
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Saturday, 27 March 2021

Ghcanada Daily GH Recap - The Tides are Turning 03 -26- 21

Good Morning Happy Saturday me lovelies the theme of this recap is the tides are turning because of those who are messing with Jarly while Sonny is still missing and hanging out in Nixon Falls with Phyllis and Lenny.Cyrus Renault , Peter August and Gladys Corbin are about to  get a case of some serious whoop ass  from Carly for trying to hurt them and it's about freaking time as well .

Kicking someone when they're grieving   and vulnerable is something I do not agree with, not at all.I am excited  and happy to report that my Jarly is about to come out on top once again and that lot will be on prison.

Thank god for  Brando told Michael that it was his mother who told the cops that Jason killed Franco . All because  Gladys wants power and  to play the  loyal soldier to Cyrus and screw over Carly and Jason so that Cyrus can take  over Sonny's territory. 

Sonny convinced Nina to do a piece on Phyllis and Lenny , I wish she would just go the decent thing and tell Carly about Sonny it's the decent thing to do.Yeah right not going to happen,  not on  Britt , Sam's and Carly's watch . 

These women are relentless and fighters who won't back off or down when others are being attacked .They know Jason is a good man , and that people like Cyrus Renault  always think they can take advantage of this situation to get what they want by any means necessary.

Even if they have to fabricate evidence , lie  cheat  or  steal . They attempted to try to bully the likes of Carly Corinthos and try to get away with it without any success because Carly isn't a complete push over like other people think .

Meanwhile , Michael called his mom to tell her about Gladys . Cyrus said how nice that a son can call his mother and have a lengthy  conversation with her. 

Cyrus has finally realized  that Carly is a formidable force to deal with and that she hold all the power and the cards . Yup he's realized my Carly is no wall flower and won't bend and scrape to his demands.
Now if only Sonny would get his memory back I'd be extremely grateful .

That's it for now  , this is Ashley signing off have a great weekend everyone .

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