I keep thinking if I could zap myself into GH, I would make myself Carlys half sister , through John Durant , Carly needs a sister who will stand by her , who loves her unconditionally, and doesn't let anyone talk shyte about her .
Instead she got Nelle who by the way was so jealous of her it was beyond ridiculous!!!! Ridiculous revenge plot for what ?
Sorry I'm just sick of it and she needs to stop contacting Michael she's an absolute fruitcake .
I would take a few other characters to task as well, and make Ava see who Ryan really is and that he's not acting in her best interest nor does he care about her, her well being or sanity
I would also knock Kristina into the middle of next week, and make her see sense.
Someone has to rescue her stupid butt from that cult. Jason and Sam seem to be failing at this point .
And I'm frankly bored with it already , also , Laura needs to contact Lucky , and Luke , Tracey and Ethan because of what happened to Lulu . If she doesn't I will.
And what about Nikolas ? I'd be the brains and finally investigate his whereabouts .
There are so many unanswered questions , his family needs him and he's not there to protect any of them either .
I would also have Nina discover that Willow is her daughter, and let their relationship flourish the way Sam and Alexis and Carly and Bobbie's and Lulu and Charlotte's have. I'd be a detective like Sam and Curtis and help them discover this fact.
I'd also have Ryan die the same way he's killed his victims ... What would you guys do if you could zap yourself into GH?
What family would you belong to , what would you do for a job? Who would your enemies be ?
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