
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Sunday, 26 May 2019

GH's Nurses Ball 2019 I surrender ( To The Spirit Of The Night !!!)

Every year  we fans of General Hospital get super pumped when the nurses ball comes around , because with anything  that transpires with GH especially at the nurses ball you have to expect the unexpected.

This year the opening number made my heart skip a beat when the cast sang the song " The Best of My Love!!!! It made me think that the song was chosen to dedicate to their loyal fans of General Hospital.

Oh my gosh I was so excited because its one of my favourite songs by the Eagles  , and then we had  Josh Swickard croon the chainsmokers hit Something just like this and it got Katelynn Macmullen up along side him when he pulled her from the audience during the performance.

Will Lipton who plays Cameron sang North Star which was beautifully written by Will, and in the background we saw pictures of Liz, Franco, Jake and Aiden along with Joss, Oscar and Trina.

It tugged at the heart strings and made us fans cry, I know that for a fact cause it brought me to tears as well as proof that the GH cast's bond is that strong that he wrote a song about it.

Wally Kurth and Lisa Locicero sang the Seales and Croft hot Closer to you and it showed how romanntic Ned and Olivia are .

The bitter sweet act was Joss who took centre stage after not being able to face the nurses ball, in fact it wasn't until she watched a video from Oscar that she mustered up the courage to do so.

She sang so beautifully our Eden Mccoy, and Garren Stitt made an appearance as Oscars spirit giving her strength when she sang its Never Goodbye.

But the Guilty pleasures of the night lol , have to be when Obrect and Franco and Ava rocked that stage with the hits Guilty By Barbara Streisand and Barry Gibb, and Can't take my eyes off of you by Frankie Vali, But that wasn't all James Patrick Stuart as Valentin sang Nothing without you by the Wanted.

Without warning GH made sure us fans said a whole lot of wtf , and you gotta be kidding me, truthfully it wasn't the acts on stage that made us say holy hell it was the drama that took place before , during and after that did.

What with Kristina freaking out and confronting Shiloh at the nurses ball, Sonny did as well, and then we had Michael getting involved and drop kicking his ass.

Come to think of it Sonny and Jason kicked the asses of Shiloh's men as a tag tea and as Jason did later on in the week pulling Shiloh off Sam and Shiloh went rolling down the stairs like a bouncy ball. Coby who plays Shiloh plays a pretty good creepy creep . but that just proves he's a great actor.

We also had Ryan knocking out both Kevin and Scott , Laura reaming out  DA Dawson and Ava lol , well our Ava played by our beautiful Maura West, went back to being the strong Vindictive Bitch that we know she is when she plunged a knife into the back of Ryan Chamberlain after he dared to tell her she didn't have the nerve to pull the trigger and shoot him.

One thing you don't do is taunt or provoke a grieving mother and tell her she ain't got the bottle to  follow through with killing your stupid ass LOL.

Watch our video tribute for the Nurses Ball down below to see what all ensued at this years Nurses Ball.

And with  that being said  GH you have the best of my love and I surrendered to the spirit of the night.

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