I knew from the first moment I laid eyes on David Henry Archer , Aka Shiloh or Hank as Drew I knew he was a slime ball de jour. I'm not like most fans who read the spoilers , I like the element of surprise , but let me tell you guys I did not get good vibes when he started sniffing around Kristina. Something about his was definitely off , just so you know my gut feelings are always right.
I'm not gonna go into my spiel about what he did as the cult leader of Dawn of Day, been there done that , bought the tee shirt. In fact I'd like a refund please.
Is that too much too ask ? I love Coby Ryan Mclaughlin , he's a great actor I think I've stressed that enough , but this new development that has cropped up has made me despise Shiloh even more.
On Monday's show it was revealed in a flashback that Shiloh then known as David Henry Archer had sold fuel to the taliban and Drew found out about it .
Drew was furious and wanted to give him up to the authorities and who could blame him.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't want Drew " the amnesiac" to get his memory back , otherwise he'll get 20 years in prison or more depending on how good his Lawyer is lol.
Down below is the moment in which Shiloh flashed back to that time in afghanistan and we found out what a lying cheating , scumbag we've always known he is. Not only is he a rapist, and a con artist but he's an ex soldier who should be locked up for treason. He truly disgusts me and I want Drew to regain his memory at this point , and when he does I hope he outs that waste of human skin and we are rid of this Narcisistic bastard once and for all.
How long do we fans have to wait before Drew clues in to who and what Shiloh really is, he knows he doesn't like him because of what he did to Oscar and garnering the ELQ shares. But wait until he knows the whole extent of the assholes crimes.
I love it when Billy Miller as Drew is super pissed about something and he goes on the attack, it makes me proud of Drew when he does this. Sure others may say that I must be crazy for liking the physical assaults on people. I'm not a violent person by nature, but in this case I'll make an exception.
When Drew lunged at Shiloh , Curtis stopped him from attacking him , i was annoyed, that Shiloh had provoked Drew yet again.I have to admit afterwards I laughed because someone pointed out on twitter that their front packages were touching each other.
Like seriously ewww did we need to see that lol!!!
Shiloh is a coward , he said Drew was a sanctimonious bastard, based on what , the fact Drew is a decent human being , and that makes his a jerk in his eyes do me a favor !!!! Please stop the madness now!!
Drew stated he should have killed him in his other life , I personally wished he or Jason would have , or maybe Obrect lol , she seemed share my feelings on him as did Nina .
Which I thought was pretty spectacular , they said everything we fans have said for months, how he's a slimebag and how he should be taken care of immediately.
Watch the clip below as my girl Dr O and Nina weigh on on Shiloh Archer, I loved it !!!
I can not wait until the lid is blown on the whole selling the fuel to the taliban thing. I have no doubt in my mind that Drew will nail that bastard to the wall and get Robert Scorpio to send his ass to prison.
Bubye David Henry Archer , I hope you find a nice big cell mate , with big muscles lol who when he realizes you raped women will kill your ass in prison.
Ta Ta for now me lovelies have a beautiful day and happy GH watching , the sand in my hour glass is running out of time I'm waiting for Drew to get his memory back and for the flackback Jack ass to get what he so richly deserves.
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