Hey guys good evening, so todays GH is brought to you by the phrase " Take the bastard down already !" Put a fork in him , I'm freaking done with Peter August , Elijah and Nina already.
Today's show starts off with Sonny and Nina talking about seeing the sights in Nixon Falls , Hot cocoa and Elijah.
Jax has gone to see Michael about letting Nina see Wiley again . I think supervised visits would work myself, but Jax had the nerve to ask him if he's doing as his mother instructing him to do . Oh for god sake get real Jax Michael is a grown assed man, it's his kid and can do as he sees fit . NO one manipulates Michael.
Dante arrives at the Q's and runs into Brooklynn and they start discussing their feuding parents who need to get back together already ugh I'm bored with it.
Finn is shown with Portia I like them as friends and colleagues. And then Jackie arrives and says Peter August needs to be dealt with once and for all I couldn't agree more with that statement he does.
Willow finds Chase unconscious and takes him to the hospital. Where he gets checked over .
As if we fans aren't sick of Peter's dastardly behavior he further gleefully manages to piss of Anna and Valentin.
Peter starts talking about how he's going after those they love and Anna says she heard from Finn who says Chase is sick.
Peter mentions he can help , but not before talking about Sean Donnelly and how Tiffany had been poisoned like this.
Olivia confides in Robert about Ned and how she feels like she shouldn't be living in Ned's house without him there.
His house I thought it was Monica's and Alan gave it to her lol. Sorry I had to say it.
Dante and Brooklynn and Dante talk to Ned about Olivia and how flowers and I'm sorry's arent going to fly with Olivia .
Willow sits with Chase and is trying to find the words to tell him they're over and she's chosen to be with Michael and Wiley.
Elijah arrives at the pub and Sonny speaks to him giving him the third degree about who and what he actually is lol .That's our boy always leary of strangers he thinks are only out for themselves and using people
Brooklynn tells Dante to deal with her dad got all bitchy and confrontational with Olivia in the Q's livingroom accusing her of cheating on her dad with Robert.
Finally Nina gives Sonny his cocoa to look out at the stars . Elijah is one shady assed bastard I tell you . I love the fact these men do not like or trust each other.
Mind you Nina's the shadiest one of them all keeping Sonny away from his family.
I can't wait for Carly and Jason to find this piece of information out I can't stand her right now . She's being really cruel to his loved ones by not telling them where he is.
That's it for now my darlings, until tomorrow this is mama Ashley signing off have a wonderful evening my friends .
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