
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

GH Famiy .... The People Like Us

On April 1st 1963, a bad ass soap first aired on ABC, I don't think the  Hursley's and the writers or producers knew back then just how massive of an impact their show would have on the fans .

What I do know speaking as a long time fan is that we've seen our fair share of drama, birth, deaths, weddings ,explosions, mob wars and  hospital drama that has spanned over the past 57 years.

The Weddings that  stick out in my mind are Luke and Laura's  1981 wedding, not for the wedding itself , but that's because that's where  Luke climbed down the balcony to get into a punch up with Scott Baldwin and where we saw our first  glimpse of the queen of evil Helena Cassadine.

We also saw the weddings of  Felicia and  Frisco, the multiple weddings of Carly and Sonny lol, the weddings of  Liz and Lucky which lead to the  train crash in 2005, and the non wedding of Spixie that we lovingly call  Spinelli and Maxie.

In 2011, Jason and Sam had a private wedding ceremony at the Noodle Budha, with everyone attending the reception later.

In 2019  Elizabeth and Franco had a PCPD Lock up wedding, it wasn't the best scenario, but when you love someone that much you don't care where you get married.

We were shocked to see Robin die in an explosion and then in 2013 she returned from the dead to Patrick and Emma during his wedding to Sabrina.

Over the years I've seen the births of AJ, Jason , who both are supposed to be younger than me , but since they were speed age progressed are now the same age as me.

I also saw the births, of  Lulu, Maxie, Michael, Brooklyn, Morgan, Kristina, Molly , Emma, Josslyn, the list goes on and on.

Morgan's and Molly's births stick out the most for me since they were born during a stressful time, Morgan was born just after his mom Carly was shot in the head accidently by Sonny , and Molly was born in a train tunnel after the train crash in 2005. That was also the same day that FBI Agent Reese died.

Watch the video below to watch the things that have made us love our gh , the family togetherness, the crazy insane stuff that has gone off that has left us shocked like the tragic deaths of  such characters as  Georgie Jones, Dominique Baldwin, Tony Jones, Emily Quartermaine, Sabrina Santiago Nathan West, Morgan Corinthos, Kiki Jerome and most recently Detective Marcus Taggert.

These were the deaths that shocked us, people who had a bright future ahead or were from Legacy families that have made their presence known in Port Charles.

Events that rocked Port Charles were the Port Charles Hotel Fire , and the  metrocourt hostage crisis and explosion and Crichton Clark explosion are things that stick out in my mind that have made me get the shivers.

The villains on this show  like Manny Ruiz, Heather Webber , Lisa Niles, Nelle Benson , Helena Cassadine, haven't exactly learned, once our faves win ,you really should back off and slink away like the snakes that you are.

Nope , they don't lol they just  keep acting like the little engine that could saying " I think I can beat them, I think I can , I think I can!"

But they don't lol , its sad really to obsess over a person , that keeps proving they're stronger, smarter and faster than you when it comes to the battle royale lol.

What we fans also know is that since the explosion of the internet and the age of social media we fans are all connected to each other to talk about the latest goings on in The Chuckles lovingly nicknamed by Luke Spencer about Port Charles.

We are also feeling a connection to the  stars of the show , who let us in on what their characters , are up to on an daily basis , doing live chats and answering all the burning questions we fans want to know.

In my group General Hospital Canada , we aren't just fans of the show , we are our own little crazy mixed up family.

GH may have been the one thing that drew us to each other but we have grown to , love , respect each other, and that's the way it should be.

We are all apart of the GH family , the cast , the crew and the fans and we are excited to see what is going to air on the show on their anniversary today.

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