As everyone knows , I am the biggest Carly fan on the planet , but sometimes I have to pause , shake my head and say " Oh Carly will you ever learn!"
She's impulsive , funny , and like a bull in a China shop at the best of times , I adore her for it, but going after the likes of Ryan Chamberlain was just plain stupid on her part.
Being pregnant should have been the reason she stayed out of shit that ain't her business , but that's our Carly she is a warrior queen who doesn't give a Sweet fuck!
Let's be honest , not Sonny, nor Jason , Sam or anyone else can tell her what to do , cause Carly is gonna do what Carlys gonna do , and she makes no apologies for it .
And the haters as much as they despise her , they gotta admit she is hilarious , especially when she is like miss marple solving the latest crime around the craziness that is in Port Charles.
When she pops up out of nowhere , and scares the hell out of the viewers it's a slight indication she's like a dog with a bone , you try and take it away from her she's like a snarly beast and she comes at you even harder.
Our thoughts and prayers are with anyone lol, who dare cross her , it's not just her You have to deal with if you try and hurt her .
Jason don't play games , and certainly you don't taunt , kidnap or hurt those he loves . Ryan better say a few hail Mary's cause he's a sitting duck once Jason comes for you.
Playing Russian roulette with her life , is something Carly does best , she's the ultimate bad ass bitch, but she is also a repeat damsel in distress.
I laugh at her antics , gasp with shock when she deliberately puts herself in harm's way but in the back of my mind , I have to say it again, Carly will you ever learn.
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