
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

GH Recap February 26th - March 2nd 2018

Good Morning me lovelies well last week's GH saw our fave Port Charles residents gearing up for two events one the spring dance for Joss and her friends and Friz's wedding.

Amid all of this loveliness we had Maxie getting some advice from her brother in law who she doesn't know is her brother in law.

Mike disappeared again and thought  Ava's gallery was still Luke's and he accidently broke a statue.

Sonny brokered a deal with Ava and had paid her for the damages and in return he let her see Avery.

I totally get where Sonny is coming from he wanted to protect his father and shut Ava up from causing problems. LOL

But in effect he had to do something for her .

That new police detective I can't stand his stupid ass , he's trying too hard to do his job right and yet he shows no compassion for  Mike or his family.

Dante I was proud of for standing up for his Grandpa and not letting this newbie cause drama.

Poor Julian was upset when his pub was backed up with sewage and the dance for the kids was cancelled.

But as luck would have it  ,  Anna called Mac and he agreed to let the kids have their party there.

Franco confronted  Jim Harvey  , as Elizabeth prepared to get ready for the wedding, there were alot of sweet moments there I love Piffy she's awesome , she's the  hard ass at the hospital but when it comes to outside of work she's the best friend anyone else could hope for.

Nelle and  Michael discussed the baby and who would take custody if one of them should die.

Franco suspected Jim was omitting the truth about what really happened when Drew fell down the basement steps. personally I think the guy abused both boys.

The kids were having fun until a bully showed up harrassing Dakota and threw a balloon full of red paint which hit  Joss' couture dress loaned to her by  Nina. 

And did I mention Carly and Nina both found out that Nelle had stolen it from her, and Carly confronted her about it.

And the craziest moment of all was the earthquake that shook the town.

The kids all screamed and the lights flickered and Joss and Oscar got locked in the freezer at the floating rib.

My one thought was oh my god the Corinthos are going to have to pay for that dress now that its ruined , but that won't matter when they find out the kids are safe and sound.

Until next time guys have a great week and Happy GH watching

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