
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

GH Recap January 15th 2018

Good Morning me lovelies , so yesterday's show left me going ... Oh my god are you freaking kidding me?

Carly showed up at the hospital to see Kim and ran into her mother and they discussed Joss and Oscar. I understand that Carly is concerned and all but she's becoming a huge pain in the ass lately. Bobbie told her that she should take a deep breath and that she might be jumping the gun a little bit lol.

Diane and Alexis at  Julian's bar and they noticed the spark between Kim and Julian and our resident  Legal eagle was a might bit jealous lol.

I'm all for  Carly being concerned about her daughter and what she might get up to , but in my humble opinion Carly should have called Kim instead of flouncing over to GH and causing some drama.

Kim told Carly that  she's talked to Oscar about the ramifications if he and Joss decide to have sex, Carly is still not amused by the whole situation and you can't really blame her.

Carly , Bobbie and Kim - The Condom discovery 01-15-18 from GHCScratchPost on Vimeo.
And then we had Finn and  Anna pining for each other, come on get real get these two back together.

There are real feelings there  and everyone else can see it. Felicia even commented on it to Anna and I believe they're denying what they feel for each other.

Maxie hit the roof with Lulu when the story came out about Nathan being Faison's son , yea and then to top it all off she got cramps in her stomach thanks to all the stress she's under.

You know what this is one time I wish Maxie had hauled off and smacked Lulu in the face for old time sake. 
Naxie and Sason - All About Faison 01-15-18 from GHCScratchPost on Vimeo.

I could care less what big story she's chasing Lulu has endangered Maxie's babies life by even attempting to get in contact with Faison. She may have even destroyed their friendship as well.

Alexis talked to Ava who clearly can see that Alexis still has a thing for her big brother lol

I loved these scenes seriously Ava is a goddess lol , when she's making me laugh.

Later on Alexis  goes to her AA meeting and she has made friends with Finn and they talk about their problems to each other after the meeting.

I love their friendship its kinda cute and they make a toast with doughnuts to boot lol.
Lulu can cry all she wants , and she can be convinced by  Peter to do this damn story , but you know what its not worth the risk to lose a friend over your stupid actions in the long run.

Maxie finds out that she has to rest and not let anyone stress her out. Oh boy

And finally P. K Sinclair makes contact with Sason and Spinelli.

He asks if they are referring to the new book which isn't finished and then they boys went wtf.

I can't wait for today's show guys until next time happy GH watching.

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