Step right up ladies and gents , it's finally time for you to get ready for your daily GH Recap from GHCanada.I know , it's been awhile since I did a daily GH recap for our group blog! I thought it best to get back in the saddle , so let's get this tale started shall we me lovelies.
Today's show for February 16th 2021 , it was filled with both sadness , as well as thrills and chills and very strong family bonds that will last from cradle to grave and last an eternity. It was also had two angry staring bitches whose death stare shot a shock wave warning to you that someone is about to get back in touch with her evil bitch side .
Port Charles gathered for the memorial of everyone's fave cheeky dimpled mob boss Sonny Corinthos whose family and friends have no inkling of a clue he is alive.But here is where it just infuriates the effing hell out of me. Nina Reeves is privy to this information and keeping it from his wife Carly as pay back for Nelle's death .
Placing blame on other people, not knowing the full story makes you look crazy in my opinion. It clearly was not Carly's fault to begin with. Carly did try to save her but Nina doesnt care about the cold hard facts she is going on heated emotions of blind rage .
Meanwhile Kristina , Molly and Sam showed support to their mother who was struggling to stay sober. In fact she handed over her stray mini bottles of booze .She finally owned up and admitted she has a drinking problem and needs help. I have to admit I teared up a bit and was proud of her myself like her girls were.
Molly stayed behind while Sam and Kristina went to the memorial and at GH Laura heard Cyrus tell Brando not to go to his own cousins memorial service. I'm glad he went anyways cause he needed to support his family in their grief.
Laura lost her shyte and went off on him , she told him that he should not tell other people what to do and Cyrus decided Laura should stay behind to stop him from showing up uninvited and unwanted at Sonny's memorial Service .
While this was going on ,Sonny was having dreams about Carly and had no idea who she was . I shouted at the screen come on Sonny you have to remember your wife.
The sentiments , and readings were lovely from Sonny's loved ones at his memorial. It's clear he is well respected and admired as well even by Cyrus of a people .
Nina pissed me right off ,normally I love her, but I wanted to slap the ever loving effing crap out of her.
My mother always tells me that nothing good comes out of eavesdropping on other people's conversations! The reason being is because some people twist things for their own advantage just to hurt the other person out of sheer frustration., spite anger or jealousy.
Nina clearly is falling back into her old ways , angry , spiteful confrontational and totally unhinged . It's why I liked her to begin with but the day of a memorial was nasty and inappropriate to say the very least.To show up at the graveyard , while someone is having a memorial service for their missing husband and ruin an already upsetting day for a grieving wife by hurling accusations at her is so wrong on so many levels. It's a line Carly would not cross because she has more class than that.
Hell hath no fury like a grieving mother, who attacks a grieving wife at church graveyard like a vulture hunting It' s prey and yet keeps a secret from the grieving wife who just wants answers about what happened to her beloved hubby.
They say in the bible Vengeance is mine sayeth the lord , it's a strong statement but , I only hope Nina snaps out of it and realizes she is striking out at the wrong peopl and that Carly did not act in malice towards Nelle.
Curious ain't it, how certain characters do not think before they speak to take actions that hurt other people immensely. But let's tune in tomorrow and wait with baited breath to see what both Nina and Sonny's next moves are going to be.
Until Tomorrow this is Ashley signing off
Good Night.and Happy GH.watching.
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