respect for anyone and I hope the character stays in that comatose state. Of course they could be making room for Faison to resurface lol.
I am so wanting to see Anders Hove appear like that nightmare you relive, but you keep wanting to see him again , you just can't help yourself. Its funny Faison used to scared the hell out of me when I was a kid and now as an adult I wish he would reappear again .
Anna walks into Finn's hospital room and he's ready to leave the hospital.
LOL She acts like a mother hen and tells him that unless the doctors sign him out then he's staying put.
Ummm Anna honey, I love you woman but you're forgetting Finn is a doctor and he can make a judgement call on his own damn self.
Seriously stop chastising the man he's not a child, leave him to do what he wants , they all do anyways.
Its the nature of the beast honey , and we women gotta recognize you can't be mother courage to a grown assed man who doesn't want to be mothered.

Nathan is all shook up confused and he doesn't want anyone find out that Faison is his father.
Maxie doesn't either considering thast Faison was responsible for the faked deaths of three people Maxie cares about Robin, Jason and Lucky. He also stalked her godmother Anna for years.
I would want to run for the hills , find a secluded spot and hope to god that mad man doesn't come anywhere near me or my kid.
Oh Lord here we go the Spencer eavesdropping gene strikes again , Lulu has over heard Maxie and Nathan talking.
Ugh the cub reporter wants a scoop on Faison, and you know what at this point and time I'd tell Lulu to go screw herself.
She's only after an exclusive story not caring about her friends and how they muse be feeling.
If I was Maxie I would have said " Lulu, I love you , you're my best friend , but poking around in our business is not really appropriate for us right now"
Over at the Corinthos residence Joss is listening to music and Carly walks in and watches her with an amused look on her face lol.
Until she sees the dress she's wearing lol.
Its too short and too skimpy for a 15 year old girl lol.
Joss is showing off her dress to her mother, I love the colour on her but ...... even Carly had the same reaction as me.
Yep she gave her the wtf look, and she was in shock she said out loud when Josslyn went upstairs to change " Oh my god my baby girl is growing up so fast"
Yep Carly we hear you girl we understand lol LOL .
It feels like only yesterday that Joss was wearing a ear of corn costume and refusing to take it off , gosh man time flies eh.

Sonny and Jason are talking about Spinelli Sonny says he likes Spin at a safe distance.
Those were the thoughts going through my head at the time. You know guys it irritates me when one character I like makes rude comments about another one I like.
After 11 years of knowing him surely Sonny would have some god damn respect for Damien Spinelli. He's been nothing but a good employee and a friend to him and his family. Sometimes I despair of the man that has been one of my faves for years because of attitude towards others.
They also discuss Faison and they want to find him and smoke him out.
They understand they need to find his other son , but who is he , and more importantly where is he and why haven't they heard anything about him before now lol.

How exactly is this going to work out for her in the long run when she still loves Jason deep down in her heart.
It annoys the hell out of me that this whole mess is still not resolved. Sam has to realize at some point that Drew it not good for her at all.
Sam is so game for marrying Drew and all that good stuff at least it is to her. But this Jasam fan as much as I like Billy Miller I don't like Drew.
There is something shady and conniving about him and I just can't put my finger on it.
Jordan and Dante are still discussing Cassandra and her henchman who Jordan says in lock up.
The guy has been questioned and they don't know for sure if the guy is telling the truth 100%.
Oh lord what a tangled web this is , and now they gotta go talk to Finn and find out what he knows and remembers.

Finn tells Anna that he doesn't remember much about what happened, that night, and that he doesn't know where he's going to go now. Anna says you can come back to my place. LOL Finn says he wants to have New years with her like they didn't get to that night because of what Cassandra did to him oh boy.

Finn is going through his belongings and is getting ready to leave the hospital and go back to Anna's with her.
I really love this pairing they are so good for each other.

Awe don't you just love Naxie they are so sweet and care about each other so much. Maxie is lucky to have such a sweetheart for a husband and well Nathan hit the lottery when he got her.
She is definitely one in a million they broke the mold when they made her, sure she can act like an over excited chipmunk, bitchy and get on your nerves a bit but Maxie has a soft caring side and it shows when she's around Nathan and Georgie when they do show her with her daughter, and that is why I love her so much.
Josslyn comes back downstairs appropriately dressed she tells her mother, that Oscar is coming over and that he spent time with Drew over the holidays.
That they went to the Quartermaines and that he's enjoying getting to know his dad and the rest of the family. Yes my love its a great thing.
Joss tells Carly Oscar hasn't asked her to the dance yet, but she really wants to go and she's hoping he asks her. Yes darling we hope he does too.
This kid has grown up to be a lovely character, and I love Eden Mccoy as Joss mainly because they got a great little actress who really does look like she could be the daughter of Jax and Carly.

The way these two bounce off each other is awesome lol. Carly is freaking out inside hearing her daughter talk about going to dances and having her first boyfriend which isn't Spencer Cassadine whose got her involved in some stupid plot against Cameron Webber.
Oscar is a nice kid and everyone seems to like him.
Drew and Sam find out they need all the proper documents before they get married.
It seems they need to get everything in order before they can get married , that means getting the marriage licence and getting a divorce from Jason and you know what guys I don't think Sam wants to do that period.

Is she really doing the right thing , is she just in love, with the idea of being in love with Drew.
Some how I feel like someone is going to get hurt in the long run and no one will come out the winner in all of this.

Love these two adorable kids lol
They are all loved up and all that good stuff unfortunately Oscar messes up lol and he winds up pissing her off.

Seems little mr romeo has been so busy yapping about the frigging book she gave him the dumb ass didn't ask her to Mad hatter's ball.

UGH guys are so useless lol and then momma comes in with chips for them to eat. LOL

She remains quiet until she loses it and tells him to leave.

Sonny comes to see Anna and Finn he asks her if he can talk to her for a few minutes.
She says yes you can .
They go out into the hallway and Jason is there they want to know about Faison.
Anna is non receptive of the whole thing oh brother.
Jason says Faison has a son can you help us find out where he is? Oh brother here we go.

He tells him he knows what its like to have a father you didn't want to have and he turns out to be someone you don't necessarily didn't bank on being your dad. LOL
Lovely Lulu the gossip hound lol, is starting to clock it that her best friend is not telling Nathan the truth of how she really feels about learning he's Faison's kid.
That's not like our Maxie, she usually is like Joan of Ark shouting the odds screaming it from the roof tops how she feels about certain situations , but this time she's considering Nathan's feelings over her own.

Lulu tells her you have to be honest with him Maxie, tell him how you really feel about it. Maxie says she's just trying to be supportive of her husband and putting her own feelings aside.
This is why I love our Maxie girl no matter what you may think of her or feel about her you can't deny that she has a heart of gold. She's not the selfish all about me bitch that Amy seems to think she is.
Nathan and Dante further discuss their dad's, you know guys I love it when I see scenes like this the one whose been through the whole situation finding their dad gives sage advice to the one whose just found out that their father is a psychopath.
Dante tells him that he has to do what's right for him and for Maxie and that child of theirs.

All he wants his answers.
Speaking of answers that's all Jason wants too , and Anna tells him Faison stole 5 years of your life don't let him take anymore.
LOL Anna is such a bitch , I mean seriously its not all about you honey this is about a man wanting to find out why he was taken to that clinic and who besides Faison was involved.
To which Jason and Sonny are left going wtf did we just witness after she refused to give them information on Faison's other son.
And refused to open the pandora's box about Faison's other baby mama.

Dante doesn't exactly agree with him wanting to do this since everyone knows Faison's history.
Yea I'm with Dante on this lol, well not really , I want to see Anders Hove show up again as Faison and deal with the news that he has a son.

All in good time my pretty , all in good time, good things come to those who wait darling.
Perhaps you didn't stop and consider the boy is nervous lol and he's biding his time.
Jordan shows up to see Finn and question him about what he knows lol or doesn't know.
Ummm Jordan love here's the thing she drugged him with opiates, how the hell do you expect him to remember exactly every detail that happened.
Its common sense really the man's brain is still in a fog he needs time to rest.

Anna marches in and interrupts their conversation. Jordan tells them that Cassandra's henchman has confessed to being the one who drugged her and that he was the one who moved her body to the alley way.
That he snuck into Anna's house after she left
Dante continues to give Nathan advice about dad's and what he thinks he should do about all of this.
He keeps telling him that maybe it would be best to leave it alone.
Blah Blah. I love Dante but he does my head in sometimes with his sanctimonious I know what I'm talking about man of experience bull crap.
Dante tells Nathan that of course his father isn't any where near as bad as Faison. LOL
Lord have Mercy if Sonny had heard this conversation I dunno what he would think first and foremost he'd probably be puffing his chest out lol and saying see I am a good dad.
He also would tell Nathan he has to do what's right for him and for his family. Now he wouldn't want to seek Faison if he was his kid, but its up to him what he wants to do.

It must be tough to be in this situation finding out something that shocks you so much you can't find the right words to tell someone I'm scared shitless.

The poor lass is upset I wish I could have zapped myself into the tv set and hugged her.
That's how bad I felt for her, to me Maxie is the younger sister I wish I had , honest, sweet, down to earth would walk through fire to save you and she keeps all the hurt and pain inside so that the other person doesn't have to deal with her insecurities, and her fears.
Back at Carly's all Oscar seems to be talking about is the freaking Q's and Joss is becoming angry there are no signs of his asking her to the bloody ball.
I would be so pissed if I was her too, guys can be insesitive sometimes.

Joss is showing her anger and her frustration through her eyes you know the old saying the apple doesn't fall far from the tree lol.

Joss proves she's every inch her mothers daughter.
You've heard the saying silence can be deadly well it can be especially if you see a girl just munching on a chip clearly hacked off at you.
Oscar asks Joss if she's mad at him lol she says yes and she turns his back on him.

The poor lad is wondering are we having our first fight, we've never had a fight before he says. she tells him to get out .
To which me complies with her wishes looking like he'd been slapped in the face.
Yep that sting of the Spencer women is legendary you don't risk pissing any of them off lol.
Lesson is you just shouldn't. Joss tells Carly she's angry with him for not asking her and a few seconds later the door bell rings.

He tells her he was going to ask her then he messed up and chickened out awe love these kids and yes I know guys I've got tons of pics of them in the recap but this situation was just adorable and for our younger readers this is perfect.

Oh brother so Faison is going to have all these people after him some how I don't think he's going to be a happy camper do you?
Anna and Finn listen intently to what Jordan is saying about Cassandra and about her henchman.
It seems Finn is in the clear for what happened to her after all.

After Jordan leaves Anna tells Finn that he could come back and stay with her.
He may be in the clear for now , but honestly guys I think he might just sing like a canary lol.
Sason discuss Faison still and what their next move will be.
Sonny seems to think that they should continue their search.
Sam calls Jason and asks him to come over and see her that she has something important she wants to talk to him about.
Awe love it , unfortunately we know she's going to ask him for a divorce.
Jason is pleased to hear from Sam and agrees to go see her.
I love them I really do they are awesome Jasam will rise again.
Awe Oscar is all smiles cause Joss said yes to going to the ball with him, she's even put on the madhatters hat .
LOL awe young love ain't it grand.
Gosh these two are just adorable , I wonder how Jax would feel about his baby girl having a boyfriend. LOL.
Let alone Uncle Jerry who probably would scare the hell out of the poor boy.
Maxie shows up to see Sonny and Apologizes to him for her rude behavior earlier , he tells her its okay and not to worry about it.
She asks him not to tell anyone especially Carly about Faison being Nathan's dad lol.
He says he won't tell anyone , but he already told Anna oops lol.
Maxie is annoyed about this and she cops an attitude, now what is she going to do. LOL
Sonny assures her Anna won't tell anyone.
Finn tells Anna now they can relax and he wants to start afresh with her.
Jordan talks to Dante about what she found out about Cassandra and they wonder if Finn knows a little more than he's saying lol.
Oh boy
Maxie tells Sonny she can't believe he told Anna but she's grateful that he's not going to tell anyone about what they found out.

Lulu shows up at the pcpd and over hears Nathan tell Dante that he wants to smoke his father out so he can talk to him.
Oh lord here we go the cub reporter wants her freaking scoop.
Ugh please bitch can't you see this isn't about you and what you want.
She kisses Dante right int the middle of the PCPD.
She's into Public displays of affection, the office is not the time or the place to do this.
She then tells Nathan they both want the same thing.
They want to get in contact with Faison and she says why don't we work together?
Jason goes to see Sam and man oh man my little Jasam heart was jumping.

She loves him

I agree with Carly on this no matter how you slice it one of these guys are going to get hurt and its all down to Sam and her stupid choices.
Yep the episode for January 8th was anything , but boring , we had love, pain the whole damn thing.
We had people wanting to chase after a pyschopath who would rather kill you then entertain the thought of you picking his brains and hear his side of the story.
Lulu is walking on dangerous ground wanting to do this knowing the past her family has had with Faison she should really stay clear of him. Its better to be safe than freaking sorry I tell you guys.
Anna was right in telling Jason that too I mean seriously smoke the dude out of hiding by all means but this might mean you might bring down another reign of terror on your own selves.
By going after him. Let this be a warning do not go after Faison if you value your lives and those of the ones you love and cherish take my advice and do not do this you might end up another victim.
And that's its for now stay tuned for the next recap
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