
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 03 - 08 -21

Good Morning , happy Tuesdays me darlings  , well there was alot of drama going on , on the episode for Monday March 8th 2021.

Well top of the episode we saw Peter all tied up and Franco acting like he was back to psycho Franco. 

Peter was scared silly   , and Franco got the desired effect he wanted.

Maxie was relieved her baby was ok and she said she did not want to see Anna at all. I can't say I blame her although she is still team Peter and it sickens me.

Mac and Britt were really sweet with her   meanwhile Valentin wanted to speak to Jason and Spinelli as they are concerned for Maxie 

Over at Chase's Finn arrived to get his daughter who is still really too young to understand what's going on in the adult world .

Back to Franco he kept taunting Peter  and telling him he knows what he did to Drew.

Anna hung around Maxie's hospital room like a bad smell. Yeah I know it's a crass way to put it  however when you are told stay away you don't hang around like a loon.
Earlier  Jackie and Finn were over heard talking,  Gregory was angry and demanded a DNA test be done on Chase as he heard that Jackie and Finn had slept together all those years ago.

Personally I was pleased that Finn had admitted that he already had it done .

So much drama oy vey ... Valentin , Jason, Spinelli and Britt all talked about what was going on with her brother and what they should do next. 

Britt was of the mind she doesn't want her brother hurt. 

Anna snuck over to Maxie's room and we saw Franco and Peter arguing in the  art studio.

Peter got loose from his restraints  and  held Franco at gun point 

They ended fighting over Peter's gun and the gun went off, we have no idea who got shot .

What a cliffhanger  , I can't wait to see the show today .

This is Ashley , signing off , until next time have a great day and happy GH watching 

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