Have you ever tried to watch GH and not be gasping and trying not to utter swear words at the tv that was pretty much me this past week.
Yes its an every day event that leaves yours truly gasping for air and wonder wtf is going to happen next.
First of All Ava is still in complete denial that Ryan isn't Kevin , and then she realized he was Ryan and has vowed to kill him.
Yes Ava ( Maura West) This fan is waiting for you to deliver some whoop ass and kill the son of a bitch once and for all.
Carly was rescued thank god , and truthfully I was glad of it , Joss found out her mum was thrown off a bridge and she's pregnant uttering the words " Aren't you too old to be pregnant!!!"
I laughed my ass off at that one.
Epiphany has been on screen and she told Franco to wake up lol, god I love that woman , Sonya Eddy is hilarious I love her.
Alexis has gone to therapy after her weird assed dream with the clocks and the sex drean about Julian.
Kristina is in deeper with Dawn of Day and I couldn't be more disgusted with her, She's disrespecting her friends in favor of people who just want to use her for her money.
Molly and Valerie were the stars of the week handing Kristina some home truths , and we saw that Willow has the same tattoo as Daisy.
I have never been so disappointed with a legacy characters offspring as I am with Kristina Adela Corinthos she lets her heart rule her head and she's let go of a friendship why? Because she thinks the sun shines out of Shiloh's ass and everyone else are the deluded , jealous ones.
Nice try kiddo, can't you see he's alienating you from your family and friends filling , your idiotic head with a lot of bull crap and that is what it amounts to .
Molly is trying to do the right thing but you act like a petulant child who doesn't see sense .
Where is Helena when we need her , or Nikolas something needs to be done and soon .
Both Hells and Nik would off that whacko where he stands.
I hate to say it maybe they should bring in Valentin to help out , he's her uncle after all, he could arrange for Shiloh to have an accident lol. I'd have him redeemed after that but that's just me.
Sonny and Robert have been on the trail of Dante and Sonny actually has come face to face with his son, and he has no idea that his dipshit of a daughter is in further with the crazies at Dawn of Day.
Is Dante actually going to shoot his dad after Raj ordered him too , I thnk frigging not!!!!
That's it for this week happy GH watching!!!!!!
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