Good morning me lovelies there were some great moments in Tuesday March 23rd 2021 episode of General Hospital .
First of all we saw Nina seeing Sonny , she was shocked for 2 reasons , one because she saw him and two because he didn't recognize her completely nor her name .
But he admitted he knows her Awe love this I was hoping she would do the decent thing and call my Carly and tell her she found her husband very much alive .
Liz and Cam and Laura talked to Cam about his feelings and the poor lad was upset because he didnt know how to help his mom or brothers and Jason needs to pay.
But Jason is innocent, ugh I hate this guys why do people have to make others lose faith in those they trust the most .
Meanwhile Trina apologized to Curtis and Laura decided to take Cam out to speak to Someone who turned out to be our lovely Curtis.
Over at the Quartermaine's Brooklyn told Ned she has realized she loves her baby and her family and would do anything for them.
Michael and Ned got on my nerves trying to get her to do what they were telling her to use her child as a pawn in the game .
Valentin met with Marty who told him to stop playing games and show the mother of his unborn child that he cares about both of them. I love Marty he is a nice guy.
Elizabeth and Finn had a nice heart to heart about what was going on with them.
Cameron wanting to enlist a hitman to kill Jason. I had to giggle thinking Cam would even think Curtis would kill his own friend yeah right as if He would risk hurting Sam.
Carly and Jax got alot of attitude from Ava who thinks it's their fault that Nina left town. I was thinking shut up Ava.
Meanwhile back in Nixon Falls Nina told Sonny that she's not his wife and that she knows alot of blond women in Port Charles . I smiled and urged her to call Carly and tell her what's going on .
At Curtis' club Trina found a guitar and urged Cameron to play it and get his feelings out when he said he felt guilty about not knowing what to say at Franco's memorial. Later on Laura called Elizabeth.
Back at the Q's Valentin showed up as Brooklyn said that she wasnt going to play games with Valentin or use her baby as a bargaining chip. I'm really impressed with her as was Valentin. He was glad she said what she said and things will go well.
Elizabeth showed up at the club and was left in tears listening to Cam sing and play the guitar that Trina found . There was not a dry eye in my house either to be honest.
And Finally Nina made the call to Carly about finding Sonny . But the question is will she believe Nina or not . Carly is a skeptical person sometimes.
Let's hope she actually believes her and goes to Nixon Falls to find her now found husband and it's a happy reunion .
That's it for now , this is mama Ashley signing off, until next time have a great day and happy gh watching guys .
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