
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Friday, 17 April 2020

Twisted Roots -

Good Morning me lovelies, first and foremost I have to say our show has been crazy the past few days with what you might be asking ,  I hope you're sitting comfortably because the shyte is about to get really real here.

First we saw Willow see Nina's Necklace and then like an implosion inside my head lol we saw Nelle and Carly  hashing it out about how Frank Benson really was.

All of this Nelle drama , I mean really she has my head spinning.

Not that I have any sympathy for the little sociopath, but its pretty clear that she has spilled some tea about what Frank told her about Carly. 

Frank Benson , was clearly an ignorant , disrespectful old man , he had no respect for kids judging by the way he treated Carly upon her arrival in the flashback.

Poor Nelle was not treated well either,  it's clear judging by the way she conducts her life  , she like Frank thinks the world owes her a living .

Growing up poor I guess had an adverse effect on her , but unlike her Carly set herself a goal lol, she wanted to be rich , have a huge house lol, and I'll be damned she made it happen.

As for Nelle she said that Michael was Carly's meal ticket,  and Wiley is here,  really bitch m at least Carly loves her kids , you don't huge difference. 

Carly fights for her kids,  while you just continue to use him as a pawn in some sick game . You lied about something Carly didn't do , and stalked a grieving mother,  you are not even half the woman ,  or mother she is.

Until then you sociopath shut your damn mouth!

James Patrick Stuart played Frank in the flashback , meanwhile Cynthia Wattros played Virgina in the flashback , it's clear Virginia had no control over Carly,  lol, but then no one can handle her in present times either. 

As far as Nelle goes Who knows what the truth is but all I know is , Nelle's got some pretty deep issues that need sorting out immediately.

Our girl did not believe a word she said,  but told her Frank lied to her, Nelle tried to play to Carly's sensitive side , but Carly did not fall for her act .

The problem is Nelle as a young kid was hoping Carly would return and rescue her , really delusional much they weren't even officially introduced. 

People are speculating that Willow and Nelle are possibly fraternal twins , umm oh god no I hope not , I'm on tenderhooks , waiting and seeing what will happen when the truth comes out .

At the end of the episode we saw Nelle with the broken heart necklace.

When this story starts to unfold , I'm sure we will all faint of shock lol, but for now it's just a wait and see thing .

But what ever next is going to happen god only knows .

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