Yes , guys I know she killed Connie, and messed with Morgan's meds, and she was partly responsible for her part in AJ's demise, but lets face it , there are a few people in Port Charles who need to he sleeping with the fishes as far as I'm concerned.
As of late there have been a few people who have lost their damn minds, or act like hungry tigers getting ready to strike at any given moment. Yeah I know you're thinking I'm describing Ava but you couldn't be more wrong on that score.
I wish Ava would befriend Willow , share some scenes with her and become like the mom she should have had. Ava lost Kiki and focusing on Willow before its revealed that she's Nina's daughter lol would be the icing on the cake.
Ava would not tolerate Nina disrespecting her and she would be the tonic Willow would need to stand up to Nina and shut her up for good.
Once Nina finds out that Willow is her daughter , she'd be so immensely sorry and hurt that her daughter hates her with every fibre of her being , but it would be her own fault. She is a stuck up bitch who thinks she can abuse anyone she likes just because she's got money to fund her deluded unfulfilled life.
Also Ava would be the perfect candidate to take down the obnoxious and annoying Lucy Coe, I love Lucy most days , but the way she's been lately I'd take Ava's revolver and kill her myself.
In these two cases it would be a mercy killing of epic proportion, because it would eliviate the fans stress of having to deal with them.
:Lucy is acting like a jealous school girl when it comes to Kevin with anyone else but her, it will all blow up in her face when she finds out Doc is actually with Laura , and not Ava. And that this was all a ruse to draw Ryan out of hiding.
As for Shiloh , lol can we get Ava all up in Shiloh's grill, and protect her niece and her half sister?
I would really love it , if Ava proved her worth as Sam's aunt and protect her and Kristina from the clutches of that psychopath who seems to like to abuse women against their will.
Shiloh has been allowed to see the light of day, abuse the women of Port Charles , emotionally and mentally and he needs to be dealt with .
As for Harmony what a delusional woman she is , she offered her kid up to be abused by a sick freak who obviously has a god complex!!!!!
Let Ava kill her , but not before she gives her what for, for allowing someone else to abuse her child, after all Ava knows first hand when that creepy doctor tried to get Kiki to sleep with him. What a sick freak he was. It would be justifiable homicide, no one should ever allow someone to do that to their child.
As for Ryan, that bastard's demise ain't coming fast enough for me , mercy killing for the fans who are sickened by his actions, and sickened by the way he manipulated Laura into thinking he was Kevin.
His killing Kiki and attacking our Lulu left a bitter taste in my mouth, and for me it would be a mercy killing that is a long time coming. The man has no logic , he thought it would win Ava over how? By his killing Kiki.
Mothers and daughters fight, they argue , and they make up, Ryan should have just offed himself instead of upsetting her and her family and friends. Its too disgusting for words.
Yep mercy killings would be sweet right about now, I'm fed up of stupid people, who think they have all the power, and lie , manipulate , stomp their little feet to get what they want and act like spoiled brats and getting negative attention from the people they associate with.
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