Good Morning me lovelies and here is your GH Recap for Wednesday March 17th 2021.
It was Franco's memorial day and everyone's emotions were so raw even those who were not in attendance.
Ava put on a lovely memorial for Franco and it was nice to see her and Nina talking about how they'll miss him .
Over at Elizabeth's , she and the boys and Scott were talking about their eulogies.
Very nice sentiments from the kids about the things that he did with them and for them.
At Alexis ' the girls were there to support their mom and Vakentin was there for moral support
These girls I love them., but they need to be more their uncle for goodness sake.
Peter decided to approach Sam this can't be good . He is way too confrontational for my liking
Joss and Carly talked about how they missed Sonny and Joss asked if it was ok if she went to Support Cam.
Back at At the memorial everyone started to show up .
Liesl, Laura Nikolas and Dante all talking about Franco .
Laura told Nokolas that Elizabeth thinks Jason killed Franco and Nikolas said , if he's arrested and did it he deserves it .
Yeah so sayeth the man who faked his death and fell for the woman blackmailing his dumb ass.
Ava showed off the display of Franco's art patients paintings . Which was a moving tribute to who Franco became a great teacher and friend despite his past.
Nina and Joss had an awkward moment about Jax and Nelle .
Jordan , Curtis and TJ had a nice catch up at the hospital.
Cyrus bugs the crap outta me and I'm not sure I particularly like him being around Sasha let alone Peter.
People like Cyrus feed on others insecurities to use them and abuse them
Nina told Liesl she wants to leave town and Liesl told Dante its time to move ahead with their mission.
Meanwhile Carly was not in tip top shape her nerves were on edge .
She told Jason that her coffee didnt taste the same since Sonny was gone.
Heartbreaking absolutely heartbreaking Carly talked about how Sonny always made her coffee a certain waubthsy was different from others she has during the day .
She wound up shouting at Jsson and finally broke down and cried .
Jason asked her if she felt better lol.
She asked him why he wasn't yelling at hey lol . I think she was doing fine without his help .
And finally Cyrus and Peter are joining forces oh no this cant be good .
The next thing we knew Jordan showed up at Carly's and arrested Jason
That's it for now guys , this is Ashley signing off have a great day and happy GH watching .
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