Good Morning All, happy Monday , so here are my thoughts from over the weekend, you better get comfortable because this one is gonna be a freaking doozy of a blog . I wish you could see my face because I'm 100 percent being serious, especially after the crazy comments and questions I've read over the weekend from gh fans that it left me pretty frustated and annoyed and I don't like to feel this way we are all supposed respect each other and get along .
Have you ever felt like reaching into your inner favourite GH character when GH fans are veering so far off the map , or orbeting into another stratosphere all togther. and they wind up on some sacred secret island of the crazy , damned and doomed of all GH Fans or characters that the rest of us wish that we would maybe like to avoid like all together when wires get crossed.
I felt like this was going on this past weekend for me people have some pretty skewed views about certain characters , and they go about twisting GH storylines to their own advantage to make their faves look like innocent victims when they are the instigators and villains in the stories on the show itself.
I've seen alot of fans victim blame the ones who are actually the victimized and the hurt ones in the story, when this happens it makes you want to knock 7 bells out of them because they aren't , won't and can't see things from another perspective and that infuriates the frigging hell out of me and other Gh fans.
When they aren't winning their arguments, they tell the rest of us we're wrong , or they call us stupid and deluded, and that's not the case at all. They don't seem to understand what's being said on screen and they make up a whole other scenarion in their head that actually never happened on the show at all , I find that very frustrating to deal with its like beating a dead horse or wanting to beat your head against a brick wall and neither is a pleasant experience .
Welcome to a long time GH fan's world , patience is a virtue they say but not in this case especially when you try to educate newer fans on what the true facts of a storyline are, I appreciate answering logical questions, but when they start asking questions that are crazy or inappropriate after numerous fans have told them the same thing it becomes like a three ring circus and I opt out of it .
But still these fans persist with the same crazy questions, that people have already answered , and everyone starts to get impatient because these people do not, can not and will not listen to common sense or realize that their questions are just freaking crazy and show lack of knowledge of the show.
If someone offers to tell you the correct backstory for a certain character and you still don't comprehend it , please do the rest of us all a favor when we start suggesting you research the characters background on your own please do so.
It would make things much easier if you just go and look it up, it saves us from appearing long winded , repetitive and boring to everyone else who already knows the characters and the shows history like the back of their hands.
But they don't see our side of the situation, nor do they want to learn the facts on their own , instead they get all pissy with you and act all hurt because you told them to read up on things. Its a fun task if your heart it's truly into it .
It is not a crime to ask questions of the long time fans , we gladly provide everyone information, and answer questions as best as we are able, cause lets face it sometimes we have to look things up to refresh our own memories.
Here's where I get hopping mad , butut when characters backstories have been explained on the show more than once , and you'd think they'd learn it by now.
Unfortunately , it becomes clear they don't pay enough attention to what the characters are saying on screen, as kids we are told to stop , look and listen that should apply not only to traffic , but to what the other fans are telling them as well . I don't mind being a teacher , and sharing what I know but when people close their ears , and only hear what they want to hear it makes things difficult.
Might I suggest you rewind your pvr and listen correctly to what's being said , because some things can become misconstrued or twisted, often we hear things and then later realize oh snap hands up I called it wrong. But because they choose not to do that they keep insisting they are in the right without having the info to back them up , let me tell you , you can argue till your blue in the face , but we just don't want to be bothered doing it in the long run if you don't want to meet us half way and enjoy the banter we as fans should have together .
Sometimes they simply do not understand, where we are coming from and what we're telling them! At some point they need to realize our answers will not likely change anytime soon, we know the facts and no matter how many times, you guys ask us the same question, over and over again like a broken record .
I think if people paid enough attention, to what other people say then you can participate in active conversations without appearing lost , or asking things that make me want to reach into my inner Carly, Ava or Alexis and tell you off you're just asking for trouble.Frankly speaking, sometimes I don't have time , or the energy to deal with all of those burning questions that GH fans are so very curious about. I hope you're all sitting comfortably let's get started.
So In answer to your questions
1. When did Lucas get adopted by Bobbie and Tony
A. Bobbie and Tony were awarded custody of Lucas in February 1993
Watch the clip below to see Bobbie and Tony being awarded custody
2. Is Julian Jerome really Lucas' father
A. In 2013 when it came out that Derek Wells was actually Julian Jerome, Duke said the only way they could prove that he was in fact Julian Jerome was through DNA Testing of his son Lucas Jones. And they did and yes he is Lucas' dad as well as Sam Mccall's father. They are half siblings, and no that doesn't make Sam and Carly sisters. If that's the next question people are thinking of asking. It also makes Olivia's son leo related to Sam and Lucas,but that is another story we won't dive into at the moment since people are so focused on Bobbie's kids and Jenelle Benson and her crazy mixed up personality .
3. How are Carly and Nelle connected
A. Carly and Nelle are adopted sisters through Frank Benson, Frank was Carly's adopted father until he left her and Virgina and Nelle's biological father.
Nelle blames Carly for everything that happened to her including the Kidney that was taken from her. You can't hold someone responsible for things they didn't do , its just not right to just assume that people did things they didn't.
Especially when they had no idea where the kidney came from in the first place.Frank sold it to Jax so that Joss would be able to live and long life .
Watch the clip below as Nelle reams Joss out for no reason!!!
Nelle is a spiteful callous bitch, and told her she is just an ungrateful brat which couldn't be more far from the truth. Nope not true !!!!! Nelle is crazy .
It's clear Nelle has a distorted view of the facts , even Sonny said so , and initially made up her own mind about what the true facts were, before getting Carly's side of the story, but Nelle being the screwball she is , chose not to go that route and definitely doesn't see it that way , her perception is coming from a very disturbed, displaced anger infested, emotionally charged place and surely she could channel that anger a different way like Franco does.
Nelle most definitely put the blame on the wrong person when it should be directed at Frank Benson himself who lied to his daughter to get what he wanted money and by giving Nelle's kidney to Joss thought he could win his way back in Carly's good graces. Boy he called that one wrong guys Carly sure has no love for him that's clearly evident from the clips I've shown you here .
Watch the clips below to see how the scene played out ......
Ha and as if by coincidence my Carly babes comes through and says you better get your facts straight before you start a war with me.
This is exactly why I'm a Carly fan , and why I in some ways am so much like her , its because she calls people out on their bull crap , she is a truth teller especially when the other person has the wrong end of the stick about who she is and what she represents . Even Michael told Nelle she should have done her own research about who his mother really is Amen to that honey. I wish this could be a teaching tool for GH fans to take note of what important lessons the characters and the show teaches us about checking your facts before you go spouting off a bunch of insinuations and stuff that characters never said.
Some times Carly is the innocent party and people just chuck verbal diarrhea her way like Nelle and so many other women before her. Its in poor taste for anyone to hurl abuse at anyone.So please take note, before you try and spin a tale one way , because sometimes that isn't how things really are!
If you think I'm kidding, you best sit your butt down , educate yourself and think do I really want to mess with this person , cause she seems pretty solid with her convictions, and is well versed it everything GH including the love of her fave characters and the Legacy families they are from on General Hospital.
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