
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Friday, 12 February 2021

Tale of 5 Crazy bitches

They say every family has 1 crazy bitch in their family tree.

Imagine having five  women who have their special brand of crazy that you don't  dislike , but actually admire .

This is what you get when you watch the  Westbourne/ Reed  Clan on GH.

It all started with Nina when she first arrived , however we soon learned that everything Nina had become was due to the vile nasty stuff her mother did to her 

Madeline or Magda as Liesl calls her was one hell of a sick demented creature ! What kind of mother pays  a random woman to sleep with  her daughters husband and then injects her only pregnant daughter with a lethal dose of drugs putting Nina in a coma!

But she didn't stop there, she  then steals the  baby so that,  that child did not inherit Nina's fortune Madeline that's who!

Donna Mills played her so well that we believed she was certifiable.

Madeline helped Nina steal Avery from Ava  , a moment of sheer madness on Nina's part , as she was still smarting from the fact her baby had taken from her. 

And then to make matters worse Madeline killed Silas leaving Nina to totally snap and grieve for Nelle's daddy.

Ah Liesl and Britt, the apple of my eye  the funny , hard core zinging comments that we really shouldn't laugh at but we always do.

Kathleen Gati and  Kelly Thibodeau together make the best mother daughter team on our screens .

Yes their relationship has had its ups and downs , but the love , respect  and admiration has always been there and always will be.

Britt loves her Mutter, and Liesl for all of her hard faced scheming ways loves her Britta the same way she loved her Nathan with her whole heart and there's no denying that at all ! Anyone can see that you'd have to be deaf , dumb and blind not to.

Britt stole Lulu and Dante's embryo and tried to pass the baby off as Patrick Drake's kid lol, but as all things lol she got caught out when Elizabeth realized that baby Ben ( as Britt called him) had the same Allergy as Dante . She also covered up the fact that she kept the fact that she knew that Spencer had run away and was hiding out at Carly's  .This  got Britt arrested which I think was not fair at all in my opinion. She tried to make him see sense, but  Spencer is after all a head strong kid who makes his own decisions and yet Britt got the brunt of the  consequences because Nikolas thinks the sun shines out of Spencer's ass.

Liesl has been at the centre of many of the dramas going on in the Chuckles we first saw her when she was holding Robin hostage, but it blew up from there. Liesl also kidnapped Peter August and set the stables of Wydemere on fire and tried to take Peter along with it .

When Liesl threatened to tell Michael and Sonny about the baby switch , I honestly wish she would have blown Nelle and Brad out of the water cause frankly they deserved to be caught out for what they both did . They deserved what was coming to them in my humble opinion.

Since then Liesl has tried to stay on the straight and narrow for the sake of Britt Maxie  and little James since her son Nathan died. That's what a true loyal matriarch does she makes sacrifices to make those around her feel safe  loved and protected. 

Her friendship with Franco makes me smile , but her reaction to Scott and Anna lol, well that just makes me laugh harder 

Now then Nina and Nelle as mother and daughter I could have gotten into that if they hadn't of killed her off. I would have liked to have seen them interact as mum and daughter and take others to task.

Its sad really the writers made Nelle such a despicable character . I can understand someone being angry about how their life was but to blame other people who had nothing to do with it  is so wrong.

Nelle wanted someone to love her,  but she went about things the wrong way  . If you want to be treated with respect you have to earn that respect and make people trust you 

I feel like there was so much potential there , but Nelle did so much damage within Port Charles that no one would want to see her be happy.

Nelle murdering her ex fiance and then trying to kill Michael and gaslighting Carly made me dislike her even more.

And then she kidnapped Wiley   and Carly and she had a fight which lead to Nelle falling off a cliff and plunging to her death.

Carly did try to help her but she was too late.

Although Carly did not kill Nelle  , Nina was still angry at her for not telling her that Nelle was her daughter. 

I would have been angry myself , but Nina has her family who can get her through this. 

Britt and Maxie and Nina are united in their grief over the death of Nathan , and they all know Peter is up to no good .

The possibilities are endless and this gh fan can not wait for the fall out when my girls along with Liesl band together for justice.

This is Ashley signing off,  love you all and I'll be  back with my next installment soon .

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