
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Friday, 21 February 2020

Objects In The Rearview Mirror

When Secrets explode wide open in Port Charles , those sneaky bastards , who are hiding things and messing with the Quartermaine/Spencer/ Corinthos Clan , better find a good hiding spot , because let's face it they aren't a very forgiving and forgetful lot.

Neither are the Jerome family, Nelle and Brad after all got Ava and  Julian wrapped up their stupid drama and they weren't the least bit amused by that fact, I mean would you be? I know for sure I wouldn't but that's just me.

Now I understand Nelle  is a treacherous bitch , but Brad being Michael's uncle by marriage and Carly's brother inlaw through Lucas should have known better than agreeing to take Michael's baby son , from Nelle and swap him for Willow's child who died of SIDS and above all else crossing Mrs Corinthos.

You've pretty much  reserved yourself a spot in the Pine Barrens , if Michael doesn't do it himself.

Carly haters call her a hypocrite,  she said on  February 20th  2020 episode she may sound like one , after what she and Sason did to AJ , but she admitted she never played mind games with anyone like  Nelle and Brad did.

She said she felt like Karma had come back to haunt her ,  like it was some sick twist of fate ,but in my opinion at least she didn't give Michael to someone else in the family , hide him in plain sight like Nelle did, and had someone else raise him  as their own and giving him a different name all together.

Mind blowing isn't it , my girls ain't as shady and crazy as Nelle , and she sure as fuck isn't anything like Brad who lead poor Willow to believe that the boy she's been bonding with is her son.

For a year and a half Michael bonded with Wiley , became his godfather, and doted on the kid , not knowing that his son was right in front of him.

There were clues there, that Carly and Michael chalked down to coincidences , but we fans knew the truth didn't we guys?

Finally one faithful night , Brad couldn't stand it any longer, the lie he told and confessed to Lucas , who ended up furious and they ended up in a car accident. Brad probably thought his luck had changed and that Lucas would not remember what he told him lol.

Ha Wrong .......   Lucas remembered everything  he laid all the cards out on the table , he told Michael the truth , it sent shock waves through the family. Michael and Carly were furious , and when Michael realized Nelle could be  enroute to steal Wiley , he and Chase rushed there to save his son.

Meanwhile  Nelle had knocked  Willow unconscious , and well  just as the wicked screwball of the west  was about to leave Port Charles in the dust , Michael arrived in time before she left.

Chase found sweet Willow unconscious and that poor girl has no idea what's coming her way.

Boy Brad is a real dumb ass guys the fool actually thought , he was doing this for Lucas , who was like " You stole my nephews son , how can I ever thank you !" I would have added and if you think I'm happy about this you're just freaking kidding yourself dude!

Both these creitons were arrested, and Michael brought his son home, to a safe place where everyone loves him.

Watch the video below to see how things went down

We all know Willow will be devastated when she finds out that Brad also omitted the truth that her baby had died , and didn't even have the balls to tell her , instead he thrust  Shiloh in her face and she was panic stricken for the safety of a child she thought  was hers and for that he should pay big time. I'd even hire Diane and sue for all  the pain and suffering they caused Michael Corinthos , his family  and Willow Tate  have endured from their shady disgusting deplorable  behavior that make us despise them.

Ah information over load ,  I know , even  I am over-whelmed with emotion over this!  I feel like either Spinelli , or maybe Maxie with their verbal diarreah, when they just blurt stuff out! It's just what we do ! " We can't help feeling how we feel, especially when a storyline affects us so much , as  fans we get so invested in the characters and the storylines , thanks to the  writers and to the amazingly talented cast who play our GH favourites to the hilt .

But hey this is me in a nutshell you either love me or you don't but , I know that they are brutally honest like I am and they are so bloody funny and why the fans love them.

When GH has me so hopping mad and excited you don't know what you're gonna read on your  computer screens ! I know you all gasp in shock over what I say sometimes.That's also why people have christened me the real Carly Corinthos, 'cause I have a way with words, not even thinking before I even say them! Let's be honest things just fall out of my mouth , that I can't control, or in this case  if end up in our group live chats which makes everyone laugh at 2 pm, we are a very expressive bunch.

Until next time me lovelies , this is mama Ashley signing off ,  I  shall talk to you all at  2 pm  during the GHCANADA live chat session,happy GH watching  and have a great weekend.

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