
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Shilo - Rag Doll

In a realistic world ,  honestly , how many times can one person continue doing the things they do especially when they've been tossed around like a rag doll.

Some people learn from their mistakes, and move on , but some people don't they continue to do they things they do , things that aren't acceptable in 2019.

Case and point  if you've almost raped a woman, and her boyfriend , ex husband, brother, and nephew by marriage have beat your ass multiple times isn't it time you actually learned a lesson from it all.

In all that's sane and holy Shiloh, isn't it time you stopped playing mind control games with people. stalking them like prey 
 and provoke them into beating the living shyte out of you and still you don't clue in to back off .

 I have a feeling he likes the negative attention he's getting and will play victim time after time and still no one believes him. 

Just like he didn't think anyone would believe his victims and their families he really is a clueless bastard isn't he guys?

I mean come on now, its time his ass was killed already he's a loser with a god complex and he doesn't even believe in anything he says .

Oh and if that's not enough to upset you guys , he's approached Danny again , this loser never learns, what exactly does he think he's going to get out of approaching children of the people he's victimized.

As far as I can tell he won't get anything out of it , other than a jail cell, people reckon he'll kidnap Danny when the truth about  Jonah comes out and Michael is in fact the father.

 I just wish someone would just off him already I'm frankly getting fed up every time he opens his mouth he gets beat up.

Why won't Shiloh do the decent thing for once is his snake assed life leave people alone and just let them live the way they want to live. He's no better than these commanders in A Handmaids Tale.They keep an eye on the people they feel are subservient to them , abuse them emotionally and physically
 until they are so broken down. That's not the world I live in and I wouldn't dare treat people that way either . But that's just me guys .

 Honestly, this clueless bastard has chosen the wrong people in town to try this whackadoodle act on .  And everyone has told him to his face they don't like him.He's not being brave more like in denial and definitely stupid.

Can we get him  a nice padded cell next to Ryan Chamberlain who'd kill him or better yet Heather Webber or Liesl Obrecht.

I'm honestly praying they raise Helena from the dead she'd kill him where he stands.

He's messed with her family, not that she's had any use for Sam and Kristina but family is family. You do what you must to protect them at all costs even if you don't verbally say you actually like them, or maybe love them deep down at the end of the day family is everything to Helena and to Nikolas even he would have killed this ahole dead by now , but its not happened as of yet, but I honestly wish it would.

Shiloh , doesn't understand the true meaning of what family means, family is the people who love , care and protect you from outside forces who set out to destroy you.

As a parent, aunt or uncle you fight to keep them safe and that means keeping weird assed people like them as far away from your kids as possible

Being a parent is not about forcing your beliefs on people , when you actually don't even realize your words sound deluded and crazy to outsiders and they don't like you.

Its also not about taking what's not yours be it money or ripping a child from its mother. And calling yourself a parent and thinking you'd be a better one than their real ones.

Hell no you aren't a nice person if you can rip a child from its mother or real dad because you think the kid would be better off without them.

I look forward to seeing Shiloh open mouth and insert foot again !!!

 Next time I hope he comes across someone who won't just drop kick his ass but end him for good. Someone who won't tolerate his nonsense
 and be done with it.

Until next time guys have a wonderful day !!! And Happy GH Watching!!!!

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