
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020


Some days, I think GH Characters lack logic ,  compassion , and understanding towards other people , they say things without thinking ,there could be consequences  from all the chitter chatter that  they do.

Sometimes  people's interference in stuff that isn't their business, can get them into more trouble than  they're worth and they get more than they bargained for,  in my point of view this makes them even more irritating to watch because they don't think before they speak and it gets them into deep trouble.

Take Brooklyn for instance , what the hell  was she thinking baiting Julian into a discussion about the crash that injured Lucas.Things like this should not be discussed, openly in a public place, like the information about how someone's car brakes were tampered with and the fact you've clocked that bit of information.

It would not surprise me ,in the least if Brooklyn's demise is in the cards, I heard someone say once,  " If people poke around in all the wrong corners" they begin to figure out what you've been up to" and that  in itself could be every deterimental to those who've committed a heinous crime against someone else just to get back at the other people , hell it could put other people's lives in jeopardy too and that  is not a good thing, why take unnecessary risks just to get one over on someone and piss them off in the process.

During yesterday's show I was praying for Wiley Coyote's anval to fall on Brooklyn to stop her from flapping her gums , that chick talks entirely too much and it made me shout at the television screen " Oh Shut The Hell Up Brooklyn !" she really doesn't know who she's messing with or could do to her.

Knowledge is power , I happen to know  that he could , I don't know order a hit out on her , it's been known to happen Julian could do the job himself or get Ava to do it , depending on his mood, I'd be scared if I was her.  In all my years of watching gh one thing I've learned is that nothing good comes out of a situation if you're coming off as too over confident, say what you're thinking out loud  and  don't  appear too cocky and most importantly thinking you have someone else pegged.  Helena once said that overconfident little girls get themselves into trouble when are up against someone stronger and smarter than them.

 I'm sure  Sonny would really appreciate his god daughter being gunned down by them!

 (" Insert Sarcasm here !"

Then there's Nelle Oh my dear , sweet lord , that chick never shuts the hell up, as if she can get at Carly through a jail cell , really all Carly has to do is make a call and it will be Nelle in the Pine Barrens party of one , as she kept talking I was left saying  "Oh shut the hell up you stupid bitch!"

In the end , I guess what I'm saying is ,  certain characters need a lesson , in humility, grace, understanding, kindness , respect , and most importantly , learn that you're craziness is not wanted , nor is it appreciated, especially when you keep targeting the wrong people, Nelle needs to take a long look at herself, before putting the blame on other people, she  is certifiably crazy. 

That doesn't excuse her behaviour she thinks she can hurt and maligne anyone she chooses , people who are innocent victims of her crazy antics. I don't think she can become a reedeemable reformed character  at least in my eyes . First she has to show remorse for hurting certain people, I'm pretty sure her apologies would fall on deaf ears. 

For me and so many other fans then and only then will I show any sort of caring , compassion and understanding towards her , or anyone else that  hurls nasty abuse at people. At least Carly owns her shit.Until then we'll continue be annoyed, and throw a rolled up ball of socks at the tv  and shout "Oh shut the hell up !" To whomever is pissing us off at the moment on the show.

This is Ashley signing off for now have an amazing day everyone

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