
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 22 March 2021

GHCANADA Daily GH Recap 03 -22-21

Good Evening me lovelies,  its time for our Monday GH recap.

Well   what can I say,  everyone was having a dramatic start to the week what with Ned reacting to the fact his baby girl is  up the duff with  Valentin's child .

Sonny still has no recollection of who he is and no amount of pleading from yours truly will make him see sense .

I keep saying I want to zap myself into the scenes lol and slap him like Cher did Nicholas Cage in Moonstruck and say " Snap out of it !"

Also  Robert showed up in the Nick of time when Peter was shouting the odds at Maxie's door .

I'm kinda fed of Peter and Nina's hystorionics . 

Playing victim and not considering the fact others are the victims in their sad pathetic pity me poor me games.

Oh yeah as usual everything is Carly's fault and she's the schemer not Nina. Nope not buying that bs.

I'm so glad Phyllis told Nina what Carly must be feeling and Nina started to understand some things. 

Chase and Michael's bromance makes me smile.  They really do have a good friendship and I'm glad it's back on track.

Carly was emotional with Jax and he told her she can't keep everything bottled up and finally she's breaking down. 

I am loving Olivia and Robert's friendship and her understanding with Valentin

I'm not to ecstatic with Peter acting like a child and verbally attacking his sister and Robert  and most of all being totally disrespectful to  Olivia about Dante .

Carly listened to the conversation her face was like wtaf is going on here. 

She was in shock hearing what she did .

Ned came up with a plan to get the ELQ shares back lol . Bargain the shares and dangling the baby like a carrot to Valentin .

Same thing he wanted to do with Danny and Scouts shares and confronting Michael on it last week.

Nina told Phyllis that when it comes to Jax  he always puts Carly first,  lol welcome to Sam's world Nina especially when it comes to Jarly .

And finally  Nina saw  Sonny whatever will she do next. 

That's it for now , this is Ashley signing off have a great night everyone. 

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