But here we are back on track and let me tell you the past two weeks of GH has been like an emotional rain making you cry bucket loads of tears.
First of all Oscar is now nearing the end of his life at the ripe age of 16, because of his brain tumor. Its hard on everyone around him to deal with it, but you know the folks around him have been a tower of strength especially Joss.
Joss has been going through hell, but remains optimistic , and you know Carly admires that about her daughter, As do Drew and Kim who have stood by and watch their sons girlfriend stand by him and support him and them all the way.
For us viewers this storyline hits close to home and its hard to watch, but we are grateful to the show for raising awareness about it.
Also we had Anna grappling with the notion that Robin might not even be her daughter, I had to pause for a moment and go " What the actual f%$#?" She's based it on things being twisted by her crazy assed sister who needs psychiatric evaluation not an audience for her to sell her her bull crap.
And then Anna found her bracelet and it suddenly came to her that Robert was right , and that she is Robin's mother. Umm when isn't Robert right about things? The man is a freaking truth teller , a silver fox and one that doesn't take shit for face value because someone else says its fact.
Oh god and then the craziness began Ava , teaming up with Felicia and Laura and Kevin to trap Ryan , who by the way had his hands removed. That bastard is bat shit crazy!!!! He sent one of his hands to Kevin and the other was found by the Ontario Canada Authorities.
As for the whole Dawn of Dumb Asses Crap ( oops I mean Dawn of Day) Kristina was rescued by Jason and taken to a safe house where her parents showed up and her deprogramming began.
But not without its frigging drama my friends , Kristina is 26 years old and threw a full on tantrum like a toddler who threw her sippy cup or a plate of food across the room.
I swear to god , I demand a DNA Test she does not act like she's Sonny and Alexis' child at all and franky I wanted to zap myself into the television , land in Port Charles, slap her and yell wake the fuck up you idiot!!!!
Amongst this we had Oscar asking Ned and Olivia to help him plan his funeral.Kim and Monica literally having their hearts in their mouths when Oscar asked Jason to take him on a motorcycle ride. It was hilarious I loved it , because Drew was all for it . Oscar even asked them to behave like brothers and get along. Yeah cause that worked so well with AJ :P
Drew actually played poker with Osar, Cam and Joss, and Monica and Kim approved. They didn't play for peanuts or toothpicks or pennys , they played with pokerchips provided by Oscar's grandmother Monica.
Willow came face to face with her mom, it turns out its Harmony and she was trying to make her go back to Shiloh. Willow freaking suprised me when she said that her mom pimped her out to Shiloh like she was some sort of offering to get special favours from the man who thinks he's the man who raised from the dead in the bible stories.
Chase warned Michael that he and his family better not have kidnapped Kristina because they could be arrested for kidnapping.
Carly went to the hospital for her scan and Epiphany bless her heart she likes Carly and Sonny and she was surprised he wasn't there for Carly's appointment .
Epiphany also made time to give Elizabeth some advice about Cameron and generally be the good hearted, sweet woman we know she is. She isn't just a tough as nails boss who doesn't stand for nonsense Piffy has a heart of gold.
Oh and lets not forget Maxie's date with Peter, and ahem Spencer making a truce with Valentin, as well Sasha and Michael hitting the sheets. And getting some weird assed illness.
Sam is sickened by Shilo and she wants to stop trapping him ,Kristina called Valerie and in turn Valerie showed up at Dawn of Day and it prevented anything bad happening to Sam.
Curtis found out they got a lead on Ryan and TJ was worried about his mom , and as for Mac he was super pissed at Kevin because he feels that because of Kevin's actions he's put everyone in danger.
And Lulu well , she wants to interview Ava about the whole Ryan situation
But the best scene of the week was where Sonny and Carly told Avery she's pregnant. Avery was eavesdropping, Sonny was quite amused by it and told her that she'd learned it from her mama. LOL Yep Carly is an expert snooper I know that for a fact!!!!
Avery was happy about being a big sister and asked when it was coming and if its here now Awe.
So sweet I loved it !!!! And that's it for the past two weeks.