This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.
Monday, 26 March 2018
GH Recap March 19th - 23rd 2018
Good Morning me lovelies , now that the earthquake is over , what drama are we fans left with? Oh yes that's right Drew and Franco getting out of that room that was filling with Cement.
Gosh darn it all to hell, I want Jim Harvey to die a thousand deaths, he abused those boys, you can tell just by Franco's reaction to the creep that he did something to them in the past and Franco has only just now started to unblock it from his memory.
Also we found out that Nelle has stepped up her game , with Carly to get back at her for what? Carly has tried to be nice to this bitch and she still continues to be a nasty assed bitch to her.
Even Ava last week told her maybe she needs to start getting along with Carly instead of fighting with her and plotting against her.
LOL I am waiting for the hell to be unleashed when Carly finds out it was Nelle tormenting her there will be hell to pay , but as I've said before Pay back is a bitch and so is Carly little Nelle doesn't know what a boss ass bitch is lol, she think she is one but she ain't.
Mrs Corinthos is notorious for being a formidable opponent, now both Obrecht and Ava have both said it. One would think upon hearing that Nelle would run for the hills lol.
Carly ain't going to take this lying down or lightly , she's got a friend who could shoot her between those eyes from a far distance lol, no wait she has two friends who could do that.
Jason and Drew would not let that bitch get away with hurting her or her family.
Poor Sam was torn between her two loves and she told Drew that she loves Jason and he left her high and frigging dry.
You can't blame him really, she toyed with his emotions made promises only to break them.
Also Ned was pissed off about what Jim Harvey has been up to and Curtis and Jordan are getting closer on the scent of what he's done.
They arrested his ass for kidnapping Drew and Franco , but they let him go , this dude is going to be up on charges for child abuse in the near future there is no statue of limitations on it lol.
Also Michael and Francesca went out on a date and she told him he's got too much baggage lol, that she doesn't need drama in her life.
Mike and Sonny and Dante went to his doctor's appointment and you can tell Sonny is having just as much of a hard time with his dad's alzheimers diagnosis as his dad is.
Its hard to accept that your ill, its even harder to accept that you're losing all sense of yourself when you start forgetting things , it must be a frustrating thing to deal with on both sides.
The father is used to being who he is , and the son can't handle seeing his father deterioate before his eyes.
Meanwhile Anna is still looking for Heimrich but he's under her nose and living in Port Charles.
What is about to happen in Port Charles this week god only knows but whatever happens this fan is going to be along for the crazy ride back into Port Charles, sporting her leather jacket, stiletto heeled boots and ready to get this party started.
Until next time guys have a great week and Happy GH watching.
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
GH Recap March 12-16 th 2018
Good Morning me lovelies and welcome to another edition of our GH recap last week was indeed an eye opener for all of us.
Nelle is still in hot pursuit of making Carly's life miserable, not even an earthquake of epic status could calm this conniving evil bitch down.
I'm wanting to zap myself into the television and tell this bitch to back the fuck off because she's making me feel like she needs to wind up dead.
The way she carries on towards Carly is unbelievably stupid. There is no reason to go after Carly babes now, she's done nothing to deserve her disgusting games.
Cause really being a bitch to the grandmother of your child, when she's dealing not only with the loss of as child, but she's dealing with the fact her father in law has Alzheimers, maybe its not the best time to attack , plot against or be a bitch to Carly Corinthos.
I've seen her pulverize women before her and that will never change , Nelle will find herself in hot water and possibly be buried in the pine barrens soon.
Amid all of this indigantion we had Jim Harvey being a total asshole to Ned, Drew and Franco.
Yeah cause using and abusing power and expect the Mayor to do the same thing , wins you brownie points doesn't it you asshole ugh I can't stand Jim.
Oh and then we find out that Maxie's baby doesn't have Huntington's disease after all, and she had another blow out fight with Lulu in the process.
Anna met up with Andre whose out of prison and he went with her to look for the midwife who delivered Heinrich. She found out that Valentin lied to her about it being a girl.
Despite the fact that I think he's a total asshole towards Anna i think he's pretty awesome keeping Lulu in check with the whole Maxie thing.
As much as I love LuMax I think that eventually Maxie will forgive her , but right now Lulu needs to accept the way things are at the moment with Maxie being upset and Angry. She really needs to back the fuck off.
Nina had gone to see Kim wanting to know if there is a possibility she could have children but it wasn't to be. Nina was upset about what she heard and was even more shocked that Heinrich is paying special attention to Maxie.
Yeah anyone would find that suspicious.
Also Drew and Franco went to see Jim Harvey for Answers and he immediately responded by having them locked up in the basement of the building after they caught him out on a few lies.
Yeah and to add that to everything else , our show is heading towards their 55th Anniversary I can't wait to see what's going to happen next.
Love this crazy show , all who inhabit Port Charles even the evil ones lol until next time me lovelies have a great day and happy GH watching.
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
GH recap March 5-9th 2018
Good Morning guys , so last week's GH was full of drama with the earthquake well and truly making its tremors known.
Everyone in Port Charles was all shook up, scared and some were injured from it.
Poor Oscar and Joss got locked in the freezer, Dakota's shoulder got out of whack and Kim had to realign it for her.
Mike found Franco and told Sam and Jason about it when they ran into them. He was confused and he forgot who Sam was.
Jasam got caught in the after shocks after they saved Franco , and there was an explosion. They told each other they loves each other. Awe I loved it.
The people at the floating rib were still in danger and luckily Franco was out in time to rescue Drew who was stuck under the freezer door after they managed to get the kids out of the freezer.
Carly and Nelle were stuck at the art gallery and they had to be rescued.
The whole week was nerve wracking as fan faves were in danger from the quake , and people were grateful that those they least expected to help them, were there to rescue them.
Sometimes it takes a crisis to bring people together, but this is Port Charles so grudges are not even forgotten.
Carly still hates Nelle, Jason still hates Franco, Jim is still a snake lol, and we the fans have figured out that he abused Franco and Drew as young kids.
This bastard is hiding something and our boys are about to investigate to find out what's going on.
Joss was terrified at the hospital not knowing how Oscar was, this was after the stupid new dectective was a total jerk to her. She later told OScar she would have his badge for being an asshole to her.
Yep typical offspring of my fave Carly lol, shout the odds spew bs, out of fright and then regret it afterwards.
Everyone came out of it unscathed thank goodness , but Ned has some major things to work on cause he's the mayor, will Port Charles' new head help the people of Charles street ? God only knows, but only time will tell if he actually figures out what an ahole Jim Harvey is.
Making a deal with the devil is a bad move and in Port Charles that makes you the biggest idiot on the planet.
Ned will have furious residents on his ass if he continues this development deal with Jim and if Jim really did hurt Franco and Drew will Ned dare be that stupid and still work with him I sure as hell hope not.
Its not the wisest move aligning yourself with a child abuser that just makes you as bad as he is .
Elizabeth was at the church frightened for Franco and he showed up in time to reveal himself to her and tell her was safe.
Gosh I loved it.
Well that's it for now guys have a great week and happy GH Watching
Tuesday, 6 March 2018
GH Recap February 26th - March 2nd 2018
Good Morning me lovelies well last week's GH saw our fave Port Charles residents gearing up for two events one the spring dance for Joss and her friends and Friz's wedding.
Amid all of this loveliness we had Maxie getting some advice from her brother in law who she doesn't know is her brother in law.
Mike disappeared again and thought Ava's gallery was still Luke's and he accidently broke a statue.
Sonny brokered a deal with Ava and had paid her for the damages and in return he let her see Avery.
I totally get where Sonny is coming from he wanted to protect his father and shut Ava up from causing problems. LOL
But in effect he had to do something for her .
That new police detective I can't stand his stupid ass , he's trying too hard to do his job right and yet he shows no compassion for Mike or his family.
Dante I was proud of for standing up for his Grandpa and not letting this newbie cause drama.
Poor Julian was upset when his pub was backed up with sewage and the dance for the kids was cancelled.
But as luck would have it , Anna called Mac and he agreed to let the kids have their party there.
Franco confronted Jim Harvey , as Elizabeth prepared to get ready for the wedding, there were alot of sweet moments there I love Piffy she's awesome , she's the hard ass at the hospital but when it comes to outside of work she's the best friend anyone else could hope for.
Nelle and Michael discussed the baby and who would take custody if one of them should die.
Franco suspected Jim was omitting the truth about what really happened when Drew fell down the basement steps. personally I think the guy abused both boys.
The kids were having fun until a bully showed up harrassing Dakota and threw a balloon full of red paint which hit Joss' couture dress loaned to her by Nina.
And did I mention Carly and Nina both found out that Nelle had stolen it from her, and Carly confronted her about it.
And the craziest moment of all was the earthquake that shook the town.
The kids all screamed and the lights flickered and Joss and Oscar got locked in the freezer at the floating rib.
My one thought was oh my god the Corinthos are going to have to pay for that dress now that its ruined , but that won't matter when they find out the kids are safe and sound.
Until next time guys have a great week and Happy GH watching
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