Nelle may think she won this battle , but she hasn't won the war , and let me tell you Nelle, Carly isn't done with you yet. Helena Cassadine once said " Oh you've left me no choice , you see death happens to overly confident little girls who intrude where they don't belong!"
The same can be said for Nelle , she thinks she can be rude and manipulate anyone, try and kill their son , get rich off them , and have power over those she feels owe her .
Truth be told Nelle , you're a jealous , spiteful little girl with daddy issues , because it's clear Frank Benson , loved and cared more about Carly , than he ever cared about you , and more than Carly cares to admit.
It's become beyond a joke now , how you slither your way through life , expecting people to hang over their money , or share the stuff they earned on their own.
The Quartermaine - Corinthos kids may have been born into their wealth , but that doesn't mean your entitled to it.
Sad really, Carly already has the measure of you , you selfish, deluded little girl , may be you were expecting her to just fall down , and collapse at the first sign of your pathetic attempt at revenge .
Unfortunately, she stayed strong fighting like a tigress, and you still get away with your treacherous behavior.
I hear the distant sound of a bell tolling , it's ringing so loud , it would even awake Lucifer himself , to come to earth and drag your lunatic ass straight to hell. You see Lucifer is an avenging angel, just like Carly babes and once she's done with you , you might wind up in FernCliff, or a spot in the pine barrens.
I'm seriously disgusted , that you had outside help , Valentin should not even be involved in this crap allowing you to cause all of this drama towards people , who don't even rate you as a decent person.
May be Valentin sees himself , in you I dunno , a kindred spirit of sorts , but that doesn't mean either of you deserve to have what isn't given to you .
Lies, manipulation, and warped thinking drives you to do the things you do, but in the end it makes people despise you , not admire you , Valentin and Nelle fans may think they are justified in their actions , but they live their lives through misguided hatred and greed towards others who are just living their lives and not harming others in the process.
Until then I await , my girl to be you're grim reaper , cause once and for all Nelle we as Quartermaine - Spencer and Corinthos fans we want you're ass dealt with. And I have to say it again , oh Nelle Carly isn't done with you yet .
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