
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Saturday, 20 March 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 03-18 - 21 -03 -19 - 21

Good morning, Happy Saturday me lovelies and welcome to our daily gh  recap.  Port Charles was a hub bub of drama the last couple of days  that I felt they should be done together in one daily General Hospital Canada blog.

Everyone was talking about Peter and what they were gonna do about him..

Jason was arrested and everyone except Elizabeth is fighting in his corner .

I'm really disgusted with Elizabeth for even believing that Jason went through with it.

As the day wore on both Sam.and  Carly tried to knock sense into our friendly neighborhood nurse who doesn't know the facts before opening her damn mouth. 

We found out that Brooklynn is pregnant by Valentin and he is fighting in Alexis's corner as far as her health goes .

We found our that it was Gladys who reported seeing Jason dump the gun which is a lie age fabricated cause she works for Cyrus Renault.  She has no family loyalty and is attacking Carly and Jason while Sonny is missing. 

Brooklynn finally  revealed her pregnant belly to Olivia,  Ned and to Valentin who were all shocked  seeing her pregnant .

Maxie went to Spinelli's to stay safe and we saw Dante go after Peter. Liesl gave him Maxie's phone and  texted him

Sam showed up in time to stop him.and then we saw Sonny  with Phyllis. 

He talked about how he  wanted to win money to get his rings back .

Also Nina showed up. ... will she see Sonny and will she say who he is ?

That's it for now folks ,this is msms  Ashley signing off  have a great weekend .


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