Dear GH fan bases, I understand that we are all passionate about GH and our own personal fan favourites,but I have seen too much in the last few years that has gotten my back up and made me feel like you all need to be put over someone's knee and get a good hard spanking.
I dunno if you are all alien life forms, or just bloody crazy , but this attacking the very people who you claim to love and respect on social media is beyond ridiculous.
While I understand your passionate about the couples you like , it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth , when I see people treating GH stars with complete and utter disrespect and contempt.
From my side of the fence you are acting like venomous snakes going after their victims.
If an actress or an actor supports a fan base, then that is their choice , its not up to you to behave like school yard , unhinged bullies who think its appropriate to swear at, insult and talk down to people you only know through a tv show and social media.
The same as you have the right to like who you like, however there is a line you do not , and should not cross.
Its okay to have an opinion but some people take it way too far.
I mean seriously these little petitions , calling for people to get fired, or rehired, or even just simply not accepting that an actor or actress want to move on and they are cool with their old part being recast, is their personal preference and their choice.
We as fans do not have the right to scream and shout and demand things, or put on your deluded expectations on to the actors and actresses or even the executive producer in my opinion is mute.
Accept that things change , sometimes we think its not for the better, but its not our place to voice it , in a negative fashion either.
As someone who runs two social media accounts and a blog that are all GH related , I respect , admire , and look up to the GH Legends who are apart of the brilliant GH family at General Hospital.
You all should be ashamed of yourselves, for the disgusting crap you spew at them on a daily basis.
I'm not about to say " It's just a soap, its not real!" But come on now , isn't it time for people to show class , grace , self respect and respect for the people behind the scenes as well as the actors and actresses who work in front of the camera.
I find that a lot of fans act like toddlers throwing their toys out of their playpens and prams because they don't get what they want on screen.
Forgive me for saying this , but I think its time you accepted that its all apart of a storyline, couples get together, they break up, they make up and they break up again.
Its all apart of life , just like we all have our own drama's in our own lives, instead of focusing on drama on a tv show , and taking things to heart perhaps you should take a step back and focus on your own personal drama's going on in your own homes.
Peace out , love you all and happy GH watching me lovelies!!!
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