
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 2 March 2020

GH Avenging Angels - All Good Girls Go To Hell

In Port Charles  there are four types of people , the innocent, the avenging angels, the law enforcement agencies and the villains, we GH fans are fans of the avenging angels of the show for a reason! It's because they are the one's people go to when they don't trust anyone else to get the job done as far as rescuing people is concerned.

On February 26th 2020 such a situation arose when  Detective Taggert enlisted Sonny Corinthos and  and Jason Morgan's help to rid the city of  Cyrus Renault and his  drug shipment for good. This is an unlikely alliance since we know in the past that Taggert and Sonny haven't quite seen eye to eye in the past.

It was an emphatic hard pass from police commissioner Jordan Ashford who didn't like the idea of working with Sonny and Jason.

But as for yours truly it was a definite hell yes from me  , I love  the banter between Taggert and  Sonny and Jason its always been good for a laugh , but I think this unholy alliance could be the start of something magical.

If You want the job done , you go to the mob king pin of Port Charles and his mob enforcer bestie Jason Morgan to finish what Cyrus Renault started.

Mind you , they aren't the only ones in town who hold the title of  Avenging Angel, their wives Carly and Sam and their crazy extended family , you do not want to to mess with them either .

They are the rule breakers who play by their own rule book , hot headed at the best of times , but they are cool as cucumbers under pressure.

For instance take  Ava Jerome , she didn't take it lying down when she heard Ryan Chamberlain killed her daughter , Ava did what any crazy grief stricken mother, whose got a fiery spirit would do , she stabbed Ryan Chamberlain in the back in a fit of rage.

Sam shot  Shiloh with a flare gun and killed his ass , when he was attacking and unarmed Jason, oh hell no you don't want to do that !!!! Like her auntie  Ava she slayed that mother effer like a dragon.

As for Carly ,  Bobbie ,Luke , Lucas and Lucky those Spencers are not the type of people you want to mess with , especially when you've attacked one of their own or even attempt to attack them.

Lucky killed Frank Smith without blinking an eye , and he saved his parents from being killed by him.

Carly is  a lawn unto herself , you attempt to rattle her cage lol, you don't know what kind of hell you have unleashed unto yourself, she is feisty , a true Spencer in every sense of the word and she will take you down just like good ole Uncle Luke who shot three armed men in 2013 and without blinking shot Helena Cassadine , much to the shock of  Ethan and Laura.

As for  Liesl Obrecht she's a whole different kettle of fish all together,  you inadvertently get her son shot and killed like  Peter did, this momma exacts her revenge in the only way she knows how , by any means necessary.

Come to think of it Valentin is the same way , I just don't trust him, but it was kinda funny when he pushed Ava over the parapet and the fact that she was able to survive that fall , well that's an avenging angel for you.

In  2016 Sonny ,  was the saviour of the day when at Alexis and Julian's wedding ,  a gun man showed up attempting to take Kristina hostage, he jumped out of his wheelchair , much to the shock of everyone one else in attendance at the wedding, and  not only disarmed the thug but he punched him to the ground .

Franco  Jason , Curtis , Taggert and  Drew on separate occasions , have saved Elizabeth and Jake, Cam , Maxie  and TJ as well as Trina when they were faced with the fact that their crazy enemies were using those poor kids a  weapon against those that care about them.

On  February 28th 2020,Taggert contacted Curtis and asked him to step into the danger zone , to help him rescue Trina and Cam from Renault's men who wouldn't let the mouthy little shits go.

Once  papa  Marcus showed up with Curtis a round of gun fire was exchanged , Cam ran off only to be chased down , by  one of the thugs , but thank god  Elizabeth called Jason who shot the mother effer down for  going after the frightened teenager.

Meanwhile back in the  warehouse , poor Trina was freaking out , and Curtis managed to get her the hell out of there , but not before  she saw her daddy get shot.

To me an avenging angel is someone who is like  a cat with 9 lives, it doesn't matter how many times someone tries to take them down , they dust themselves off ,  get up again and move on to their next nemesis who dares to cross their path after the last one has met his or her maker.

Watch the video below to see our  video dedicated to the avenging angels of  General Hospital

After watching Friday's show , I'm chomping at the bit to see if  Taggert survives, but we will have to tune in today to find out.

With that being said  .....  this is Ashley signing off , have a great day guys and happy gh watching!!!

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