Words don't fail me often , but I will say this they won't stop me now .
The episode opened with Curtis at the club getting this prepared to fix up the joint.
Finn arrives with a gift of a defibrillator for the club. Curtis is shocked that he's giving it to him for free.
They're friends so it was a nice gesture seeing that Finn is a doctor he's do logical.
Maxie is spazzing out at the hospital , she wants to go home and be with her kids.
Britt trying to micromanage Maxie , lol she looks frustrated just like everyone else whose ever tried to calm her ass down .
Liesl makes me smile just when you thought Britt was gonna lose it on Maxie lol Liesl shows up with her mother courage act.
She says that Maxie and the kids need protecting and that Peter is nothing like Nathan was.
Maxie bangs on about the sheet thread count on her hospital bed and Liesl wants to move In with Maxie.
Also Portia and Jordan have a chat and she offers to take Jordan for a coffee.
What really makes me angry is the sheer gall of Peter August just annoys the effing hell out of me . He my friends is a true psychopath
Threatening the lives of innocent people is not the way to go bro.
I'm surprised Anna and Valentin held their anger in I thought they'd do us a solid and kill him.
In my opinion , in Peter's case if you want something , you have to work for it and not force yourself on people , manipulate them or make them completely leary of you and creepy psychotic insane ass.
Elsewhere Brooklynn is pounding on Chases door calls him grandpa lol and tells him he looks unwell lol .
Also Michael and Willow were shown they made love and he told her ne and Wiley should move into the cottage with her.
Curtis told Finn he and Jordan have split meanwhile Anna and Valentin are shown again with Peter.
Britt was getting a bit annoyed about her mother wanting to take over in looking out after Maxie and James .
Jordan tells Portia that she was hoping to work things out with Curtis but he just wanted a clean break .
Portia is shocked at the news , I like these two as friends.
Peter tells them he would never harm a child, but would hurt adults . Yeah like that's going to bring comfort to them NOT.
Anna and Valentin start to make calls and check on their loved ones but they have no clue that Chase has fallen victim to being poisoned.
Brooklyn is worried about Chase he's clammy and white as a ghost .
And she had every reason to be especially when he passed out .
Willow showed up to dump Chase , but she sees that he's sick.
Meanwhile , our Michael sat down with Wiley to tell him that they were moving in with Willow.
Wiley nodded and smiled , I heard through a friend people are bitching that a 2 year old isnt talking.
Yeah umm , it depends on the child at that age some babble , but they aren't going to have a full on conversation at that stage.
All kids are uniquely different, so quit the bitching people .
That's it for now , this is Ashley signing off, have a great day everyone and happy GH watching.
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