Good morning guys , happy Sunday, i have to get something off my chest, lately , there has been alot of questions amongst gh fans that made me go hmmm and left me saying to myself say what ?
People asking who certain actors and actresses are I do not want to sound critical, but it gets tiresome hearing the same questions I feel like a robot when I have to repeat stuff daily .Kelly Monaco for example plays Sam and people were asking who we were talking about. Seriously it drives me nuts.
People are asking who Holly Sutton is , people have explained it over and over , why don't you guys just Google the names as people are discussing them in group. It would make it so much easier for everyone. It's not too much to ask , but people get angry if you say go look it up, we aren't there to play teacher we just want to take part in group without drama as well, too many people are being insulting to other fans. Name calling is unnecessary and is not acceptable in these fan groups period .
Another issue that's come up , is that people are confusing things about characters back stories not knowing who their extended family is ..Case in point people complaining Sonny is butting in with Spencer and saying he's nothing to him, and yet they don't know Sonny's sister Courtney was Spencer's mom!
People thinking Molly is Mike's granddaughter , nope he's not Ric's father Trevor Lansing was Ric and Sonny are half brothers through their mother Adela Corinthos. The Writers too are confused , I heard recently another character refer to Lulu as Carly's niece, its something I said what about , I chalk it up to a typo I think they meant she is Bobbie's niece .
As for the new fans in group ,It kind of is a prerequisite, to do your own research about the show before you join any group , and before you even join other people's conversations as well. Please don't interrupt one post to ask your questions, make your own posts, and please learn posting etiquette, because people are down right rude when you tell them to stick to the topic. Why should the original posters get abuse hurled at them because people are too lazy to do their own post.
If others answer your questions, say thank you, don't get all pissy, when you don't like the answer we give you, we are fans like you and we deserve as much respect as we give you . So if you show us respect the same will be given back to you .
Just be aware that there is no need to get angry or tell other people to grow up if we are informing someone of their misinterpretations of storylines or a simple error in the spelling of a characters name. If people can't make sense of a post we will ask questions and will say oh that's who you mean if it doesn't concern you don't interfere like bullies. Accusing people of doing exactly what you are , just shows your projecting your own rude , ignorant , bullish behavior . And that frankly is not acceptable in any public forum show common courteousy when you're in other people's groups.
It does not go unnoticed how some people thrive on knocking other people down and with the pandemic, it is not the time or the place to do so. If you want to be aggressive go swing a bat or a golf club to relieve yourself and work off that aggression none of us want to be your victim period.
It gets frustrating , when we are having one conversation and someone brings up another character in a post not even about that character. Please keep to the topic guys of the posts , it really is making my head spin and it might fall off I kid you not .
Ha I'm just kidding that is not even remotely possible . But I'm sure you get my point, it's hard enough trying to concentrate and learn new things , I welcome any questions as long as I don't feel like people are acting like a machine gun with all of the questions I get on a daily basis
The other questions that have come up are about the stars personal lives , can I just say , it's not our place or our business to talk about an actresses weight gain . how many times do you have to hear the phrase " Be Kind " before you pass comment about anyone else's life let alone body weight. It's disrespectful, It's inappropriate and definitely in bad taste why don't you stop and think before you become a bully behind a computer screen , you wouldn't want it to be done to you.
People have also asked about what a new character is up to , umm ok if we haven't seen it on screen , then why would you think the rest of us are privy to certain information. It's not fair to put people on the spot and ask us questions when we clearly don't have the answers too, it's way too frustrating.
And how many times do we have to explain why the show is showing flashbacks on Friday's, the show has explained enough times that they are stretching out the episodes so that we do not miss any.
If you don't like the subject , of a post just scroll by it , and find something else that interests you more . It's a sticky situation when people post negatively about a child actor and those of us who don't like it get told to get over it. Attacking anyone calling a child names on social media is down right cruel .
Please post respectfully, and responsibly, you're behavior in these groups, could reflect badly on the group owners if the actors or actresses are in said groups it makes it embarrassing and an uncomfortable feeling when people just don't care how their bad choices could ruin a good group.
That's it for now , have a great week guys! And Happy GH Watching!