
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Flashback Fridays ... ah nothing like a good refresher course

Lately , I've  been reading the comments people are making in gh soap groups on social media,  all this moaning and bitching , about the current state of affairs of gh with flashback Fridays in effect is doing my head in.

I have been left confused , scratching my head going wtf I don't see the issue,  we're in the middle of a pandemic and people are complaining that no new episodes are being aired on Friday's. Talk about ungrateful and selfish.

Did people not stop and consider that,  maybe the people in charge are trying to stretch the episodes out so they last longer by showing the flashback episodes from years past.

It helps newer fans , to understand things about characters and storylines they may have missed , and for me personally I'm loving Fridays , an introduction from Laura Wright aka Carly , before the anniversary episode, . It was two weeks ago that we saw the rehashment of the treasure hunt.

Cast members reminisced about what brought their characters to as close as they are now , and for newer fans and characters to learn about their step grandparents .

Last week  it was the momma of the twins who play Wiley Eric and Theo Olsen,the boys didn't say much but they were adorable. It was the episode where Wiley was born .

Yesterday , now then lol, Maura west opened the show in character as Ava Jerome , martini in hand and playing solitaire. She explains that she wanted to show us the nightmare she had and said and "Remember everyone Ava J loves you!"

I found myself giggling when she said this , and said  out loud " We love you too Maura and Ava J!"

Instead of being ungrateful , people should be thankful,  we are still able to see the show, and wishing that a cast member in the shape of Chloe Lanier die from the virus is just a sick thing to want to wish on another human being  who only plays the part of a sociopath.

Think about it guys , our world is at a stand still and all people can think about is themselves , why don't you show some class, humility and appreciation for the actors and actresses and the folks who produce the show.

Be happy , you get to see our wonderful cast , who like us are self isolating at home with their families to stay safe.

But nope,  people are whining,  stomping their feet like children having a temper tantrum , because they don't get what they want.

It's not about you , it's not your call to make,  and it's definitely in poor taste to throw nasty shade at the fans who just want to enjoy the online official group in peace .

Keep your negativity to yourselves,  no one else wants to hear it , and to the trolls,  boredom has plagued your lives , we don't want you joining our groups trying to pick up women, or trying to get us to click on  links probably plagued with it's own virus .

How desperate are you,  you've crawled out of the wood work to cause us grief and all we want is to discuss our beloved soap! Let's be honest I have to say it  and no-one wants you here.

This is the hell we've been living in since the pandemic started , people who aren't gh fans using the official group to spout religious stuff at us and flooding the groups with non related Gh stuff.

To those people , please go find your own groups to spout that stuff, we are strong community,  a force to be reckoned with. 

You and this pandemic will not break us .... We are apart of the GH family we stand strong together,  if your on our side welcome to the family,  if you're not please get yourself a hobby far away from us.

God bless, stay safe everyone and have a great weekend.

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