
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Hater's be damned I'm a Carly Fan .....

Recently a non Carly fan , asked me why I love my girl Carly so much,  I can't sum it all up in one paragraph or sentence. So buckle up me lovelies it's gonna be one hell of a bumpy exciting ride into the world of Mrs Carly Corinthos.

For you newer GH fans , Carly has been played by three power house actresses in the shape of Sarah Joy Brown who played the part from 1996 - 2001 , Tamara Braun from 2001- 2005 and Laura Wright from  2005 - present.

So on record just so we're clear , in April 5th  1996 , a blond, vivacious chick with a massive chip on her shoulder arrived in Port Charles , I knew from the get go that Carly Benson was a force to be reckoned with and I loved her from the very first moment I saw her on screen. 

She is someone who had a rough childhood, her Adopted father , left her and her adopted mother when she was three , and when she found Bobbie ( her birth mom) she had a very nasty axe to grind without knowing the full facts of a situation. She guarded her heart and wasn't about to let anyone hurt her, she was gonna strike before they even had the chance to .

That was her soul purpose of coming to Port Charles to get back at her real mother, without even letting her know who she really was, I can hear the Nelle fans going see same difference.

Uh Uh , you know what I don't effing think so , you see  Nelle wasn't Carly's daughter, hell she's nothing to her but a ginormous pain in the backside , who thinks its funny and cute to even think that throwing someone else's past in their face is a good thing to do.

Scoff all you  want,  I'm not delusional like the rest of you , at least I admit ,Carly,  has done some pretty shytie things in the past  . Sleeping with Tony, drugging AJ, but as the years have gone by she has regretted every action she took.

Ok so maybe she doesn't regret what she did to AJ but even I think he had it coming after the crazy  shyte he pulled in the past himself.

But at least she apologized to her mother Bobbie , for all that she said and done to her, and you know what  Bobbie and she have moved past that.

In 1997  Carly gave birth to a bouncing baby boy, named Michael , who had heart problems, and he was operated on right  away.

Carly suffered from  post partum depression, and when Tony  kidnapped Michael , Carly completely lost it in court and stole Taggert's gun , and shot him in a court of law.

In 1999 this Carly fan was giggling with glee when Carly and Sonny met for the first time ,  I was already a Sonny fan , so this pairing just made sense. Both headstrong , take no prisoners type of  people. Over the years they've had more  make ups and break ups lol than you can shake a stick at.

Their volatile relationship is what made me a huge fan of the pairing , it may sound a little crazy to you guys , but for me , they've been the source of amusement for me , and its made Carly more like able when dealing with Good Ole Sonny.

Carly has been pushed downstairs, locked in a panic room,  she was  accidently shot in the head by Sonny  in 2004 while giving birth to Morgan.

In 2005 my girl suffered a huge blow when  Michael and Morgan along with  Kristina were kidnapped by Faith Roscoe , who was working with  AJ.

If that wasn't enough to send our girl over the edge ,  AJ faked  Michael's death , then when he was returned AJ had brain washed him, it took some time and therapy to get over that mess I tell you .

Carly married  Lorenzo alcazar when she was divorced from Sonny  and was put in a  mental health facility after suffering a breakdown and upon  making an escape from Roselawn , she managed to get on the same train and that psycho Manny Ruiz, who almost raped her.

If that wasn't enough my girl also suffered tremendously when  Michael was shot in the head by Ian Devlin and wound up in a coma.  

In 2009  Carly  married Jax  and was  kidnapped by Claudia Zacchara , and gave birth in a cabin out in the woods , upon escaping the crazy bitches clutches. Michael arrived in the nick of time when a crazed Claudia attempted to leave with baby Joss and he killed her by wielding an axe handle at her knocking her to the ground and killing her instantly.

Joss had to have a kidney transplant upon Carly and Jax finding out she had kidney cancer , that transplant donor was thought to be Jake Webber but he turned up alive years later. The true donor was Nelle who showed up 7 years later and would cause drama for my girl.

If that wasn't enough to send a momma bear over the edge try having your son being convicted of murder and spending time in prison. It was justifiable homicide, I don't think he should have gone to prison neither did his mom.

In  2012 Connie  Falconeri wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed  when she made a joke about Jason being dead, " Stone Cold , is actually stone cold , you get it Carly!"  Carly freaking saw red and smacked the snarky bitchy look right off her face.

In 2013 Carly  had been held captive by Heather Webber, in 2015 , Carly was in shock when on her wedding day to Sonny, her 5th wedding day to  him ,  Sonny was shot by  Carlos Rivera's men while he was trying to rescue TJ.

 In 2016 Carly was devastated when  Morgan whose meds were switched with placebo's stole Julian Jerome's car that was rigged by a bomb set to explode ordered by Julian's sister Olivia and Morgan's body has never been found.

In 2017 my girl wrestled a gun off of  Olivia St John  when the bitch held her at gunpoint at  Morgan's grave.

 In 2018  Carly was held at gun point by Faison  , she was also stalked by Nelle , and people put the blame on her, if you ask me , they're the ones who are sick and twisted just like Nelle. Who probably thinks she deserves everything bad that's happened to her.

Nelle  in her sick mind though she could send  Carly back to  Ferncliff , she succeeded for like a nano second , but lol  the bitch didn't win that one . Carly was on to her sick twisted , obsessed game towards her.

Carly was left furious , and upset when Nelle tried to have Michael killed in a car crash and  Nelle had informed them that the baby had died.

In 2019,  Carly and Sonny  confronted Ava about Morgan and the crazy bitch  took offence to them talking to her about what she did to their son.  Ava threw an oil lamp at them causing a fire that burned her. Thankfully  Carly and Sonny were ok, however Ava suffered some burn scars on her body.

 Yet  again ,she didn't ask for what Ava did to her , nor did she ask to be groomed by Reese's father who convinced the young Carly that she wasn't doing anything wrong with sleeping with him. In the back of my mind , I did think, well, it would have been better karma for my girl if history had repeated itself , and  Nelle wasn't her adopted sister, but her own flesh and blood daughter.

But that never came to pass , also in 2019 Carly faced her biggest challenge yet, when she found out the baby she was about to give birth to was born with spina bifida. It was a difficult challenge for her to face , but ever the warrior our girl hung tough and she's facing it like a true champion.

Her baby made it safe into the world via C-section anywho, shortly after that  Carly got caught up in the shoot out at the warehouse and that's where we are at today .

She also was left in shock when  she found out that for a year and a half the little boy she thought was her nephew , was actually  Michael's son whom Nelle swapped with Willow's deceased child.

One thing I know for sure , my girl is  a freaking force of nature , you bad mouth those she loves , or you do something to them that sets her on a mission to get your ass beat or more to the point killed ,you  better believe it , when Joss told Nelle your messing with the wrong family bitch she wasn't kidding.

Here is a little gift to all the Carly fans out there 

( clips provided , by JSMS, Hellagood, Carlybabes, CarlyLW, Nancyfan)

I know one thing for certain, once you cross her  that's it my girl Carly  will come after you like a lioness on the hunt for her prey and oh by the way , haters be damned I'm a Carly fan,  and that will never change any time soon.  

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