To be perfectly honest , I think Valentin knew the truth this whole time , but the sniveling self entitled brat that he is Oh wait isn't that what he called Nikolas? Yeah how do you like them apples gumdrop its called projecting sweetheart , you said that to Nikolas and you have known the whole time you weren't Mikkos' son.
Calling the true heir names doesn't win you brownie points , in fact it makes one's eyes become wide open , and see you for who you really are a greedy opportunist who thinks he can step all over people just to get what he wants , yeah you're Helena's son alright , but at least she does it with a little bit more class and venom.
Watch the clip below as Nikolas delivers the bad news ....
On February 11th Alexis and Valentin went to have a DNA test to prove once and for all if they were actually brother and sister.
I had to laugh when on February 12th Valentin got the shock of his life lol, Oh dear ! Oh dear ! Oh deary me the tests came back saying that Valentin, you guessed it is not after all a Cassadine , why the hell doesn't that surprise me?
Having said all of that , after yesterday's episode I can honestly say without a shadow of a doubt,there is a teeny weenie part of me that began to respect him just a little bit.
Personally , I think even though he schemes his way through life , being a shady bastard , I liked the fact that Valentin doesn't like people's daughters being treated like sexual objects and man handled by other men.
Perhaps he could focus on that side of it , instead of this obsession with greed , perhaps he should walk a mile in Ned's shoes, or that of Sonny's when your child is being used as a pawn in a game , or a victim in all of this.
Fans and the residents of Port Charles would like and respect him more , if he went about things the logical way , be up front , be honest , say what you mean instead of hiding in a corner and getting everyone else to do your dirty work for you.
Cassadine's are notorious for playing mind games, but Helena has always made sure she got her own hands dirty lol, and when she gets caught out she says , " Well , you can't blame me for pushing you're buttons , you make it so easy my dear!"
You would think , since he's Helena's son , he would have inherited her devilishly evil ways, like how to speak to people , how to manipulate them correctly , but we all know he was sent away and didn't benefit from her tutorage.
If he had maybe he'd be a little bit more wise, and worldly and know how to handle people in a more appropriate manner.
I love the way James Patrick Stuart plays Valentin, he makes it so easy to hate him, but honestly I hope he stays with the cast a long time for me I hope Valentin learns from this , and becomes a redeemable character.
Unfortunately I think we have a long , insufferable wait before that happens!
This is Ashley signing off , have a wonderful day guys and happy GH watching!!!!
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