Good Morning everyone happy Sunday , so Friday's GH episode for February 26th was pretty straight forward.
Everyone was getting ready for the double wedding of Finn and Anna and Maxie and Peter.
Lots of conversations about Peter and how he hasn't changed at all and everyone is worried about our Maxie and how it will affect her.
Spinelli was overheard saying he doesn't support the marriage between Peter and Maxie . Peter then decided to tell him not to come.
Acting all menacing and nasty towards our cyber genius.
Elizabeth on the other hand was dealing with her own personal drama with Franco asking Finn for advice.
Finn got the call about the DNA test results , but Jackie talked him out of it .
Cyrus over heard only half a conversation and is seriously pissed about something .
Laura and Leslie are like the cat that got the cream.
Anna was pretty positive she wanted Peter to pay for his crimes and wants to protect Maxie.
Valentin is of the Same mind and they both now recognize that our Liesl is n fact innocent.
Curtis and Jordan met up and I am hoping for a reunion Jordan needs to lighten up a little.
Britt showed up to see Maxie but she wasnt there ... she was shown at the graveyard and looked scared our of her wits .
That's it for now , this is Ashley signing off have a great Sunday and I 'll see you back here tomorrow .
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