
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Monday, 29 March 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap - I'm so dizzy 03-29-21

Good Afternoon me lovelies, and welcome to General Hospital Canada's Monday March 29th 2021 edition of our daily GH recap about the goings on in Port Charles New York . If you're all wondering why the recap is  called I'm so dizzy, it's because alot of information, has come up to the surface. 

Now you know me , I do love a bit of drama and action myself  , so trust me when I say make no mistake today's episode had plenty of that and then some. 

Taggert had his sentencing hearing,  so Trina went to show support to her dad , along with her mom, Joss and Jordan. 

Over at Curtis' club Cam showed back up again trying to offer  help Curtis with the  promotion of his club  . What a sweet kid he really  is Elizabeth raised him right. 

Anna spoke on the phone with Finn about a toy belonging to Violet that she really  wants back .  I wish  they would  get back together already .

They were interrupted by Anna's doorbell ringing when Anna answered it, it was Liesl at the door.I spat my drink out when Liesl said to Anna " You  summoned me .

Elsewhere Laura and Marty were having  a good time for his  birthday until Cyrus showed up to put a Damper on things .

Elizabeth got her bitch mode on when Peter started acting like a major jerk and started bothering her at the hospital. 

He was taunting her and was  trying to bait her into an argument I was disappointed that Finn stopped her from hauling off and hitting him. He held her back from doing so.  He should have just let her do it. 

 Finn told her last thing she needs is an assault charge because Peter would use it to his own advantage and play victim.  Yep Peter is a snake I know that much and it's time he got what he bloody well deserves hes messed with way too many people that would rather see him dead than alive.

Next thing we saw was that Carly was visiting Jason and told him about Cyrus and about Gladys' involvement in his arrest of a crime Peter definitely committed in hatred and not him.

Back at Curtis' club Cam found out that it was Taggert's sentencing hearing , and went to support Trina,  Portia and Taggert.

At Anna's she told Liesl about Peter being the one who shot and killed Franco. The best part of it all was Liesl saying she checks the invaders obituaries to kind out if Peter has finally met his demise .

Back at lock up Carly encouraged Jason to fight and at the Metrocourt Laura lol asked Cyrus if he was done twirling his moustache.  I snickered alot hearing that . She also informed him he treats his mother like a posession not his mom.

Taggert was  released with his not guilty plea and everyone is getting ready to finally rid themselves of Peter once and for all.

Now If only  someone would rid us of Cyrus too I would be eternally grateful. 

Liesl told Peter that she knows he killed Franco yikes lol  just kill him already lol.

And finally Jason told Carly that there was one person that could help the. Next thing we knew Anna opened her door and there was Carly things are heating up at last. 

Cyrus arrived to see Jason wtaf does he want god he needs to get lost already. 

That's it for now me lovelies,  this is Ashley signing off until tomorrow have a great evening and happy Gh watching folks. 

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