
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Sunday, 28 April 2019

GH Recap Weeks of April 15th 2019 - April 26th 2019

Hey guys , I know this is a week late , but with the easter weekend you get busy and things slip through the cracks.

But here we are  back on track and let me tell you the past two weeks of GH has been like an emotional rain making you cry bucket loads of tears.

First of all Oscar is now nearing the end of his life at the ripe age of 16, because of his brain tumor. Its hard on everyone around him to deal with it, but you know the folks around him have been a tower of strength especially Joss.

Joss has been going through hell, but remains optimistic , and you know Carly admires that about her daughter, As do Drew and Kim who have stood by and watch their sons girlfriend stand by him and support him and them all the way.

For us viewers this storyline hits close to home and its hard to watch, but we are grateful to the show for raising awareness about it.

Also we had Anna grappling with the notion that Robin might not even be her daughter, I had to pause for a moment and go " What the actual f%$#?"  She's based it on things being twisted by her crazy assed sister who needs psychiatric evaluation not an audience for her to sell her her bull crap.

And then Anna found her bracelet and it suddenly came to her that Robert was right , and that she is Robin's mother. Umm when isn't Robert right about things? The man is a freaking truth teller , a silver fox and one that doesn't take shit for face value because someone else says its fact.

Oh god and then the craziness began Ava , teaming up with Felicia and Laura and Kevin to trap Ryan , who by the way had his hands removed. That bastard is bat shit crazy!!!! He sent one of his hands to  Kevin and the other was found by the Ontario Canada Authorities.

As for the whole Dawn of Dumb Asses Crap ( oops I mean Dawn of Day) Kristina was rescued by Jason and taken to a safe house where her parents showed up and her deprogramming began.

But not without its frigging drama my friends , Kristina is 26 years old and threw a full on tantrum like a toddler who threw her sippy cup or a plate of food across the room.

I swear to god , I demand a DNA Test she does not act like she's Sonny and Alexis' child at all and franky I wanted to zap myself into the television , land in Port Charles, slap her and yell wake the fuck up you idiot!!!!

Lulu left for  France, but then promptly came back home again, this girl never makes up her mind about anything, she's a Spencer baby she is crazy as hell and I love her for it.

Amongst this we had Oscar asking Ned and Olivia to help him plan his funeral.Kim and Monica literally having their hearts in their mouths when Oscar asked Jason to take him on a motorcycle ride. It was hilarious I loved it , because Drew was all for it . Oscar even asked them to behave like brothers and get along. Yeah cause that worked so well with AJ :P

Drew actually played poker with Osar, Cam and Joss, and Monica and  Kim approved. They didn't play for peanuts or toothpicks or pennys , they played with pokerchips provided by  Oscar's grandmother Monica.

Willow came face to face with her mom, it turns out its Harmony  and she was trying to make her go back to Shiloh. Willow freaking suprised me when she said that her mom pimped her out to Shiloh like she was some sort of offering to get special favours from the man who thinks he's the man who raised from the dead in the bible stories.

Chase warned Michael that he and his family better not have kidnapped Kristina because they could be arrested for kidnapping.

Carly went to the hospital for her scan and Epiphany bless her heart she likes Carly and Sonny and she was surprised he wasn't there for Carly's appointment .

Epiphany also made time to give Elizabeth some advice about Cameron and generally be the good hearted, sweet woman we know she is. She isn't just a tough as nails boss who doesn't stand for nonsense Piffy has a heart of gold.

Oh and lets not forget  Maxie's date with Peter, and ahem Spencer making a truce with Valentin, as well Sasha and Michael hitting the sheets. And getting some weird assed illness.

Sam is sickened by Shilo and she wants to stop trapping him ,Kristina called Valerie and in turn Valerie showed up at Dawn of Day and it prevented anything bad happening to Sam.

Curtis found out they got a lead on Ryan and TJ was worried about his mom , and as for Mac he was super pissed at  Kevin because he feels that because of Kevin's actions he's put everyone in danger.
And Lulu well , she wants to interview Ava about the whole Ryan situation

But the best scene of the week was where Sonny and Carly told Avery she's pregnant.  Avery was eavesdropping, Sonny was quite amused by it and told her that she'd learned it from her mama. LOL Yep Carly is an expert snooper I know that for a fact!!!!  

Avery was happy about being a big sister and asked when it was coming and if its here now Awe.
So sweet I loved it !!!!  And that's it for the past two weeks.

Monday, 15 April 2019

GH Recap For the week of April 8-12th 2019

Good Morning guys here is the recap for last weeks shows.

Well what a week it was , it was heart breaking , and hilarious and outstanding all in one go!!!!

I thought to myself when it comes to the younger cast members , " Sparkle baby!" just like those crazy pageant moms lol.

The Dawn of Day Storyline has been a sore point with me, except for the amazing talents of Lexi Ainsworth, Coby Ryan Mclaughlin, Katelyn Mcmullen, Kelly Monaco and Haley Pullos.

Kristina has been on cloud cuckoo land thinking that Shiloh is the this kind benefactor who took her in when actual fact he's a narcissistic pig who takes advantange of young people and soaks them for money.

Jason rescued Kristina and he got her to a safe house, where Dr Neil is there to deprogram her ass.

That stupid girl is angry because she feels she was ripped from people who care about her , is this bitch for real ? The Dawn of Day people are scumbags full stop she's such a dumb ass.

Molly said it perfectly when she called him out of his crap lol, that was the highlight of the week for me , because Haley as Molly says exactly what mama Ashley is thing all the damn time. I often wonder if the writers , catch wind of what the fans in my group during live chat say at General Hospital Canada because they seem to repeat almost verbatim of what I myself or our members have said .

Ontop of that we had Anna having a melt down not knowing if she is really Robin's mother , or if its Alex who is . But as my mother stated shouting at the tv take a DNA test stupid.

Robert tried to talk some sense into her and she still wouldn't listen and Maxie confessed her feelings for Peter after Chet had asked her out and she told him she had feelings for someone else.

Maxie and Peter almost had sex , but he stopped it before it started , he is a true gentleman!!!

Then we had poor Joss dealing with Oscar and his diagnosis , it was a sad state of affairs all around , our kid she's been put through the hell with all this.

We also saw the terror in Willow's face when she realized that Michael wants to get her help to  trap Shiloh.

Chase was seriously against the idea , and ontop of that lol Fin asked Laura's advice about the engagement ring for Anna.

Ava is still on the warpath wanting to seek Ryan out and we all know that bastard is lurking around ready to strike.

Spencer lol, oh Spencer he marked Valentin's card lol and told him he knows he's up to something, I'm sorry but when you play games with people's lives you have to expect some fall out eventually.

He then decided to Come on now lets get some action going get a bastard caught already  and make it three for three.

How much longer can Nina believe all of his lies, is she really that stupid?????

Time will tell , and we will see the startling conclusion to this crazy assed storyline.

Until next time guys happy GH watching!!!!

Miss Molly Lansing - Little Miss Spitfire

If you  walk by my house at 2 oclock  , and you hear the loud noise  of my laughter through the open living room window , don't be alarmed my friends , because its only me laughing watching GH.

You may be scratching your heads and wondering what could be so comical , but if you were watching the show as of late you'd know its because of the beautiful, smart talented young lady Haley Pullos who portrays Molly Lansing aka Little Miss Spitfire.

Molly has always been an outspoken, little madam, I've always loved that about her , because she's inherited Alexis' and Ric's smart mouth.

Having said that , she always stands up for what she thinks is right , and that is a quality that I admire the most about her.

In the past she's asked Jason to order a hit on Warren Bauer for antagonizing her mother, and having her arrested for what happened to Keifer, she's suffered from post traumatic stress due to the  bus crash.

She also asked Sean Butler about PTSD and talked to her uncle Sonny about Bipolar disorder, it takes a strong person to recognize that they have something wrong with them and Molly just seemed to recognize on her own she needed help.

But the events that have made me love her more , because I myself  have said exactly what what she has was when she  told Jason that Kristina was in a cult , a fact that made everyone in General Hospital Canada laugh with delight because it was high time someone else freaking said it.

And then it happened , Last week Molly took on Shiloh , she lambasted his narcissistic  ass in  fell swoop. Shiloh was left shocked at the girls behavior, tossing his book like the piece of trash it is and as for Sam well she just  didn't know where to look.

Sam covered up her face trying to mask her laughter, and it didn't escape this fans notice that Sam was super proud of her baby sister for calling out  the creep for what and who he is.

Here is the clip , I'm still laughing every time I watch it, she just cracks me up so damn much.

You best be aware you try to pull the wool over Molly's eyes and spin her a line,  she claps back at you louder and she calls you out for being a lying, plagiarist with a god complex.

Anyone with half a brain , or a sense of respect for themselves and those around them would listen to Molly when she speaks up and tells it how it really is.

But Logic says not everyone will sit up and take notice of Molly, especially when they aren't using their own sense of logic and forth sight to see what's in front of their faces.

I hope GH keeps this whole Miss  Molly Spitfire Lansing thing going , because I have a feeling  that Molly will join the ranks of no nonsense GH women who will shoot from the hip, not take anyone's crap and will be forever an inspiration to young girls.

Every young girl needs a role model and I think Haley and Molly fit the bill nicely . I can 100 % say that I felt like a proud mom  watching her daughter fighting like a warrior and slaying a dragon along the way.

Keep up the good work Haley we love you girl!!!!!

Monday, 8 April 2019

GH Recap April 1st - April 5th 2019

It was Gh's anniversary week , and I was expecting something massive to happen , but it didn't,  and I was left saying wtf and was disappointed.

An anniversary episode to me should pull out all the stopslike a nurses ball,  not a bunch of people going on a scavenger hunt , and retrieving an envelope filled with gold confetti .

amongst that stuff We'd had Valentin and Nina acting like two self entitled brats , who were down right rude and disrespectful to Willow Tait.

I'm a great believer in people showing respect to other people especially to those in authority .

In the mean time we had Lulu wanting to have sometime away to clear her head,  and she plans to take Rocco with her.

She let Nina know in no uncertain terms that she will be back , and She is Charlotte's mother so don't get too comfortable in the mama role .

I was shouting " Go Lulu !!!"

Elsewhere in Port Charles ava was having night mares about Ryan,  and Dawn of Shame ( I mean day , is trying to con more money out of Kristina.

Also Oscar has had another massive seizure and this time it's a deadly one and he's in a coma.

I felt horrible for Joss , and his family dealing with this was heart breaking for everyone involved.

Maxie and Peter have feelings for each other and are about to admit it

And also Fin and Chase have bonded over their new loves and Fin plans on asking Anna to marry him.

Amongst the sadness I hope we get to see an epic proposal and Anna says yes !! 

Although lol, it was pointed out that Anna is a difficult nut to crack , may be so but i love that woman .

That's it for now folks happy gh watching

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

My GH Journey : I'd be lost without you gh !!!!

  If I could go back in time and speak to 10 year old me, I don't think she would believe me if I told her that General Hospital would be in her blood for 3 decades.  She'd giggle , shake her head and think I'd lost the plot , but as it stands the fact is , she would have it in her blood, in her dreams, she'd run a facebook group, make videos and run a daily live chat and write blogs about the show in general.

I used to run home from the bus stop  and get in the door with 5 minutes to go before Gh started. Afternoon snack in hand and see what my gh family was up to .

 People have asked me over the years , " Why the hell do you like this show so much, there's too much mob shit it it, what's the facination you have?" Simply put because the characters have become more like a family to me than any other show I've watched over the years.

 I've seen more weddings, funerals, births of kids, who by the way started out younger than me lol, and miraculously got speed aged progressed to be the same age as me. Jason Morgan got Speed aged by 12 years , I remember when he was born and I was 12 for goodness sake at the time of his birth.

 Port Charles has seen their share of crazies inhabit their town, Helena and  Faison have terrorized the residents for so long that they too have become like the naughty great aunt and uncle that you just laugh at cause they're so nuts you can't help but go here we go again.

 We've seen the arrival of Robin , Carly, Elizabeth and Sam , four strong women who by the way just happen to be related to Legacy Characters who are as bad ass as their daughters who don't take shit from anyone. Robin was just a young kid , age 7 and she was sassy as hell, and every bit her mothers daughter.

 Giving her dad Robert a run for his money with the stern looks she gave him from time to time and make the adults feel like chastised children if they did anything to upset her.

In the 90's our girl was diagnosed HIV positive, has watched her boyfriend Stone die from Aids, and helped create the nurses ball.

She is thriving , a research doctor  who does lab research, is happily married and has a 14 year old daughter. 

 Carly's arrival was anything but smooth sailing, but still I love that girl with every fiber of my being. 

Yes she's a nasty piece of work most of the time, but people need to come to terms with the fact that Carly is gonna do what she's gonna do and ain't nobody not Bobbie, Not Jason, Not Sam and Not Sonny is going to stop her from going up against the likes of Heather Webber or Manny Ruiz without second thoughts in her head.

 Then there is Michael Corinthos, that boy has seen more heartache than a teenager in love. He was born with a heart defect, been kidnapped, been shot in the head, lost the love of his life, and he also killed Claudia Zacchara when she tried to kidnap baby Joss. Frisco and Felicia , although I loved them in the 80's with their adventures along with Luke and Laura , have a lot to answer for when it comes to Maxie and Lulu.

 Like our beautiful Robin , Maxie and Lulu know only too well what its like when your parent suddenly disappears then comes back and they want them to embrace them and go Oh dad, oh mom I missed you.

 Hell to the no baby ,  my girls got pissed told them off , and they got the adventure gene so they too have a taste and lust for danger. I revel in the kick ass action courtesy of Jason and Sonny , Sam is a dab hand of kicking some serious ass too, and then we got the hospital that is supposed to be the forefront of this whole show, occasionally we see some hospital drama when someone has a brain injury or has fallen victim to the frosty winter waters in the Port Charles Harbour.

 Jason and Sonny have had so many gun shot wounds they should have first refusal at getting seen to by the hospital staff. We've seen our fair share of  Mob women breeze into Port Charles  along with their husbands and fathers and brother. Olivia and Ava Jerome. Sorel, Frank Smith, Faith Roscoe, and Lily Rivera Corinthos Sonny's first wife who was killed by her own father during a click click boom episode which showed Lily being blown up in Sonny's car.

 Back in the 90's Ryan Chamberlain preyed on the women of Port Charles leaving victims in our wake, now 25 years later he's managed to spring himself out of  Ferncliff and killed again. I wouldn't bank on this mother effer to survive once Ava finds out he killed her daughter Kiki, if there's one thing I know , Ava may not be the most endearing character, but it would definitely be a treat to see her do an eye for an eye thing and kill the bastard dead where he stands.

 Oh yea and I was equally as angered when the show killed off Georgie, and Emily who I adored. their deaths at the hands of Diego the son of  mobster Lorenzo Alcazar just infuriated the hell out of me.

 Elizabeth Webber was horrified in the early 2000's when Lucky supposedly perished in a fire , but then returned from the supposed dead having his death faked by Faison and Helena.

 Faison managed to Fake Robin's death and Jason's but what we wound up with lol, was Drew Cain who had some identity confusion about who the hell he was then the idea was put in his head he was Jason Morgan.

  A fact that I as a long time fan predicted that would happen.  When GH first introduced Nelle Benson , and she started messing with Carly , she became another woman who joined the line of bitches who tried and failed to take down my girl.

 And in all honesty , thank god for Carly's little girl Joss , because she single handed took Nelle down herself , when Michael and Carly failed to do so.

 When my girls Sam and Carly were both shot on separate occasions I was left horrified, Sonny shot Carly by accident trying to kill Alcazar, but as for Sam she was shot in the back by  Manny Ruiz.

 A horrifying event that lead her to believe she couldn't have kids but now she has two beautiful kids of her own.

 Robin as well fell victim to a gun shot wound after Jerry Jacks shot her as a reminder to people at the metrocourt while he held them hostage that he had a gun and wasn't afraid to use it. She was the example but our Jasam and Carson didn't let him win that battle.

 I just knew there was something familiar about him , he reminded me of Jax lol, there is a reason behind people behaving as they do and he just didn't do it out of a whim. In 2017 Jason crashed through the skylight at the metrocourt after being held captive for five years, that very night Elizabeth was shot as well.

  I just knew the night Jason was shot and dropped kicked into that water he would return 5 years later with someone else namely Drew believing he was Jason and he actually turned out to be his twin brother. Call it a gift , a curse , an inclination if you will but after all this stuff I've seen , you'd think I'd have soured against GH by now , but hell no , not me.

  My love for this show has grown stronger, its made me laugh its made me cry, its made me angry at times but I have to say after 3 decades of drama and for the love of all things GH I remain a loyal viewer who keeps coming back for more.