I find it kind of ridiculous that people are saying well , Helena did say that cross matching the blood lines was her greatest achievement, yes she did say that , but guys lets focus here for a moment , Helena wasn't saying any of this stuff to him at all. Her greatest achievement to me is her capacity to infuriate us all like the riddler in Batman with her questionable statements since 1981.
It was in his drunken state that he conjured up his momma in his head , and what he was actually doing was arguing with himself.It wasn't some grand stand message from Helena beyond the grave.
Watch the video below as Helena appears in Valentin's hallucination while he's in a drunken , angry , depressed state.
People do come to some strange assed conclusions in their heads either real or imagined , when they are faced with reality slapping them right in the face.
Hell it goes for fans too , they mishear things, and then they embellish on what was really said, and tell other people , well I see it this way. People were working out all sorts of scenarios in their heads , hell i did it myself, but when I re watched the scene I thought okay , what the hell ? How did i come to that conclusion , when it wasn't even said .
I know I've been guilty of not listening close enough at times , but at least I apologize for calling it wrong. So please guys unless you see it on the screen don't freaking repeat it!!!
Over the weekend , people's perception , went from one extreme to the other , so now I'm gonna have to reach into my inner Carly for a minute here , " Umm No! Hell No! are you guys for real ? Not once did Helena say that Luke was Valentin's father, and Valentin just assumed the topic was "Charlotte!"
He is so focused on providing for Charlotte , and being her father, that he doesn't seem to realize that its not material things she needs its love, guidance and a good role model who won't lie and manipulate their way through life like he does.
I'm sorry to say this but ,Valentin may have been used to crossmatch the bloodlines, or he may not have, hell he may not even be Charlotte's father, I think it could in fact be Stavros.
Helena was a master manipulator , sly like a fox, she could outwit unsuspecting creatures, and they not even be aware of what Tsunami effect that was coming their way.
I kind of feel sorry for Valentin in a way , because his whole life , has been a lie since the day he was born. He was lead to believe he was worthless and less than a human being.
That is not something someone would take very well, but that's not a reason for him to do what he did to Nikolas, and try and hurt the mother of his child, and her mother and the rest of the people in her family.
I find it disturbing that Valentin would want to hurt the Quartermaine's and go after Sonny, is that what he thinks his mother wants him to do in his deluded thinking?
Valentin , is a law unto himself, in the long run he might actually get himself killed, who is he to decide what should be his, and who is not deserving of their business or their wealth.
Deep down this is a sick twisted , down spiral , he's the male version of Nelle in that respect , he wants what others have and he doesn't care who he hurts, kills or steps over before people are finally onto him and realize what exactly his game is.
Another flip of the coin will be , he realizes that he's going to have to change his ways, and stop the nonsense he's pulling , I saw a little glimmer of hope in him when he heard Linc was sexually assaulting Brooklyn.
I won't hold my breath , for fear I might be wrong , but perhaps in his own disturbed mind , his conversation with mummy has given him some insight into who his anger should be directed towards. And that's certainly not The Spencers , Corinthos or Quartermaine's Clans, who by the way are a powerful extended family.
This is Ashley signing off , happy Monday guys , and happy GH watching!!!
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