Good morning guys and Happy Thurday todays daily recap is a double bill as I was not up to par on Wednesday
The last couple of days while watching GH, I was left with a warm fuzzy feeling courteousy of Liesl and Britt.
Who are by far my top fave mom and daughter team along with Carly and Joss.
They make me laugh and cry sometimes at the same time I might add.
The whole Sparrow has landed thing was priceless and the fact that Britt had to explain to Mutter why she said it was funny .
" You call Anna Devane the scarecrow, so I wanted a code name too!" Britt said .
Anna is getting on my nerves with her wishy washy attitude towards Peter.
Valentin told her a few home truths, and still she believes Peter unless she's doing it to throw him off the trail.
Michael and Willow took Wiley to see Nina, who was thrilled to spend time with him.
But here is where my inner Carly kicks in why has Nina not asked for DNA proof or Michael for that matter that Nina is in fact related to Wiley .
Until I see proof she wouldn't get access to that child not in a million years would I agree to it not at all.
Oh yeah and newsflash to Carly haters she was found innocent of Nelle's death by the feds.
Liesl went searching in Maxie's apartment for proof against Peter and by jove I think she got it thank goodness.
This was while Britt and Maxie were out for a drink .
Olivia and Robert need to become a couple he's so attentive and protective of her and her needs .
Something Ned is incapable of .
The way he told Alexis off lol, it reminds me of why I love him in the first place .
Olivia always impresses with how she handles situations she gave Alexis ample time to apologize and when she had heard enough she asked her to leave.
Britt snuck her mama out of Maxie's while Maxie slept .
Liesl asked her how she knew she was still there lol , she said I could sense it.
Britt is becoming oddly more and more like yours truly it cracks me up.
In the end of the show they showed Anna burning the evidence against Peter .
Oy Vey something's gotta give guys, let Peter be exposed for the lying creighton he is .
That's it for now this is Ashley signing off until next time happy gh watching.
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