
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 15 January 2018

GH Recap January 12th 2018

Good Morning me lovelies well what can I say about the   Friday January 12th edition of our daily dose of GH other than  yours truly was saying Oh my fucking god you gotta be kidding me alot.

Yea and you know why its because  my favourite characters , who by the way are the longest running characters on the show literally made me want to bitch slap them from Port Charles to the Canadian Border and back .

 If you think it sounds familiar its because that's what Bobbie threatened to do to Monica when it was revealed that  Lucas was gay.

First up Alexis, Alexis , Alexis , I love you woman , but when are you going to realize making decisions for your grown assed daughter, ain't gonna wash with her , or for the millions of Jasam fans who by the way think you are a bitch for trying to force your hand and make Sam cut Jason out of his own son's life.

I was actually applauding  Sam telling her mother off cause lets face it she had it coming.

I was literally wanting to shout at the tv like a mad woman lol who thinks that Alexis would hear me . " You gotta be frigging kidding me right now!Lets get something straight  Sam isn't Elizabeth Webber would did force her hand and made Jason sign all rights to Jake to Lucky.

I found Alexis way too bitchy and over the top and I didn't like it. Check out the scene below to watch Sam tell her mother off after what she pulled during the divorce papers being signed.

Keeping your kid away from his or her father may be  Elizabeth, Carly's and Alexis' thing to do , but its not the way Sam wants to do things with her child. It aggravates the hell out of me when people think they are doing what's best for their kids, when in reality they wind up being just like Kristina who has no respect for her father, it took a lot of time for them to repair the damage Alexis has done but Sonny and Kristina resolved things.

Sam and Alexis - Mother doesn't always know Best

Drew and Carly really stepped up to the plate in this episode as far as being parents go, Drew helped Oscar learn some boxing moves,

It appears the poor lad is being bullied and  Joss well,  lol she's trying so hard to grow up  too fast, Carly really needs to calm down a bit.

I literally busted a gut laughing when I saw her put Joss in the god awful dress lol and Eden Mccoy's reaction was priceless.

We had Sonny doling out parental advice to Carly and I really love these kind of scenes. It shows that Sonny has all the experience raising a teenage daughter lol. Kristina is just as head strong and feisty as Joss is turning out to be .

Check out the scene below to see parenting 101 courtesy of  Drew , Carly and Sonn

Drew and Carly - Parenting 101

Gosh I love Diane and the way she handles our Alexis No one can deliver no nonsense advice like our Diane.  And no one can snap Alexis back into reality like she can.

Unfortunately she also led her to Julian's Pub where  they caught a glimpse of a flirt session between him and Kim Oh dear .

Diane to the rescue

Oh and lets not forget poor Carly lol, when Joss was going out with Oscar and she forgot her backpack.

I don't think I'm going to bother describing this scene below lol other than , prepared to see Carly rendered speechless lol.

Carly's shocking discovery from BadAssAngels on Vimeo.

In other news on GH we had the two hooks 1 fish storyline with Lante and Nathan ,  and  Sason and Spinelli trying to  smoke out Faison.

Poor Maxie was struggling not to tell Nina about the secret coming out that  Faison is Nathan's father.

Yea umm that's not exactly the news you want to tell anyone is it guys I mean seriously its Scary at best and I really feel that they shouldn't even be pursuing it period.

Lunath and Sason - Smoking out Faison

What good is it going to do other than make things more stressful for everyone. Seriously.

Whatever the outcome of this whole mess I want to see Faison coming out of the woodwork, winding up being shocked, annoyed and still as scary as hell as he always was.

Love you Anders Hove lol, I hope you show up on GH real soon.

That's it until next time my beauties, have a wonderful day and happy GH watching.

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