
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

GhCanada's Daily GH Recap 02-17-21

Hello me lovelies ,  it's that time once again for our daily General Hospital Recap for Wednesday February 17th 2021.

Today's show picked up where yesterday's left off with Nina going off on  Jax and Carly. 

I thought it was highly inappropriate to say the least for Nina to go off on Carly like that! I was infuriated to the empth degree I can sure as hell tell you this much .

Meanwhile every where else , Sonny told Phyllis he remembered someone. 

Yep that would be my gal pal bitch dejour the one the only Mrs. Carly Corinthos .

Elsewhere there was high drama between Cyrus, Portia , Leslie and the board at the hospital. 

I was really annoyed , I wish someone would end him soon .

Curtis and Jordan had a heart to heart , he wants to be separated from Jordan until he sorts things out In his mind .

But back at the church Nina was verbally attacking Carly and Jax, it was so bad Carly asked that Michael take Joss and Trina home.

Everyone at that service was shell shocked over the accusations Nina was spewing at Carly myself included.

It got worse each word dropped like poison out of Nina's vile mouth.

She said that everyone in Port Charles just overlooks what Carly  did in the past and are her enablers. 

Yeah .. sure ok   whatever sweet cheeks,  Carly unlike Nelle made amends for her past nasty behavior and Nelle did not even do that.

She kept the vile nasty diatribe going and even attacked Nina herself so why is she now playing mother courage for a girl who threatened to ruin her life?
Curious isn't it guys , Diane was in shock from hearing the whole truth from Carly .

Dante and Sam bonded , Jason and Britt made plans about Cyrus. And Leslie sought out Monica to help her get rid of Cyrus once and for all.

Out of the performances in today's show  , Cynthia Watros gets  my ...

She knocked it out of the ballpark in todays show . She both angered me and made me proud that Nina though her anger was misplaced  she got some of her built up emotions out .

Cynthia made me really believe she was a grieving mom who was striking out at those she deems responsible for the death of her long lost daughter. 

That's it for now , this is Ashley signing off   until tomorrow have a great night and happy GH watching. 

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