
Disclaimer: This is a Soap Opera Blog dedicated to the Daytime Drama General Hospital and it's cast of colourful characters . This blog is by the fans for the fans.

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

GHCanada Daily GH Recap 04-20- 21

Oooh me darlings the shyte is literally going to hit the fan according to the promo for this week April 19th - April 23rd 2021.

This week,  we see Jordan speaking to Nikolas,  Laura looking pissed at  Cyrus , and  Anna and Carly visiting Jason .

Someone in the prison has a knife and  Jason is shown telling Carly"  There is nothing you can do to change the situation!"

Carly tells him " Wrong!"

Oh, and Nina feeling guilty about Sonny !
Her lie may just explode in her face  i feel.

Todays show Oh my goodness where do I start  Anna went to see Jason to talk things through about their next move .

Jordan talking to  Taggert and then we see Carly saying they have to get Florence on the move .

Hilda threatening our Alexis this chick doesn't know when to leave people alone. 

She's psychotic to say the least. 

Nikolas is scrambling to find Cyrus and Martin's mom.

Laura is pissed and now Carly has shown up .  She and Laura both yell at Nikolas for what he's doing . 

They are about to find out he made a deal with Cyrus.  And knowing my girls they won't be freaking happy . Lol

Joss and  Trina are talking about her being wait listed for South Coastal University.

 Trina talks about her dad,  and how she feels about having him back . Joss tells her to talk to her dad about how she feels.

Cyrus the smarmy git approaches Curtis , and annoys the hell out of him . That dude does not know when  to stop harassing people. 

Marty watches in horror and quickly tells him to stop antagonizing people  and acting like a thug .

Cyrus says " Must you malign me so ?"
Marty says " Yes I do !"

I love Marty he is awesome he's like Laura when it comes to  Cyrus lol he doesn't take his shit.

Carly makes me laugh,  she's so confident in  taking control of the whole Nikolas / Florence and Cyrus situation.  Our girl is on fire and she will not stand by and let Nikolas endanger her mother Bobbie. 

The crazy bitch Hilda is threatening Alexis and  a woman prisoner and her cronies bit a stop to what Hilda was doing to her for no reason.

Laura and Carly hit the roof when they hear Nikolas made a deal with Cyrus. Laura tells Nikolas he should have come to her for help to protect Alexis. 

Steph tells Alexis keep your head down and that she is there to protect her .

Anna keeps yapping at Jason as if he can help  her with Peter from prison. 

One thing I know is Anna like Laura and Carly is a relentless bitch and never backs down or off when she wants to get things done.

Cam comes to visit Joss and Trina tells her besties to sort their drama out  and be friends again .

She leaves to go to see her dad.

Cyrus approaches  Curtis again and  Curtis makes me laugh.  He gives Cyrus some back talk and messes with his head .

He tells him he visited Florence and that  all she talked about was Marty and had nothing to say about him. 

Jordan shows up to see Curtis and they talk about things and about Cyrus .

Laura is infuriated with Nikolas she  asks Ava what she makes of all of this. 

Ava says he was only trying to protect Alexis from danger. 

Carly tells Ava to stay out of it and leaves .

Over at Jordan's Trina asks her dad if he and Jordan were ever a couple. 

He says are you asking if I cheated on your mother the answer is no. He is surprised she now likes Jordan and Curtis .

She tells him she wants him at her graduation ceremony. 

Joss completely loses it with Cam after they made up he goes off about Jason again.

He really needs to stop talking their friendship will be completely over if he keeps it up .

Laura leaves Nikolas' and  Ava tells Nikolas she knows he's trying to protect Alexis , but Laura and Carly were right. 

She tells him she loves him and is there to support him. 

The last scene we see is Carly visiting Jason and he tells her we had to give Florence back to  Cyrus. 

Carly is pissed and says , it's not and they have to make a move now .

That's it for now , this is Ashley  signing off have a great night guys .

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